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Releases: rootCircle/cpast

v0.4.0 stable

23 Apr 20:40
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Release Notes


start on work on llm based clex suggestion, check progess at cpast_llm.


  1. Breaking changes
  2. AST is reformatted to support new specifications found at
  3. Error Handling done neater
  4. Bugfix: Fix panic if length of string in StringModifier is negative
  5. Refactored clex_language
  6. Support for newline using String using S[1,'n'].


  1. Colorized output for nicer bifurcations and beauty.


  1. Documented AST and other component sematics
  2. FAQs to know more about the language. (Available in docs/)
  3. More examples


  1. Runner is now faster than ever.
  2. Multithread test checking support, allowing user to test hundreds of thousands of seconds in seconds.

Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.4.0

v0.3.3 stable

19 Jan 17:40
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v0.3.x stable release


  • Breaking CLI changes, introduction of two subcommands, test and generate. test for running and comparing two files and finding missing edge cases, while generate is just to generate the testcase and print it to
  • generate now supports copying testcases over clipboard using -c flag, using which you can use testcases in other platforms as well
  • test subcommand now supports an optional --no-stop flag, that can be used to never stop after only one failing testcase is found

Library Changes

  • Strong support for length based checks and charset(string modifiers). Sample usage cpast generate "S[10,'U']"
  • 'U' for uppercase, 'L' for lowercase, '0'..'9' for digit, 'N' for Alphanumeric, 'D' for All (including symbols), 'A' for alphabets only!
  • Introduction of support for character literal in cpast, currently being used for string modifier expressions only.
  • compile_and_test method now requires an boolean argument at last to accord to changes in CLI. This argument as addressed earlier too is to whether or not to stop after one failing testcase is found.
  • Minimum Value for Integer in capturing group now automatically conforms to 0, if negative.
  • Dependencies update
  • Fixed & Updated Docs


  • This release also address compilation issues of users using android, by using --no-default-features flag during compilation.
  • Dependencies update of clap to 4.4.18

Performance Fixes

  • remake implementation to reduce repeated compilation based on remake implementation in GNU make
  • Significant improvement in benchmark performance for test with files of compiled programming language.

Full Changelog: v0.2.9...v0.3.3


11 Nov 18:13
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First Release

07 Nov 18:37
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First Release Pre-release

Added README file