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Build errors

Maxwell Simmer edited this page Jan 21, 2021 · 7 revisions

Build errors

Errors will either be thrown by b-ber, by third-party tools such as Epubcheck when creating an EPUB, or ebook-convert when creating a Mobi file.

b-ber errors

b-ber will notify the user that an error was encountered and will provide the line number in the Markdown and a description of what went wrong. The following tells us that we have a duplicate id for our directive in at line 14.

$ bber build epub

b-ber ERR! Duplicate id attribute project-name_chapter-one. id must be unique at

EPUBcheck errors

EPUBcheck errors will include the name of the file where the error was encountered, the line number where the error was encountered in parenthesis, and a description of what went wrong.

$ bber build epub

Validating against EpubCheck 4.0.2
Messages: 0 fatal / 1 errors

epubcheck completed

Command failed: java -jar epubcheck.jar -e 123456789.epub
ERROR(RSC-007): 123456789.epub/OPS/text/project-name-colophon.xhtml(31,101): Referenced resource 'OPS/images/b-ber-logo.png' could not be found in the EPUB.

Check finished with errors

Ebook-convert errors

b-ber requires Calibre version 3.x.

If using Calibre 3.x and ebook-convert throws errors, it's likely due to an improperly installed version of Calibre or an un-linked or improperly linked version of Calibre's ebook-convert.

Ensure that Calibre is installed and the ebook-convert command is available in the console:

$ ebook-convert

If you receive command not found after running ebook-convert

  1. Ensure Calibre is installed.
  2. Ensure the command line tools are installed either by:
    • In the Calibre, Select Calibre > Misc > Install Command Line Tool.
    • If you are using macOS, create a symlink to Calibre's ebook-convert.
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