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fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies (main) - autoclosed #5749

fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies (main) - autoclosed

fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies (main) - autoclosed #5749

GitHub Actions / IT Tests report-ubuntu-latest-npm failed May 8, 2024 in 1s

22 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped

Tests failed

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
@ama-sdk/create/dist-test/it-report.xml 6✅ 275s
@ama-sdk/schematics/dist-test/it-report.xml 18ms
@o3r/analytics/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 77s
@o3r/apis-manager/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 70s
@o3r/components/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 83s
@o3r/configuration/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 82s
@o3r/core/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 620s
@o3r/create/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 1❌ 76s
@o3r/design/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 65s
@o3r/eslint-config-otter/dist-test/it-report.xml 2✅ 240s
@o3r/extractors/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 135s
@o3r/localization/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 86s
@o3r/rules-engine/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 87s
@o3r/stylelint-plugin/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 68s
@o3r/styling/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 115s
@o3r/testing/dist-test/it-report.xml 2✅ 131s

✅ @ama-sdk/create/dist-test/it-report.xml

6 tests were completed in 275s with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Create new sdk command 6✅ 263s

✅ Create new sdk command

Create new sdk command should generate a light SDK when the specification is provided
  ✅ Create new sdk command should generate a light SDK when the specification is provided
Create new sdk command should generate a full SDK when the specification is provided
  ✅ Create new sdk command should generate a full SDK when the specification is provided
Create new sdk command should generate an SDK with no package scope
  ✅ Create new sdk command should generate an SDK with no package scope
Create new sdk command should generate an empty SDK ready to be used
  ✅ Create new sdk command should generate an empty SDK ready to be used
Create new sdk command should fail when there is an error
  ✅ Create new sdk command should fail when there is an error
Create new sdk command should use pinned versions when --exact-o3r-version is used
  ✅ Create new sdk command should use pinned versions when --exact-o3r-version is used

✅ @ama-sdk/schematics/dist-test/it-report.xml

No tests found

✅ @o3r/analytics/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 77s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with analytics 1✅ 62s

✅ new otter application with analytics

new otter application with analytics should add analytics to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with analytics should add analytics to existing application

✅ @o3r/apis-manager/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 70s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with apis-manager 1✅ 54s

✅ new otter application with apis-manager

new otter application with apis-manager should add apis-manager to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with apis-manager should add apis-manager to existing application

✅ @o3r/components/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 83s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with components 1✅ 68s

✅ new otter application with components

new otter application with components should add components to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with components should add components to existing application

✅ @o3r/configuration/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 82s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with configuration 1✅ 67s

✅ new otter application with configuration

new otter application with configuration should add configuration to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with configuration should add configuration to existing application

✅ @o3r/core/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 620s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application 1✅ 605s

✅ new otter application

new otter application should build empty app
  ✅ new otter application should build empty app

❌ @o3r/create/dist-test/it-report.xml

2 tests were completed in 76s with 1 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Create new otter project command 1✅ 1❌ 71s

❌ Create new otter project command

Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application
  ✅ Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application
Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application with --exact-o3r-version
  ❌ Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application with --exact-o3r-version
	Error: expect(received).not.toThrow()

✅ @o3r/design/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 65s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with Design 1✅ 49s

✅ new otter application with Design

new otter application with Design should add design to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with Design should add design to existing application

✅ @o3r/eslint-config-otter/dist-test/it-report.xml

2 tests were completed in 240s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with eslint-config 2✅ 226s

✅ new otter application with eslint-config

new otter application with eslint-config should add eslint-config to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with eslint-config should add eslint-config to existing application
new otter application with eslint-config should add eslint-config to new library
  ✅ new otter application with eslint-config should add eslint-config to new library

✅ @o3r/extractors/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 135s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with extractors 1✅ 121s

✅ new otter application with extractors

new otter application with extractors should add extractors to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with extractors should add extractors to existing application

✅ @o3r/localization/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 86s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with localization 1✅ 68s

✅ new otter application with localization

new otter application with localization should add localization to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with localization should add localization to existing application

✅ @o3r/rules-engine/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 87s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with rules-engine 1✅ 72s

✅ new otter application with rules-engine

new otter application with rules-engine should add rules engine to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with rules-engine should add rules engine to existing application

✅ @o3r/stylelint-plugin/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 68s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with stylelint-plugin 1✅ 58s

✅ new otter application with stylelint-plugin

new otter application with stylelint-plugin should add stylelint-plugin to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with stylelint-plugin should add stylelint-plugin to existing application

✅ @o3r/styling/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 115s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with styling 1✅ 100s

✅ new otter application with styling

new otter application with styling should add styling to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with styling should add styling to existing application

✅ @o3r/testing/dist-test/it-report.xml

2 tests were completed in 131s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with testing 2✅ 118s

✅ new otter application with testing

new otter application with testing should add testing to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with testing should add testing to existing application
new otter application with testing should add testing to existing application and fixture to component
  ✅ new otter application with testing should add testing to existing application and fixture to component


Check failure on line 83 in packages/@o3r/test-helpers/src/utilities/package-manager.ts

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / IT Tests report-ubuntu-latest-npm

Create new otter project command ► Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application with --exact-o3r-version ► Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application with --exact-o3r-version

Failed test found in:
  Error: expect(received).not.toThrow()
Raw output
Error: expect(received).not.toThrow()

Error name:    "Error"
Error message: "Command failed: npm create @o3r@999.0.1715049732712 my-project -- --package-manager npm --skip-confirmation --exact-o3r-version --yarn-version 4.2.1
- Installing packages (npm)...
✔ Packages installed successfully.
- Determining package manager...
ℹ Using package manager: npm
- Loading package information from registry...
✖ Unable to fetch package information for '@o3r/core@999.0.1715049732712': No matching version found for @o3r/core@999.0.1715049732712.
npm ERR! code 3
npm ERR! path /home/runner/work/otter/it-tests/test-create-app1
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command sh -c create my-project --package-manager npm --skip-confirmation --exact-o3r-version --yarn-version 4.2.1·
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /home/runner/work/otter/otter/.cache/test-app/npm-cache/_logs/2024-05-08T21_41_08_422Z-debug-0.log·
                        &BPPPB                    &                    &BPGB&
                      #Y7!!!!!J#    &#BGP5YYJJ??????????JJYY5PG#&     P7!!!!7JG
               &?!!!!!!!!!!!!!?B##P!!!!!!!!!5          &?!!!!!!!!Y&&&P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B
               J!!!!!!!!J7!!!!!!7!!!!!!!!!!!7YB&      BY!!!!!!!!!!777!!!!!!!?7!!!!!!!7#
  &BPPB              &Y7JYYYJ7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7?YYYJ??B
 #?!!!!?P           B7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5
 Y!!!!!!!?B        P!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Y
 Y!!!!!!!!!Y&     P!!!!!!!!!5Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?Y7!!!!!!!!Y
 5!!!!!!!!!!7G   G!!!!!!!!!!75GY7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?PP?!!!!!!!!!!5
          &5!? ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YPY5Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B
     GJ?7!!!!!!!!!777??JJY55PGGBB##&&&&                          &&&##BBGPP5YJ??777!!!!!!!!!!7?5#
       &#BBGGGGBB##&&                                                           &&#BBGGPPPGGB#···
                               ..|''||     .     .
                              .|'    ||  .||.  .||.    ....  ... ..
                              ||      ||  ||    ||   .|...||  ||' ''
                              '|.     ||  ||    ||   ||       ||
                               ''|...|'   '|.'  '|.'  '|...' .||.·
CREATE my-project/ (1063 bytes)
CREATE my-project/.editorconfig (274 bytes)
CREATE my-project/.gitignore (548 bytes)
CREATE my-project/angular.json (183 bytes)
CREATE my-project/package.json (993 bytes)
CREATE my-project/tsconfig.json (857 bytes)
CREATE my-project/.vscode/extensions.json (130 bytes)
CREATE my-project/.vscode/launch.json (470 bytes)
CREATE my-project/.vscode/tasks.json (938 bytes)
    Directory is already under version control. Skipping initialization of git.·
added 32 packages, and changed 1 package in 1s
,- Installing packages (npm)...
✔ Packages installed successfully.
- Determining package manager...
ℹ Using package manager: npm
- Loading package information from registry...
✖ Unable to fetch package information for '@o3r/core@999.0.1715049732712': No matching version found for @o3r/core@999.0.1715049732712.
npm ERR! code 3
npm ERR! path /home/runner/work/otter/it-tests/test-create-app1
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command sh -c create my-project --package-manager npm --skip-confirmation --exact-o3r-version --yarn-version 4.2.1·
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /home/runner/work/otter/otter/.cache/test-app/npm-cache/_logs/2024-05-08T21_41_08_422Z-debug-0.log

      81 |     // Yarn doesn't log errors on stderr, so we need to get them from stdout to have them in the reports
      82 |     // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions
    > 83 |     throw new Error(`Command failed: ${args.join(' ') }\nSTDERR:\n${err.stderr?.toString() || ''}\nOUTPUT:\n${err.output?.toString() || ''}`);
         |           ^
      84 |   }
      85 | }
      86 |

      at execCmd (packages/@o3r/test-helpers/src/utilities/package-manager.ts:83:11)
      at packageManagerCreate (packages/@o3r/test-helpers/src/utilities/package-manager.ts:105:10)
      at packages/@o3r/create/src/
      at Object.<anonymous> (.yarn/cache/
      at Object.throwingMatcher [as toThrow] (.yarn/cache/
      at Object.<anonymous> (packages/@o3r/create/src/
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/runner/work/otter/otter/packages/@o3r/create/src/