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Full CLI commands list

Maxwell Simmer edited this page Jan 8, 2021 · 4 revisions

Full CLI commands list

The supported b-ber commands are:

Command Description
new Create a new project
generate Create a new chapter
serve Preview a project in the browser
build Build a project
deploy Deploy a project remotely
theme Manage a project's theme

A reference can be printed out at any time by running:

$ bber -h

More information can be found about a specific command by running:

$ bber <command> -h

Logging output

b-ber supports flags to change the verbosity of output during build. These can be set with the log-level flag, from 0 (quiet) to 4 (verbose).

$ bber build epub --log-level=0 # quiet
$ bber build epub --log-level=1 # error
$ bber build epub --log-level=2 # warn
$ bber build epub --log-level=3 # info
$ bber build epub --log-level=4 # verbose
$ bber build epub --log-level=5 # debug

b-ber also accepts some common aliases.

$ bber build epub --verbose   # same as --log-level=4
$ bber build epub --quiet     # same as --log-level=0

Previewing Content

The web and reader builds can be previewed in a browser by running the serve command. Pass in the name of the build to preview - reader or web. Passing in no argument will default to previewing the reader build.

$ bber serve web

Previewing can be done on external devices by passing in the --external flag.

$ bber serve reader --external

Build flags


A summary can be printed out at the end of the build process by using the summary flag. The summary contains information about the build time, metadata, and pagination.

$ bber build epub --summary


To build a project's output directory and omit compilation, pass the --no-compile flag.

$ bber build epub --no-compile


Log un-colored text to the console.

$ bber build epub --no-color
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