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Folders and files

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Project Description
chezmoi Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely.
find-duplicates Find duplicate files quickly.
find-typos Find typos.
flatjson Convert JSON files to a "flat" representation with one value per line.
Go tools
go-jsonstruct Generate Go structs from multiple JSON objects.
go-xmlstruct Generate Go structs from multiple XML documents.
Geospatial tools
osm-extract Extract features from OpenStreetMap PBF files as GeoJSON.
igc2kmz IGC to Google Earth converter.
Geospatial libraries
go-geobabel Package geobabel converts geometry types between popular geometry libraries.
go-geom Package geom implements efficient geometry types for geospatial applications.
go-geos Package geos provides an interface to GEOS.
go-gpx Package gpx provides convenience types for reading and writing GPX files.
go-kml Package kml provides convenience methods for creating and writing KML documents.
go-mbtiles Package mbtiles reads and writes files in the MBTiles format.
go-openaip Package openaip decodes OpenAIP airspace files.
go-polyline Package polyline implements a Google Maps Encoding Polyline encoder and decoder.
go-proj Package proj provides an interface to
go-shapefile Package shapefile provides a native Go reader for ESRI Shapefiles.
go-waypoint Package waypoint reads and writes waypoints in formats used by the free flying community.
go-xctrack Package xctrack implements XCTrack's task format.
pgx-geom Package pgx-geom provides PostGIS support for via go-geom.
pgx-geos Package pgx-geos provides PostGIS and GEOS support for via go-geos.
Go libraries
go-nmea Package nmea parses NMEA sentences.
go-pinentry Package pinentry provides a client to GnuPG's pinentry.
go-shell Package shell returns the user's shell across multiple platforms.
go-svg Package svg provides convenience methods for creating and writing SVG documents.
go-vfs Package vfs provides an abstraction of the os and io packages that is easy to test.
go-xdg Package xdg provides support for the XDG Base Directory Specification.
Editor plugins
vim-igc VIM syntax highlighting for IGC files.
vim-testscript VIM syntax highlighting for testscript.
vscode-testcript testscript support for Visual Studio Code.


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