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b ber quick start

Maxwell Simmer edited this page Nov 27, 2019 · 4 revisions

b-ber quick start

Below please find a simple set of instructions to make your first project after Installing b-ber.

  1. Open up terminal and create the project anywhere on your file system:
$ bber new "my-project"

This will generate all the files to start your project. Find out more in the Creating content page of the wiki.

  1. Open up the directory where the new project was created:
$ cd my-project
  1. Open up the folder in an editor like Sublime Text or Atom.

  2. Add some information to your metadata file. This is recommended as a first step since the metadata file is used to generate a cover image if none is present, and makes working with your projects easier to preview and organize.

  3. Preview the Reader in a browser. The Reader build is a deployment-ready website that renders content in a horizontally scrolling reading application. When running b-ber locally, Browsersync automatically refreshes the browser after you edit your markdown files or adjust the project's styles.

$ bber serve reader
  1. Edit one or all of the files generated when the project was created.

  2. After you've added the content and previewed it in the Reader, stop the server:


  1. Build all formats of the project:
$ bber build
  1. In your project folder all formats—EPUB 3, Mobi/KF8, static website folder, PDF, and an XML file--will have been created.
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