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Compiling on Windows

Dan Lawrence edited this page May 31, 2024 · 12 revisions
  1. Clone/Checkout pygame-ce from Github.

  2. Install Visual Studio Build tools. Make sure you Install the "Desktop Development with C++" option (including optional components) to get the latest Visual Studio C compiler. See:


    Alternatively you can also install the MinGW compiler.

  3. Open a Command Prompt/Terminal window. I personally create a PyCharm project and use the one built into PyCharm, but there are many options at this point. Optionally - you may also want to create a virtual environment at this point. There are several virtual environment libraries including the built-in venv. If you are using PyCharm it can create a virtual environment for you when first cloning or creating a project. A virtual environment can help keep the dependencies of multiple projects separate so you don't experience library version clashes.

  4. If not there already, cd into the pygame-ce directory from where you checked it out on your PC in step 1.

  5. Enter the following command:

    pip install .


  6. It should look a bit like this when it starts going:


    That's it! You should be able to run the tests and examples now.