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MediaWiki support for PhpStorm

MediaWiki IntelliJ plugin for JetBrains PhpStorm, mostly providing standardised code styles for PHP, JavaScript, CSS and HTML. It also provides a shortcut to the MediaWiki search from the context menu.

To configure/use the MediaWiki Code Styles, go to Preferences > Editor > Code Style > PHP/CSS/Html/JavaScript, and then select "Set from..." and select "MediaWiki".

Note, this doesn't provide MediaWiki file or Wikitext syntax highlighting support.

The code style support is now somewhere deprecated now that IntelliJ supports mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer.

JetBrains Plugin Repository :: MediaWiki Support

License : GNU GPL v2 or later

Building a release

./gradlew buildPlugin

The output is then in build/distributions.