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PDF options

Caleb Waldorf edited this page Mar 25, 2021 · 1 revision

Please note: this is an experimental feature and has not been fully tested.

b-ber uses Calibre to generate PDFs. In the config.yml file the following options can be passed in:

  Options to control the processing of the output pdf

                      Custom size of the document. Use the form widthxheight
                      e.g. `123x321` to specify the width and height. This
                      overrides any specified paper-size.

                      The font family used to render monospace fonts

  --pdf-mark-links    Surround all links with a red box, useful for

                      Preserve the aspect ratio of the cover, instead of
                      stretching it to fill the full first page of the
                      generated pdf.

  --pretty-print      If specified, the output plugin will try to create
                      output that is as human readable as possible. May not
                      have any effect for some output plugins.

                      The size of the top page margin, in pts. Default is
                      72pt. Overrides the common top page margin setting,
                      unless set to zero.

                      The size of the right page margin, in pts. Default is
                      72pt. Overrides the common right page margin setting,
                      unless set to zero.

                      Title for generated table of contents.

  --uncompressed-pdf  Generate an uncompressed PDF, useful for debugging,
                      only works with the new PDF engine.

                      The font family used to render serif fonts

                      The default font size for monospaced text

                      The size of the left page margin, in pts. Default is
                      72pt. Overrides the common left page margin setting.

                      The size of the bottom page margin, in pts. Default is
                      72pt. Overrides the common bottom page margin setting,
                      unless set to zero.

  --pdf-page-numbers  Add page numbers to the bottom of every page in the
                      generated PDF file. If you specify a footer template,
                      it will take precedence over this option.

  --pdf-add-toc       Add a Table of Contents at the end of the PDF that
                      lists page numbers. Useful if you want to print out
                      the PDF. If this PDF is intended for electronic use,
                      use the PDF Outline instead.

  --use-profile-size  Instead of using the paper size specified in the PDF
                      Output options, use a paper size corresponding to the
                      current output profile. Useful if you want to generate
                      a PDF for viewing on a specific device.

                      An HTML template used to generate footers on every
                      page. The strings _PAGENUM_, _TITLE_, _AUTHOR_ and
                      _SECTION_ will be replaced by their current values.

                      The default font size

                      The font family used to render sans-serif fonts

                      The font family used to render monospace fonts

  -u UNIT, --unit=UNIT
                      The unit of measure for page sizes. Default is inch.
                      Choices are ['millimeter', 'centimeter', 'point',
                      'inch', 'pica', 'didot', 'cicero', 'devicepixel']
                      Note: This does not override the unit for margins!

                      The size of the paper. This size will be overridden
                      when a non default output profile is used. Default is
                      letter. Choices are [u'a0', u'a1', u'a2', u'a3',
                      u'a4', u'a5', u'a6', u'b0', u'b1', u'b2', u'b3',
                      u'b4', u'b5', u'b6', u'legal', u'letter']

                      An HTML template used to generate headers on every
                      page. The strings _PAGENUM_, _TITLE_, _AUTHOR_ and
                      _SECTION_ will be replaced by their current values.

  Options to control the look and feel of the output

                      The base font size in pts. All font sizes in the
                      produced book will be rescaled based on this size. By
                      choosing a larger size you can make the fonts in the
                      output bigger and vice versa. By default, the base
                      font size is chosen based on the output profile you

                      Disable all rescaling of font sizes.

                      Mapping from CSS font names to font sizes in pts. An
                      example setting is 12,12,14,16,18,20,22,24. These are
                      the mappings for the sizes xx-small to xx-large, with
                      the final size being for huge fonts. The font
                      rescaling algorithm uses these sizes to intelligently
                      rescale fonts. The default is to use a mapping based
                      on the output profile you chose.

                      Embed the specified font family into the book. This
                      specifies the "base" font used for the book. If the
                      input document specifies its own fonts, they may
                      override this base font. You can use the filter style
                      information option to remove fonts from the input
                      document. Note that font embedding only works with
                      some output formats, principally EPUB, AZW3 and DOCX.

                      Subset all embedded fonts. Every embedded font is
                      reduced to contain only the glyphs used in this
                      document. This decreases the size of the font files.
                      Useful if you are embedding a particularly large font
                      with lots of unused glyphs.

  --embed-all-fonts   Embed every font that is referenced in the input
                      document but not already embedded. This will search
                      your system for the fonts, and if found, they will be
                      embedded. Embedding will only work if the format you
                      are converting to supports embedded fonts, such as
                      EPUB, AZW3, DOCX or PDF. Please ensure that you have
                      the proper license for embedding the fonts used in
                      this document.

                      The line height in pts. Controls spacing between
                      consecutive lines of text. Only applies to elements
                      that do not define their own line height. In most
                      cases, the minimum line height option is more useful.
                      By default no line height manipulation is performed.

                      The minimum line height, as a percentage of the
                      element's calculated font size. calibre will ensure
                      that every element has a line height of at least this
                      setting, irrespective of what the input document
                      specifies. Set to zero to disable. Default is 120%.
                      Use this setting in preference to the direct line
                      height specification, unless you know what you are
                      doing. For example, you can achieve "double spaced"
                      text by setting this to 240.

  --linearize-tables  Some badly designed documents use tables to control
                      the layout of text on the page. When converted these
                      documents often have text that runs off the page and
                      other artifacts. This option will extract the content
                      from the tables and present it in a linear fashion.

                      Either the path to a CSS stylesheet or raw CSS. This
                      CSS will be appended to the style rules from the
                      source file, so it can be used to override those

                      A comma separated list of CSS properties that will be
                      removed from all CSS style rules. This is useful if
                      the presence of some style information prevents it
                      from being overridden on your device. For example:

                      Path to a file containing rules to transform the CSS
                      styles in this book. The easiest way to create such a
                      file is to use the wizard for creating rules in the
                      calibre GUI. Access it in the "Look & feel->Transform
                      styles" section of the conversion dialog. Once you
                      create the rules, you can use the "Export" button to
                      save them to a file.

  --expand-css        By default, calibre will use the shorthand form for
                      various CSS properties such as margin, padding,
                      border, etc. This option will cause it to use the full
                      expanded form instead. Note that CSS is always
                      expanded when generating EPUB files with the output
                      profile set to one of the Nook profiles as the Nook
                      cannot handle shorthand CSS.

                      Convert plain quotes, dashes and ellipsis to their
                      typographically correct equivalents. For details, see

                      Convert fancy quotes, dashes and ellipsis to their
                      plain equivalents.

                      Set the top margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting
                      this to less than zero will cause no margin to be set
                      (the margin setting in the original document will be
                      preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF
                      and DOCX have their own margin settings that take

                      Set the left margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting
                      this to less than zero will cause no margin to be set
                      (the margin setting in the original document will be
                      preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF
                      and DOCX have their own margin settings that take

                      Set the right margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting
                      this to less than zero will cause no margin to be set
                      (the margin setting in the original document will be
                      preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF
                      and DOCX have their own margin settings that take

                      Set the bottom margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting
                      this to less than zero will cause no margin to be set
                      (the margin setting in the original document will be
                      preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF
                      and DOCX have their own margin settings that take

                      Change text justification. A value of "left" converts
                      all justified text in the source to left aligned (i.e.
                      unjustified) text. A value of "justify" converts all
                      unjustified text to justified. A value of "original"
                      (the default) does not change justification in the
                      source file. Note that only some output formats
                      support justification.

                      Insert a blank line between paragraphs. Will not work
                      if the source file does not use paragraphs (<p> or
                      <div> tags).

                      Set the height of the inserted blank lines (in em).
                      The height of the lines between paragraphs will be
                      twice the value set here.

                      Remove spacing between paragraphs. Also sets an indent
                      on paragraphs of 1.5em. Spacing removal will not work
                      if the source file does not use paragraphs (<p> or
                      <div> tags).

                      When calibre removes blank lines between paragraphs,
                      it automatically sets a paragraph indent, to ensure
                      that paragraphs can be easily distinguished. This
                      option controls the width of that indent (in em). If
                      you set this value negative, then the indent specified
                      in the input document is used, that is, calibre does
                      not change the indentation.

  --asciiize          Transliterate unicode characters to an ASCII
                      representation. Use with care because this will
                      replace unicode characters with ASCII. For instance it
                      will replace "Михаил Горбачёв" with "Mikhail
                      Gorbachiov". Also, note that in cases where there are
                      multiple representations of a character (characters
                      shared by Chinese and Japanese for instance) the
                      representation based on the current calibre interface
                      language will be used.

  --keep-ligatures    Preserve ligatures present in the input document. A
                      ligature is a special rendering of a pair of
                      characters like ff, fi, fl et cetera. Most readers do
                      not have support for ligatures in their default fonts,
                      so they are unlikely to render correctly. By default,
                      calibre will turn a ligature into the corresponding
                      pair of normal characters. This option will preserve
                      them instead.

  Modify the document text and structure using common patterns. Disabled
  by default. Use --enable-heuristics to enable.  Individual actions can
  be disabled with the --disable-* options.

                      Enable heuristic processing. This option must be set
                      for any heuristic processing to take place.

                      Detect unformatted chapter headings and sub headings.
                      Change them to h2 and h3 tags.  This setting will not
                      create a TOC, but can be used in conjunction with
                      structure detection to create one.

                      Look for common words and patterns that denote italics
                      and italicize them.

                      Turn indentation created from multiple non-breaking
                      space entities into CSS indents.

                      Scale used to determine the length at which a line
                      should be unwrapped. Valid values are a decimal
                      between 0 and 1. The default is 0.4, just below the
                      median line length.  If only a few lines in the
                      document require unwrapping this value should be

                      Unwrap lines using punctuation and other formatting

                      Remove empty paragraphs from the document when they
                      exist between every other paragraph

                      Left aligned scene break markers are center aligned.
                      Replace soft scene breaks that use multiple blank
                      lines with horizontal rules.

                      Analyze hyphenated words throughout the document.  The
                      document itself is used as a dictionary to determine
                      whether hyphens should be retained or removed.

                      Looks for occurrences of sequential <h1> or <h2> tags.
                      The tags are renumbered to prevent splitting in the
                      middle of chapter headings.

                      Replace scene breaks with the specified text. By
                      default, the text from the input document is used.

  Modify the document text and structure using user defined patterns.

                      Search pattern (regular expression) to be replaced
                      with sr1-replace.

                      Replacement to replace the text found with sr1-search.

                      Search pattern (regular expression) to be replaced
                      with sr2-replace.

                      Replacement to replace the text found with sr2-search.

                      Search pattern (regular expression) to be replaced
                      with sr3-replace.

                      Replacement to replace the text found with sr3-search.

                      Path to a file containing search and replace regular
                      expressions. The file must contain alternating lines
                      of regular expression followed by replacement pattern
                      (which can be an empty line). The regular expression
                      must be in the Python regex syntax and the file must
                      be UTF-8 encoded.

  Control auto-detection of document structure.

  --chapter=CHAPTER   An XPath expression to detect chapter titles. The
                      default is to consider <h1> or <h2> tags that contain
                      the words "chapter", "book", "section", "prologue",
                      "epilogue" or "part" as chapter titles as well as any
                      tags that have class="chapter". The expression used
                      must evaluate to a list of elements. To disable
                      chapter detection, use the expression "/". See the
                      XPath Tutorial in the calibre User Manual for further
                      help on using this feature.

                      Specify how to mark detected chapters. A value of
                      "pagebreak" will insert page breaks before chapters. A
                      value of "rule" will insert a line before chapters. A
                      value of "none" will disable chapter marking and a
                      value of "both" will use both page breaks and lines to
                      mark chapters.

                      Use the cover detected from the source file in
                      preference to the specified cover.

                      Remove the first image from the input e-book. Useful
                      if the input document has a cover image that is not
                      identified as a cover. In this case, if you set a
                      cover in calibre, the output document will end up with
                      two cover images if you do not specify this option.

  --insert-metadata   Insert the book metadata at the start of the book.
                      This is useful if your e-book reader does not support
                      displaying/searching metadata directly.

                      An XPath expression. Page breaks are inserted before
                      the specified elements. To disable use the expression:

                      Some documents specify page margins by specifying a
                      left and right margin on each individual paragraph.
                      calibre will try to detect and remove these margins.
                      Sometimes, this can cause the removal of margins that
                      should not have been removed. In this case you can
                      disable the removal.

                      An XPath expression to detect the location in the
                      document at which to start reading. Some e-book
                      reading programs (most prominently the Kindle) use
                      this location as the position at which to open the
                      book. See the XPath tutorial in the calibre User
                      Manual for further help using this feature.

  Control the automatic generation of a Table of Contents. By default,
  if the source file has a Table of Contents, it will be used in
  preference to the automatically generated one.

                      XPath expression that specifies all tags that should
                      be added to the Table of Contents at level one. If
                      this is specified, it takes precedence over other
                      forms of auto-detection. See the XPath Tutorial in the
                      calibre User Manual for examples.

                      XPath expression that specifies all tags that should
                      be added to the Table of Contents at level two. Each
                      entry is added under the previous level one entry. See
                      the XPath Tutorial in the calibre User Manual for

                      XPath expression that specifies all tags that should
                      be added to the Table of Contents at level three. Each
                      entry is added under the previous level two entry. See
                      the XPath Tutorial in the calibre User Manual for

                      If fewer than this number of chapters is detected,
                      then links are added to the Table of Contents.
                      Default: 6

                      Maximum number of links to insert into the TOC. Set to
                      0 to disable. Default is: 50. Links are only added to
                      the TOC if less than the threshold number of chapters
                      were detected.

                      Don't add auto-detected chapters to the Table of

  --use-auto-toc      Normally, if the source file already has a Table of
                      Contents, it is used in preference to the auto-
                      generated one. With this option, the auto-generated
                      one is always used.

                      Remove entries from the Table of Contents whose titles
                      match the specified regular expression. Matching
                      entries and all their children are removed.

                      When creating a TOC from links in the input document,
                      allow duplicate entries, i.e. allow more than one
                      entry with the same text, provided that they point to
                      a different location.

  Options to set metadata in the output

  --title=TITLE       Set the title.

  --authors=AUTHORS   Set the authors. Multiple authors should be separated
                      by ampersands.

                      The version of the title to be used for sorting.

                      String to be used when sorting by author.

  --cover=COVER       Set the cover to the specified file or URL

                      Set the e-book description.

                      Set the e-book publisher.

  --series=SERIES     Set the series this e-book belongs to.

                      Set the index of the book in this series.

  --rating=RATING     Set the rating. Should be a number between 1 and 5.

  --isbn=ISBN         Set the ISBN of the book.

  --tags=TAGS         Set the tags for the book. Should be a comma separated

                      Set the book producer.

                      Set the language.

  --pubdate=PUBDATE   Set the publication date (assumed to be in the local
                      timezone, unless the timezone is explicitly specified)

                      Set the book timestamp (no longer used anywhere)

                      Read metadata from the specified OPF file. Metadata
                      read from this file will override any metadata in the
                      source file.

For example, to generate a PDF with an a5 paper size, page numbers, and a 25pt margin, the following would be included in the config.yml file:

  paper_size: a5
  pdf_page_numbers: true
  pdf_page_margin_top: 25
  pdf_page_margin_right: 25
  pdf_page_margin_bottom: 25
  pdf_page_margin_left: 25

Calibre uses Qt 5.x to create the web views that are rendered as PDFs. A list of the supported CSS properties can be found in the CSS properties supported by Qt's rich text engine table.

Styles can be scoped to the PDF build.

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