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Splunk Synthetics Terraform Provider

This repository is a beta Terraform provider for Splunk Synthetics in Splunk Observability. It currently contains CRUD operations for API Checks, Real Browser Checks, Port Checks, HTTP Checks, and Variables.

NOTE: The client expects a valid Splunk Observability API token defined in the provider config (apikey) or as an environment variable named OBSERVABILITY_API_TOKEN (E.G. export OBSERVABILITY_API_TOKEN="This_is_my_api_token")

Rigor Classic (V1)

Rigor Classic endpoints and CRUD operations are still available by setting the provider's product setting to rigor

provider "synthetics" {
  product = "rigor"

NOTE: The Rigor Classic client expects a valid Rigor Monitoring API token defined in the provider config (rigorkey) or as an environment variable named API_ACCESS_TOKEN (E.G. export API_ACCESS_TOKEN="This_is_my_api_token")


Whenever possible install from the official Terraform Registry:

To install this provider locally follow the directions for installing In-House Providers.


see ./examples/ for examples of Splunk Synthetics resources and datasources. see ./examples/rigor/ for examples of Rigor Classic resources and datasources

Import Existing Tests

Use terraform import as normally described in the Terraform docs to bring the resource into your state file. Using the check id number as the identifier.

Example: Import browser check 496 to state file

terraform import synthetics_create_browser_check_v2.browser_v2_foo_check 496

To rebuild your configuration file more easily use the datasource for the check in question. This will pull the entire configuration of the check for rebuilding the configuration in your tf files and comparing against a terraform plan command.



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