This lib is just a copy of the json
module proposed in EEP 68 and introduced in OTP 27 by Michał Muskała.
Its intent is to act as a polyfill for apps that cannot currently be updated to OTP 27 or higher.
The module and function names are exactly the same. Then, when your app supports OTP >= 27, just optionally remove this lib from the dependencies.
There is no problem keeping this lib on OTP >= 27 when using rebar
. The beam
file is dropped on compilation time.
OTP >= 24.
% rebar.config
{deps, [{json_polyfill, "~> 0.2"}]}.
# mix.exs
def deps do
[{:json_polyfill, "~> 0.2"}]
Generates JSON corresponding to Term
Supports basic data mapping:
Erlang | JSON |
integer() | float() |
Number |
true | false |
Boolean |
null |
Null |
binary() |
String |
atom() |
String |
list() |
Array |
#{binary() => _} |
Object |
#{atom() => _} |
Object |
#{integer() => _} |
Object |
This is equivalent to encode(Term, fun json:encode_value/2)
> iolist_to_binary(json:encode(#{foo => <<"bar">>})).
Generates JSON corresponding to Term
Can be customised with the Encoder
callback. The callback will be recursively called for all the data to be encoded and is expected to return the corresponding encoded JSON as iodata.
Various encode_*
functions in this module can be used to help in constructing such callbacks.
An encoder that uses a heuristic to differentiate object-like lists of key-value pairs from plain lists:
> encoder([{_, _} | _] = Value, Encode) -> json:encode_key_value_list(Value, Encode);
> encoder(Other, Encode) -> json:encode_value(Other, Encode).
> custom_encode(Value) -> json:encode(Value, fun(Value, Encode) -> encoder(Value, Encode) end).
> iolist_to_binary(custom_encode([{a, []}, {b, 1}])).
Generates formatted JSON corresponding to Term
Similiar to encode/1
but with added whitespaces for formatting.
> io:put_chars(json:format(#{foo => <<"bar">>, baz => 52})).
"baz": 52,
"foo": "bar"
Generates formatted JSON corresponding to Term
Equivalent to format(Term, fun json:format_value/3, Options)
or format(Term, Encoder, #{})
Generates formatted JSON corresponding to Term
Similar to encode/2
, can be customised with the Encoder
callback and Options
can include 'indent' to specify number of spaces per level and 'max' which loosely limits
the width of lists.
The Encoder
will get a 'State' argument which contains the 'Options' maps merged with other data
when recursing through 'Term'.
or various encode_*
functions in this module can be used
to help in constructing such callbacks.
> formatter({posix_time, SysTimeSecs}, Encode, State) ->
TimeStr = calendar:system_time_to_rfc3339(SysTimeSecs, [{offset, "Z"}]),
json:format_value(unicode:characters_to_binary(TimeStr), Encode, State);
> formatter(Other, Encode, State) -> json:format_value(Other, Encode, State).
> Fun = fun(Value, Encode, State) -> formatter(Value, Encode, State) end.
> Options = #{indent => 4}.
> Term = #{id => 1, time => {posix_time, erlang:system_time(seconds)}}.
> io:put_chars(json:format(Term, Fun, Options)).
"id": 1,
"time": "2024-05-23T16:07:48Z"
Default format function used by json:format/1
Recursively calls Encode
on all the values in Value
and indents objects and lists.
Format function for lists of key-value pairs as JSON objects. Accepts lists with atom, binary, integer, or float keys.
@doc Format function for lists of key-value pairs as JSON objects. Accepts lists with atom, binary, integer, or float keys. Verifies that no duplicate keys will be produced in the resulting JSON object.
Raises error({duplicate_key, Key})
if there are duplicates.
Parses a JSON value from Binary
Supports basic data mapping:
JSON | Erlang |
Number | integer() | float() |
Boolean | true | false |
Null | null |
String | binary() |
Object | #{binary() => _} |
contains incomplete JSON valueerror({invalid_byte, Byte})
contains unexpected byte or invalid UTF-8 byteerror({invalid_sequence, Bytes})
contains invalid UTF-8 escape
> json:decode(<<"{\"foo\": 1}">>).
#{<<"foo">> => 1}
Parses a JSON value from Binary
Similar to decode/1
except the decoding process can be customized with the callbacks specified in Decoders
. The callbacks will use the Acc
value as the initial accumulator.
Any leftover, unparsed data in Binary
will be returned.
All callbacks are optional. If not provided, they will fall back to implementations used by the decode/1
- for
:fun(_) -> [] end
- for
:fun(Elem, Acc) -> [Elem | Acc] end
- for
:fun(Acc, OldAcc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), OldAcc} end
- for
:fun(_) -> [] end
- for
:fun(Key, Value, Acc) -> [{Key, Value} | Acc] end
- for
:fun(Acc, OldAcc) -> {maps:from_list(Acc), OldAcc} end
- for
:fun erlang:binary_to_float/1
- for
:fun erlang:binary_to_integer/1
- for
:fun (Value) -> Value end
- for
: the atomnull
error({invalid_byte, Byte})
contains unexpected byte or invalid UTF-8 byteerror({invalid_sequence, Bytes})
contains invalid UTF-8 escapeerror(unexpected_end)
contains incomplete JSON value
Decoding object keys as atoms:
> Push = fun(Key, Value, Acc) -> [{binary_to_existing_atom(Key), Value} | Acc] end.
> json:decode(<<"{\"foo\": 1}">>, ok, #{object_push => Push}).
{#{foo => 1},ok,<<>>}
Erlang/OTP is released under the Apache License 2.0.
Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2024. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.