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Upgrade from 0.66.0 to 0.66.4 (#977)
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* Adding metadata to React Native QPL points

[General][Added] - Added data field to markerPoint to allow callers to add additional arbitrary string data to logged points

Reviewed By: dmitry-voronkevich

Differential Revision: D29764274

fbshipit-source-id: b0d21e3b20a5353351424afb10c950f3e8689887

* Resolve some XCode warnings (#31883)

UIAccessibilityVoiceOverStatusChanged deprecated (iOS 11+) in favor for UIAccessibilityVoiceOverStatusDidChangeNotification ref:

topLayoutGuide/bottomLayoutGuide deprecated (iOS 11+) in favor for safeAreaLayoutGuide ref:

This block declaration is not a prototype warnings fixed by adding void to specify no parameters ref:

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[Internal] [Fixed] - Resolved some deprecations

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: Tests should pass, no functionality should change.

Reviewed By: fkgozali

Differential Revision: D29822033

Pulled By: mdvacca

fbshipit-source-id: dec8d612885634aca090ac3372cd4c7bf8a197ee

* Migrate to androidx.autofill.HintConstants & Support all constant types (#28008)

Fix for

Noticed more than just `AUTOFILL_HINT_NEW_PASSWORD` were missing, this PR will support every `AUTOFILL_HINT_*` type.

## Changelog

[Android] [Added] - Added all autofill types to TextEdit

Pull Request resolved:

Reviewed By: sturmen

Differential Revision: D29766235

Pulled By: mdvacca

fbshipit-source-id: d5171aef8092d37716fddcb6f3443637a4af8481

* Fix mislabelled polyfills for Object.entries and Object.values (#31880)

The polyfills for `Object.entries` and `Object.values` are in a file named `Object.es7.js` when these APIs form part of ES8/ES2017 (–_ECMAScript_2017).

The docs ( list these correctly as ES8 so I thought it might reduce confusion if anyone starts looking into the polyfills in the future like I did.

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[Internal] [Fixed] - Fix filename to include correct ECMA spec

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: All unit tests pass.

Reviewed By: yungsters

Differential Revision: D29820165

Pulled By: ShikaSD

fbshipit-source-id: 2a4eb58bed7b7a4089406665c5c9115cb1773ff6

* integrate RCTImpressionTrackingView into Fabric on Android

This diff integrates RCTImpressionTrackingView into Fabric on Android


Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: bearzx

Differential Revision: D29804625

fbshipit-source-id: 16e89d629390093ace51d3b25725c37a49a08a39

* Implement textTransform prop

Added to C++ props, but realized this is already implemented using C++ state in Android, so added to C++ state to keep this diff simpler. Keeping the C++ props change for future use.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D29805267

fbshipit-source-id: c1fe2dc34af8bc69352ee48a5d60ba998194e3f7

* Manually some remove existential types from xplat/js

Manually remove some existential types.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: gkz

Differential Revision: D29724881

fbshipit-source-id: e21558dc033fa07d0b8a188eb64e14ddcf7df2ac

* Remove existential types from xplat/js

Summary: Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: pieterv

Differential Revision: D29724915

fbshipit-source-id: 97cbeefbba2ddc2e1088dfe19db14fa545213549

* Deploy 0.156.0 to xplat

Summary: Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: gkz

Differential Revision: D29833943

fbshipit-source-id: cb0260e1f4119b4208d42ef1267e253f6f84ff19

* RN: 5s Delay in `ReactAppInstrumentationTestCase`

Tests like `CatalystSubviewsClippingTestCase` are intermittently failing due to registered callable modules not yet being registered.

Increasing the timeout to wait for the bundle execution to mitigate these intermittent failures.


Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D29835227

fbshipit-source-id: c9fe03202ad4028d3785216d50c6c173a56c6d84

* Wrong warning message

* it says focusTextInput but the function name is blurTextInput
* probably the message was copy-pasted from `focusTextInput` where is the same error message.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: arhelmus

Differential Revision: D29845922

fbshipit-source-id: 21fd3e572c32779c13f6909556153d07dc7a416f

* Add flow, flowfixmes to RNTesterModuleContainer and Animation examples

Summary: Changelog: [Internal] - RNTester: Add flow to RNTesterModuleContainer, render example as component, remove flowfixmes from Animation examples

Reviewed By: yungsters

Differential Revision: D29783772

fbshipit-source-id: 64ec6f247822b25c8cc6f64b192d17081be9c1f9

* Add useNativeDriver toggle UI

Changelog: [Internal] - Update Animation examples to toggle useNativeDriver

There are issues when we toggle the native driver on and off. Where once off, the animations don't seem to update anymore, until we turn nativeDriver back on. See videos in testplan

Reviewed By: yungsters

Differential Revision: D29774939

fbshipit-source-id: cf6d70c1b574a87bb803510196dfb273b36de5e1

* Downgrade warning of view illegally being added to parent to Soft Exception

Summary: - This is crashing too much in debug, which is good signal but making it harder to test, and test unrelated features.

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D29857626

fbshipit-source-id: c52cfb6131747ae420b27de0591620fe79f47359

* Add INFO, and MENU key event support to Android TV (#31884)

Add INFO, and MENU key event support to Android TV

## Changelog

[Android] [Added] - Add INFO, and MENU key event support to Android TV

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: We develop application that utilizes aforementioned events, we've made a build against react-native fork with these changes and it was working as expected. These changes just add 2 more button mappings, so I don't think it requires some extensive testing.

Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D29821996

Pulled By: yungsters

fbshipit-source-id: 5f97c29c9c29d6e3bafed352b8b65f0cb02f3f1d

* Bump Flipper to 0.99.0 (#31896)

Includes fix included in a Flipper Pod for incorrect timestamps in the Network viewer with iOS apps

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[general][changed] - Update Flipper to 0.99.0

[CATEGORY] [TYPE] - Message

Pull Request resolved:

Reviewed By: fkgozali

Differential Revision: D29881218

Pulled By: mdvacca

fbshipit-source-id: a206faa3d7b969a708d286884cff83bed5453d22

* Fix testID support for TextInput, Slider and ScrollView component (#31865)

With the advent of, we are now able to use the `testID` view prop on Android in black-box testing framework through the  view's `resource-id`.

But after testing it, I noticed that on the `TextInput`, `Slider` and `ScrollView` components, the `testID` prop was not exposed as  the `resource-id` properly. The main issue was that those component was using the `AccessibilityDelegateCompat` instead of the `ReactAccessibilityDelegate`.

## Changelog

[Android] [Fixed] - Fix `testID` prop for `TextInput`, `Slider` and `ScrollView` components

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: ![test-screenshot](

Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D29765333

Pulled By: yungsters

fbshipit-source-id: 2b8e362257e3e5fdcd20330280c588dabb44f28a

* EditText: maintain cursor position when text changes

Similar to D29786190 ( on iOS, keeps cursor position constant to the end of the text whenever text changes without selection updates.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D29879663

fbshipit-source-id: da1b50a99ae3b9ef796423146ba49e4172e286df

* Expose new API RuntimeExecutor.executeSynchronouslyOnSameThread_CAN_DEADLOCK

This diff exposes a new API Expose new API RuntimeExecutor.executeSynchronouslyOnSameThread_CAN_DEADLOCK. This API will be used by the next diffs of the stack

changelog: [internal] internal

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D29764996

fbshipit-source-id: e6cd6799e16f2e47a353b7504d58d80aa49447d8

* Expose new struct InspectorData

This diff exposes a new struct InspectorData that will be used by FabricUIManager.getInspectorDataForInstance to return metadata of stacktraces.

See next diffs of the stack

changelog: [internal] internal

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D29764995

fbshipit-source-id: 6a2ab819623e379795e59002be0e4d40ac73b9a6

* Expose new API FabricUIManager.getInspectorDataForInstance

This diff exposes a new API in FabricUIManager called getInspectorDataForInstance. The goal of this method is to return React metadata for a Native view.

This data will be used from partner teams to build tools that uses React metadata in RN

Data returned from React: P429701924

changelog: [internal] internal


Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D29747864

fbshipit-source-id: 8cb55573be08cb530f7e3c83eed8b4fcf43e7781

* React Native sync for revisions 568dc35...cae6350

This sync includes the following changes:
- **[cae635054]( )**: `act`: Resolve to return value of scope function ([#21759]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e2453e200]( )**: act: Add test for bypassing queueMicrotask ([#21743]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[534c9c52e]( )**: Move error logging to update callback ([#21737]( //<Dan Abramov>//
- **[51b0becf3]( )**: Always keep disabled logs in the second pass ([#21739]( //<Dan Abramov>//
- **[7fec38041]( )**: Log and show error overlay for commit phase errors ([#21723]( //<Dan Abramov>//
- **[27c9c95e2]( )**: act: Bypass microtask for "default sync" updates ([#21740]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[355591add]( )**: Next/experimental release versions include commit date ([#21700]( //<Brian Vaughn>//
- **[d7dce572c]( )**: Remove internal `act` builds from public modules ([#21721]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[06f7b4f43]( )**: `act` should work without mock Scheduler ([#21714]( //<Andrew Clark>//

[General][Changed] - React Native sync for revisions 568dc35...cae6350


Reviewed By: JoshuaGross, ShikaSD

Differential Revision: D29555979

fbshipit-source-id: 0afc869cc007bce417f0020d3ee4dc8b0ea5beb9

* Before removing a task from queue, make sure it was executed

Changelog: [internal]

If task that is being executed schedules a new task with higher priority, the new task will be dropped from the queue. To fix this, we always check if the top of the queue is what was executed and only then remove it.

Let's say there is task A with priority "normal".

When we execute task A (which is not removed from the queue until later), it adds a task B with "immediate" priority.
So priority queue now has two tasks: [1: B, 2: A]

After task A finishes, inside workLoop, it will pop from top of the priority queue. But task A is no longer top of the priority queue (this is the bug) and it pops B. B is never executed and A is executed twice.

Reviewed By: ShikaSD

Differential Revision: D29841433

fbshipit-source-id: b2f1474fdfc7b3e2d42bae5b7f4ac7e6c3a37b54

* Make mHybridData thread safe for EventEmitterWrapper

In T94154173, when calling ```EventEmitterWrapper->invoke()```, hybrid function ```invokeEvent``` is null, even if we checked that ```mHybridData``` is valid before calling ```invokeEvent```.


```invoke()``` is called from ```mqt_js``` thread, ```desotry()``` is called from ```main``` thread, which cause multi-thread access of```mHybridData```.

So if ```desotry()``` is called after ```isValid()``` check and before calling ```invokeEvent()```, ```invokeEvent``` could be destroyed and is null.

I can reproduce with above theory:



Make functions synchronized so ```mHybridData``` can be thread safe.

[Android][Fixed] - Make mHybridData thread safe

Reviewed By: RSNara

Differential Revision: D29792453

fbshipit-source-id: 8b4c754d53ece933be7b2cf99c6cd026b39e24ad

* Make initializeMessageQueueThreads() thread safe

```java.lang.IllegalStateException: Message queue threads already initialized
	at com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactContext.initializeMessageQueueThreads(

Possible root cause:
1, ReactContext.initializeMessageQueueThreads() can be called from different threads, so it's not thread safe
2, ReactContext.initializeMessageQueueThreads() is called again without detroying the threads.

Make initializeMessageQueueThreads() thread safe. If this won't fix T93983690, I'll continue investigating with possible root cause 2.

[Android][Changed] - Make initializeMessageQueueThreads() thread safe

Reviewed By: GijsWeterings

Differential Revision: D29877386

fbshipit-source-id: 11b32c7184e9e8d6f882474fd607538df12276b7

* Handle OSS renderers in sync script

Summary: Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: ShikaSD

Differential Revision: D29896358

fbshipit-source-id: 83a9c124a01945706c4bdced8cf6e997e14f831c

* Back out "Use atomic pointer to prevent race during teardown"

Changelog: [internal]

Original commit changeset: 390e773283a7

Original diff didn't resolve crash T82119127. Let's back this out and investigate again.

Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D29909878

fbshipit-source-id: 54b054f4a5c97b8f6369f8790c2cf32a56c4fbd2

* Back out "Use atomic pointer for animationDelegate_ to prevent race during teardown"

Changelog: [internal]

Original commit changeset: 6cb898caf7c2

This change doesn't fix LayoutAnimation crashes. Let's back it out.

Reviewed By: fkgozali

Differential Revision: D29909973

fbshipit-source-id: 34926ace220e6b269bb938a3da72c977b0608187

* add persistentScrollbar option example for ScrollView (#31895)

There was an unused example in ScrollView example, so I've added the example to RNTester App

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[Internal] [Added] - Added persistentScrollbar option example for ScrollView in RNTester App

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: - RNTester App builds and shows example properly on Android

Reviewed By: sshic

Differential Revision: D29881126

Pulled By: mdvacca

fbshipit-source-id: 9e7e61c9d3f712cb767a78e729469fc95cb9953e

* chore: fix dead link in comment (#31902)

Fixed a link in a comment that lead to dead link

whatwg-url changed the source directory from `lib` to `src`

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[INTERNAL] [FIXED] - fix dead link in a comment

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: - [ ] Changed URL opens properly

Reviewed By: charlesbdudley

Differential Revision: D29915170

Pulled By: lunaleaps

fbshipit-source-id: 00b69db82f51d16cf887cd4540a159132ad7d771

* Remove gating for on demand view mounting

Changelog: [internal]

This feature has shipped. I remove gating here.

Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D29906460

fbshipit-source-id: 23433cfd4d618633b135d8c858ce6cf90cfe9fa1

* Add RNTester cases for Animated Easing API

- Update `RNTesterNavBar` to be positioned relatively to allow for scroll views to not be clipped
- Add EasingExample with example animations taken from

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: lunaleaps

Differential Revision: D29744160

fbshipit-source-id: d0e2112769d74dd34e11477f1d3b1f8f0ffebc03

* Animated Transform Styles Example

Summary: Changelog: [Internal] - Add an example to demo all the transform properties.

Reviewed By: charlesbdudley

Differential Revision: D29865790

fbshipit-source-id: 79174457071de8fca9b0aab8bf8dcc543ea9a0a3

* Rename immediate to ReactNativeMicrotask in Bridge

Changelog: [Internal]

This diff replaced all the internal occurrences of "Immediate" with
"ReactNativeMicrotask" in the legacy bridge and then polyfilled the
original immediate APIs during the timer setup phases as aliases of them.

Note that this diff is part of a larger refactoring.

Reviewed By: RSNara

Differential Revision: D29785430

fbshipit-source-id: 7325d2a7358a6c9baa3e9abb8acf90414de5072f

* Implement View.removeClippedSubviews prop

Changelog: [internal]

Fabric didn't have prop [removeClippedSubviews]( implemented. This diff adds it. It is

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D29906458

fbshipit-source-id: 5851fa41d7facea9aab73ca131b4a0d23a2411ea

* Add "Use Native Driver" control to RNTester Animated Composing example

Summary: Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: yungsters

Differential Revision: D29832704

fbshipit-source-id: dfd37d08d0f25fe86716a21682648894e8adad8b

* docs: Fix dead links in README for rn-tester (#31901)

Part of

~Updated link in README that was pointing to master branch to main branch~

Realized that link in rn-tester README and ReactAndroid README leads to a dead link, so I've fixed the links

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[INTERNAL] [FIXED] - Fix dead links in README

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: - [ ] Updated link directs you to appropriate page

Reviewed By: PeteTheHeat

Differential Revision: D29933044

Pulled By: GijsWeterings

fbshipit-source-id: c1f301626acbb2995d74f78d8bc19214c70e9319

* docs: update links to forwarded page (#31903)

Some of the links in `` redirects you to a different page.
I've fixed the links so each link would directly send users to the appropriate page.

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[INTERNAL] [Changed] - update links in

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: - [ ] Change links shows the appropriate content

Reviewed By: lunaleaps

Differential Revision: D29933105

Pulled By: GijsWeterings

fbshipit-source-id: b5be74181f8a8e88d8f43e44c469337b7393dedf

* Remove redundant warnings for RCTMountingManager

Changelog: [internal]

The warnings are in-actionable for product engineers.

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D29911438

fbshipit-source-id: f0f81588e8cbe88059e531c8be302ab19b8eb83f

* Ignore when a text string or number is supplied as a child.

Currently, React Native throws an invariant violation error when a text string or number is supplied as a child. This is undesirable because core library components should be fault-tolerant and degrade gracefully (with soft errors, if relevant).

This change will work when a change in the host configs are landed (

Changelog: [internal]

Reviewed By: yungsters, sammy-SC

Differential Revision: D29894182

fbshipit-source-id: 827ff299991a476b57981382d196c7ee1396ec28

* React Native sync for revisions cae6350...419cc9c

This sync includes the following changes:
- **[419cc9c37]( )**: Fix: Hide new/updated nodes in already hidden tree ([#21929]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[4758e4533]( )**: React Native: Export getInspectorDataForInstance API ([#21572]( //<Brian Vaughn>//
- **[ae5d26154]( )**: Fix: LegacyHidden should not toggle effects ([#21928]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9ab90de60]( )**: Clean-up: Move Offscreen logic from Suspense fiber ([#21925]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3f62dec84]( )**: Typo fix ([#21729]( //<Deniz Susman>//
- **[5579f1dc8]( )**: Update test comments with explanations ([#21857]( //<Ricky>//
- **[262ff7ad2]( )**: Refactor "disappear" logic into its own traversal ([#21901]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[34600f4fa]( )**: Refactor "reappear" logic into its own traversal ([#21898]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[310187264]( )**: Clean up flushSync flow types ([#21887]( //<Ricky>//
- **[a97b5ac07]( )**: [Bugfix] Don't hide/unhide unless visibility changes ([#21875]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[81346764b]( )**: Run persistent tests in more configurations in CI ([#21880]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9090257e6]( )**: fix: restore execution context after RetryAfterError completed ([#21766]( //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[14bac6193]( )**: Allow components to render undefined ([#21869]( //<Ricky>//
- **[87b67d319]( )**: Enable scheduling profiler flag for react-dom profiling builds ([#21867]( //<Brian Vaughn>//
- **[464f27572]( )**: Update link to flow ([#21862]( //<Ehsan Hosseini>//
- **[9f5224a9c]( )**: Restore DevTools console message ([#21864]( //<Dan Abramov>//
- **[a4ecd85e8]( )**: act: Batch updates, even in legacy roots ([#21797]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[c2c6ea1fd]( )**: Capture suspense boundaries with undefined fallbacks ([#21854]( //<Ricky>//
- **[0f09f14ae]( )**: Check if already rendering before flushing //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[54e88ed12]( )**: Bugfix: Flush legacy sync passive effects at beginning of event ([#21846]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[cb8afda18]( )**: Add test for #21837 ([#21842]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[f85f429d5]( )**: Use `act()` in ReactFabric tests ([#21839]( ([#21841]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[84639ab53]( )**: Guard against reused fibers in React Native commands ([#21837]( //<Timothy Yung>//
- **[c549bc491]( )**: Revert "Use `act()` in ReactFabric tests ([#21839](" ([#21840]( //<Timothy Yung>//
- **[59d3aca68]( )**: Use `act()` in ReactFabric tests ([#21839]( //<Timothy Yung>//
- **[9ccc25a0e]( )**: Reverting recent flushSync changes ([#21816]( //<Brian Vaughn>//
- **[ed6c091fe]( )**: Replace unbatchedUpdates with flushSync ([#21776]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[32eefcb3c]( )**: Replace flushDiscreteUpdates with flushSync ([#21775]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[ab390c65e]( )**: ReactDebugHooks optionally includes fileName, and line/column numbers ([#21781]( //<Brian Vaughn>//
- **[c96761c7b]( )**: Delete batchedEventUpdates ([#21774]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3e8c86c1c]( )**: fix: maxYieldInterval should not compare with currentTime directly in Scheduler-shouldYieldToHost //<郭帅彬>//
- **[d483463bc]( )**: Updated scripts and config to replace "master" with "main" branch ([#21768]( //<Brian Vaughn>//

[General][Changed] - React Native sync for revisions cae6350...419cc9c


Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D29913856

fbshipit-source-id: 58e4903766a312a64a17cfba0b0f684cf4bcacb0

* Remove option to make measure calls asynchronous

Changelog: [internal]

Making measure calls asynchronous in Fabric regresses core metrics, let's remove the option.

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D29909385

fbshipit-source-id: eea3fefc8da757c8db82cb0af340650e2ce6a947

* Fix android view dimensions

This diff fixes the Android View dimensions in VR

PixelUtil.toSPFromPixel and PixelUtil.getDisplayMetricDensity() are both using getScreenDisplayMetrics() to perform conversion of dimensions. This is not correct because we should take into consideration the density of the Context / Activity instead of the Screen. This problem didn't raise before in Fabric Android because it seems that android OS on phones usually share the scale between the screen and the Activity?

These two methods are only used in Fabric and they were introduced by D9583972 ( and D9173758 (

As part of this diff I'm also deleting the method toSPFromPixel in favor of toDIPFromPixel because I noticed the usages of these methods are meant to use toDIPFromPixel()

changelog: [Internal] internal

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D29864944

fbshipit-source-id: a0a093c120bde21a6cf9e1043a83c31e870d4368

* Refactor DevServerHelper to separate checking if packager running

Changelog: [Internal]
Separate the functionality of the  isPackagerRunning() function into a new class PackagerStatusCheck with the intention of being able to use this without needing a DevServerHelper

Reviewed By: makovkastar, ShikaSD

Differential Revision: D29933318

fbshipit-source-id: d708bb987b08634015d6ee6b6c8989faba416c5a

* Introduce queueMicrotask API

[General][Added] - Add global.queueMicrotask

`queueMicrotask` is a relatively recent API defined in the WHATWG HTML spec
and it's been widely adopted by all web browsers and Node.js.

This diff introduced it to React Native by polyfilling it via a lazily-allocated
resolved Promise, or calling directly into a fast path provided by Hermes.

Reviewed By: RSNara

Differential Revision: D29838852

fbshipit-source-id: 8c4378b1b713fb8b0da5e67f92ba2ea9838766f7

* Shim Immediate APIs when Promise is queueing to JSVM

Changelog: [Internal]

Historically, Immediate API is implemented upon the React Native's
internal microtask-y queue (known as "immediate queue"), which
is the same queue Promise polyfill is operating on.

To make React Native suitable of using the built-in Promises from JSVMs,
which usually enqueues to the JSVM internal microtask queue and has no
access to React Native microtask-y queue, we need to migrate the
Immediate API to use the JSVM microtask queue as well to preserve the
semantics of code relies on the interleaving of promises and immediates.

To do that, this diff implement a shim layer for immediate APIs via the
new `global.queueMicrotask` API (which enqueues to JSVM) in JS, by wrapping
the immediate callback into a "microtask callback", which validate the
`immediate ID` against `clearedImmediate` Set before invoking it.

Reviewed By: RSNara

Differential Revision: D29845305

fbshipit-source-id: c2ed3fed426a5316b1e0dfbfaad51706d1765d4d

* Attempt to fix undefined instance handle in EventTarget

changelog: [internal]

Completion block can retain `_eventEmitter` beyond existence of the component. To fix this, do not retain `_eventEmitter` by block but try to acquire it inside it.

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D29969189

fbshipit-source-id: 456c42f816acc160f9d6bbd3f9c8c55d611940b2

* Makes "force" property available to Apple Pencil based events. (#31780)


For more detailed explanation, see issue

React Native touch handler events (onTouchStart, onTouchMoved, etc..) are intended to have "force" properties when used on devices which support pressure input (3D Touch & Apple Pencil events). However, due to a check in RCTForceTouchAvailable() function which checks for UITraitCollection's "forceTouchCapability" to be equal to UIForceTouchCapabilityAvailable, the check returns NO on iPad-based devices, due to iPad devices returning UIForceTouchCapabilityUnavailable at all times. This causes "force" values of Apple Pencils to never be passed on to React Native.
Since simply passing 0 as a value for force across the RN bridge for every touch event seemed like a change that might seem jarring to some, I decided that a simple additional boolean check if the touch event's type is UITouchTypePencil (this is the same as UITouchTypeStylus) should also suffice.

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[iOS] [Fixed] - Fixed "force" property of touch events for Apple Pencil/Stylus devices.
[iOS] [Feature] - Added "altitudeAngle" property to touch events from Apple Pencil/Stylus devices.

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan:
The code compiles and runs, and trying a simple handler for a View like
  touchMove = (e: GestureResponderEvent) => {
    console.log(`pressure, altitude (${e.nativeEvent.force}, ${e.nativeEvent.altitudeAngle})`);
results in
<img width="424" alt="Screen Shot 2564-06-28 at 17 13 22" src="">
and when pencil is oriented perpendicular to the screen and pressed with full force shows
<img width="412" alt="Screen Shot 2564-06-28 at 17 13 58" src="">

Reviewed By: sammy-SC

Differential Revision: D29964102

Pulled By: sota000

fbshipit-source-id: 5a1f41d64c6fe325afbd2b9579eaf20a522e92dc

* Fix typo in VirtualizedList-test.js (#31756)

occured -> occurred

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[Internal] [Fixed] - Fixed typo in VirtualizedList-test.js

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: NONE

Reviewed By: lunaleaps

Differential Revision: D29975153

Pulled By: charlesbdudley

fbshipit-source-id: 966d90df0bf015b4a6a2e3b1bf88c66b61161a7a

* Pass context through to all prop parser (core changes)

Unfortunately, parsing some props requires stateful context - namely, PlatformColor on Android. We explored several different options but they all seemed inferior to the approach of using ContextContainer, and most would require using global state.

By introducing this change everywhere as early as possible, we can avoid later pain. It is likely that some prop, on some platform, will require this mechanism. We'll be ready for it!

Because we can pass a constref of the ContextContainer through to all props and because the context and context data is never retained by prop parsers, perf and memory hit should be ~0.

This diff contains core changes only. Leaf changes to all props structs and conversions files will be in next diff(s).

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D29838789

fbshipit-source-id: f5090e7f02eb6e8fbe0ef4dd201e7d12104a3e3c

* Pass context through to all prop parser (props structs changes)

See previous diffs for context. This updates all of the relevant props structs.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D29855426

fbshipit-source-id: 30177c3380ef82ecf8f2a4321f128cfbe8a576e0

* Pass context through to all prop parser (conversions.h)

See previous diffs for context. This updates all conversions.h files.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D29855425

fbshipit-source-id: d5751ddfc2724392e3a35f5e22bb68574e95e737

* Pass PropsParserContext to prop parsing layer

Summary: Changelog: [internal]

Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D29921232

fbshipit-source-id: ba045f545b564aedf1b287045a0e75428de30a0f

* Fix typo in Constants.h (#31049)

controling -> controlling

## Changelog

[Internal] [Fixed] - Fixed typo in comment

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: NONE

Reviewed By: lunaleaps

Differential Revision: D29980007

Pulled By: charlesbdudley

fbshipit-source-id: 419f28f08d74faa07db18a07ab41b62c41776344

* Daily `arc lint --take CLANGFORMAT`

Reviewed By: zertosh

Differential Revision: D29983521

fbshipit-source-id: bebd38e79180c544c8c1986605cc1af4b1f4df98

* Update Dimension.js typo (#29858)

preferred instead of preffered

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[CATEGORY] [TYPE] - Message

Pull Request resolved:

Reviewed By: charlesbdudley

Differential Revision: D29998754

Pulled By: sota000

fbshipit-source-id: f13fef58e9154ddf8087944d53e022fb9afa6b1b

* Make existential type an error in xplat

This diff updates the xplat flowconfigs to make existential types an error.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: pieterv

Differential Revision: D29967838

fbshipit-source-id: f08bbafe2a0269adb2c9afa4572b7a34fd254a4d

* Remove unused import (#30544)

Remove unused import

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[iOS] [performance] - Remove unused import

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: Should build on CI

Reviewed By: lunaleaps

Differential Revision: D30000901

Pulled By: charlesbdudley

fbshipit-source-id: 3d3310917823b7af57564ca1ea397cd32cd0c4d5

* Updated TextInput autoCompleteType prop to autoComplete 1/2 (#26010)

Fix for bug Rename TextInput prop "autoCompleteType" to "autoComplete".

## Changelog

[Android] [Changed] - Updated `autoCompleteType` prop of `TextInput` to `autoComplete`

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan:
Test Pass

PR for [Doc Update](

Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D29980220

Pulled By: lunaleaps

fbshipit-source-id: 3c9e7d3250b5f95b0dbd523fdb0d917a039cd6a9

* Implement PlatformColor in Fabric Android

This diff implements PlatformColor in Fabric Android

changelog: [internal] internal

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D29841461

fbshipit-source-id: 63a523626b021c634bc399e749b639b55730391a

* Allows to set individual (left,top,right,bottom) dotted/dashed borders (#29099)

This issue:

fixes fixes fixes fixes  fixes fixes fixes fixes  fixes fixes fixes fixes fixes fixes fixes fixes fixes fixes fixes fixes fixes fixes fixes fixes fixes

Allows to set individual (left,top,right,bottom) dotted/dashed borders.

If a single border is specified and the borderStyle is dotted or dashed, each border will be drawn with moveTo and lineTo taking in consideration of the border style and thickness.

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[Android] [Fixed] - Quickfix individual border style dotted or dashed rendering as solid

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan:
**<details><summary>CLICK TO OPEN TESTS RESULTS</summary>**

| **AFTER** | **AFTER** |
| <img src="" width="300" height="" /> | <img src=""  width="300" height="" /> |

| **AFTER** | **AFTER** |
| <img src="" width="300" height="" /> | <img src=""  width="300" height="" /> |

| **AFTER** | **AFTER** |
| <img src="" width="300" height="" /> | <img src=""  width="300" height="" /> |

| **AFTER** | **AFTER** |
| <img src="" width="300" height="" /> | <img src=""  width="300" height="" /> |

| **AFTER** | **AFTER** |
| <img src="" width="300" height="" /> | <img src=""  width="300" height="" /> |

| **AFTER** | **AFTER** |
| <img src="" width="300" height="" /> | <img src=""  width="300" height="" /> |


Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D28688914

Pulled By: RSNara

fbshipit-source-id: 34781d63265dcf55e30f11c014e6b4a35d67dcbd

* Correct error message in getViewState method

Changelog: [internal]

Here, getting `viewState` has failed, not its view property.

Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D30042652

fbshipit-source-id: 42831b577f17db1f64860e68be33870f5be27207

* Clean up RAIICallbackManager experiment

This experiment was shipped in D27436402 (

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D30023039

fbshipit-source-id: 5f7335f2ddaf6f4e2d876a917aaff2cf3d906b5c

* Stop sharing LongLivedObjectCollection with the bridge

## Context
Previously, when you'd call TurboModule methods with JavaScript callbacks, we'd [store the callbacks]([c503ff1b38621aebca87b2bbebeae088b01886c4]/xplat/js/react-native-github/ReactCommon/react/nativemodule/core/platform/ios/ into [this global LongLivedObjectCollection collection]([c503ff1b38621aebca87b2bbebeae088b01886c4]/xplat/js/react-native-github/ReactCommon/react/nativemodule/core/ReactCommon/TurboModuleUtils.h?lines=65). Then, when React Native's JavaScript VM got torn down, we'd [clear the global collection]([e26f476ce208c578f05b1edb7639d1dad5612c7d]/xplat/js/react-native-github/ReactCommon/react/nativemodule/core/ReactCommon/TurboModuleBinding.cpp?lines=49), which would ensure that we deleted all held jsi::Functions, before deleting the jsi::Runtime.

## Problem
With bridgeless mode enabled, there can be two TurboModule systems. Further, it is possible to tear down bridgeless mode, or the bridge, without tearing down the other initialization infra. In this scenario, the jsi::Function for the other initialization infra would also get deleted, which could lead to mysterious problems.

## Fix
In this diff, I refactored the jsi::Function cleanup in the TurboModule system. Now, there are 3 modes:
- kGlobalScope: Everything works as it did before
- kRCTGlobalScopeUsingRetainJSCallback: We still use the global LongLivedObjectCollection, but we do it through invoking a block passed to every ObjCTurboModule by the TurboModuleManager. This group exists to assess the impact of having each TurboModule retain/use the block. I suspect this will be negligible, but it'd be good to have actual data to back this claim.
- kRCTTurboModuleManagerScope: Every TurboModule uses a LongLivedObjectCollection that is owned by its TurboModuleManager. This should effectively fix the problem I outlined above.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: p-sun

Differential Revision: D30019833

fbshipit-source-id: da50d884c7e37190107f570d8ed70eeda7d9ae83

* Stop sharing LongLivedObjectCollection with the bridge

This is the Android analogue to D30019833.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: p-sun

Differential Revision: D30029295

fbshipit-source-id: 13df0dfb915697eeedcc527dcdb6c246e89afb0c

* setup fragment based tab bar navigation

Summary: `Changelog: [Android] [Changed] - Make ReactFragment variables protected instead of private, create getter for ReactDelegate`

Reviewed By: keoskate

Differential Revision: D29981436

fbshipit-source-id: 3e5df811cd07edccf37f72c9f917f9ea0882be0b

* Remove 'using namespace facebook::jni'

Ez diff to remove 'using namespace facebook::jni'

changelog: [internal] internal

Reviewed By: sshic

Differential Revision: D30046080

fbshipit-source-id: 52100970a408d772854cc0783fa13edd0cc39235

* Add TODO to fix and enable 'generated_tests-codegen_testsAndroid'

Add TODO to fix and enable 'generated_tests-codegen_testsAndroid'

changelog: [internal] internal

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D30046143

fbshipit-source-id: dbeba6f1d51b32c069bda8bb9ca976014d299dae

* Move RNTester Buck library to GitHub (#31435)

Pull Request resolved:

Moves the Facebook-internal Buck target definition for RNTester closer to the actual source files. This does not affect how RNTester is built in open source.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: GijsWeterings

Differential Revision: D27942209

fbshipit-source-id: 66c970a5464a9329597d155ceeca78fb7f4834e8

* Move react-native Buck library to GitHub

Moves the Facebook-internal Buck target definition for React Native closer to the actual JS source files. This does not affect how React Native is built in open source.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: GijsWeterings

Differential Revision: D27942687

fbshipit-source-id: 328febb661ed6597feafdfd8efb2a95365325348

* Extract feature detection as an utilitiy module

Changelog: [Internal]

This diff only extracted the `isNativeFunction` used in `setUpTimers`
into the `FeatureDetection` utility, but later we will add more functions
in it and reuse them in other places.

Reviewed By: RSNara

Differential Revision: D29986750

fbshipit-source-id: 6e48e38d92ceccb35eead3c52e00e1eecb81b5b0

* Conditionalize the Regenerator Setup

Changelog: [Internal]

If generators are provided natively, that should suggest that the JS source
code did not go through the regenerator-transform (e.g. in Metro Hermes profile),
then there is no need to set up the regenerator runtime.

This should save some work during the Core initialization.

Reviewed By: motiz88

Differential Revision: D29986751

fbshipit-source-id: 129f5122e8e4c05535ee2aa5da6970a66843e8cd

* Protect against crashes when over-releasing a TouchEvent

It seems that, possibly due to optimizations and refactoring elsewhere in the event system, some TouchEvents are being over-disposed.

This doesn't really pose a problem besides performance; and could even indicate that an Event was in a pool but never properly initialized. In these
cases it seems perfectly reasonable to silently continue, and to log a soft exception. This WILL still crash in debug mode, so we can gather more information
if we find a good repro; otherwise we will continue to get production data from this soft exception if it's an issue and we can investigate further.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D30061178

fbshipit-source-id: 05d1f60afc382ce0a202ac8f3de34770cf9a760d

* Co-locate Buck targets for JS polyfills with their sources

Summary: Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: GijsWeterings

Differential Revision: D30032230

fbshipit-source-id: 0d714b4e0a79a9c5c1c21e79f782635d8bd9c5f1

* chore: update Dimensions API Flow types (#31898)

This small PR updates the Flow types used in Dimensions. The following changes has been made:
* generic types has been replaced with types from `NativeDeviceInfo` (which already were used in event subscription update)
* ~simplification of `DisplayMetricsAndroid` by spreading via intersection with `DisplayMetrics` type and removing shared properties~
  > I have tried both notations, but according to the lint, it looks like a Native Modules typing limitation which requires redundancy / code duplication in cases like this.

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[Internal] [Changed] - update Dimensions API Flow types

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: Running `yarn flow` in the workspace yields no errors.

Reviewed By: yungsters

Differential Revision: D29932940

Pulled By: GijsWeterings

fbshipit-source-id: bf97bb972964c585207e2450ccf71d932555e291

* Fix order of calls for Native Animated Module

Changelog: [internal]

Make sure the order of call is preserved for `NativeAnimatedModule`. The order of calls to NativeAnimatedModule needs to be preserved because its internals depend on it. For example, if you `getValue` is called before `createAnimatedNode`, it causes a crash.

To resolve it, we need to enqueue `getValue` onto operationQueue.

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D30035911

fbshipit-source-id: bbd698a96cada5d2b1312a1a689ca99b04a07cdc

* Merge BUCK file at Libraries/ into root

Merges the Facebook-internal Buck target definitions in `Libraries/` into the BUCK file at the root of the repo (which is currently not synced to GitHub at all). This does not affect how React Native is built in open source.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: GijsWeterings

Differential Revision: D27967499

fbshipit-source-id: 39c51a544b3868242598072d24cb6cfb5a6e2d8c

* Fix Buck package boundary violation in core components schema

Summary: Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: GijsWeterings

Differential Revision: D29996246

fbshipit-source-id: e560c7261c4274da5219dc1e2d59d46b60e7549e

* Allow resolving view from FabricUIManager

Summary: Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D30043188

fbshipit-source-id: d8675754b29fb58a28a06777f602098da6dbc27f

* Flush operations queue when animation starts

changelog: [internal]

If nodesManager has the information if animated node is managed by Fabric, we can't decide if the operation queue should be flushed before it is flushed. Therefore, keep the information about animated nodes inside a set instead of nodesManager.

For simplicity, I will refer to class `RCTNativeAnimatedTurboModule` as *NativeAnimated* and to `RCTNativeAnimatedNodesManager` as *NodesManager*

Notice that each call to *NativeAnimated* is queued up in `_operations` or `_preOperations`. When the queues are flushed, only then methods are called on `RCTNativeAnimatedNodesManager`.

There are two mechanisms that flush operations.
One is triggered by `RCTMountingManager` before mounting operations are applied and after they are applied. This works fine but is important to paint the picture.

The second mechanism is inside `[RCTNativeAnimatedTurboModule startAnimatingNode]`. It flushes the queues for Fabric nodes only (not sure why Fabric nodes only, I couldn't find any explanation in old diffs). It checks with *NativeAnimated* if a node is managed by Fabric. Keep in mind, *NodesManager* only knows about the nodes when the queues have been flushed.

JavaScript calls methods on *NativeAnimated*.
For example:
1. `createNode`
2. `connectAnimatedNodeToView`
3. `startAnimatingNode`. (here, the queues should be flushed, since we are in Fabric)

All of these operations are queued up and for as long as `RCTMountingManager` executes mounting, all proceeds as expected.
But if those operations happen after mounting phase, `startAnimatingNode` will not flush the operations queues, because it can't tell if nodeTag is managed by fabric or it isn't. This is because *NodesManager* hasn't been notified about any new nodes.

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross, p-sun

Differential Revision: D30053890

fbshipit-source-id: b7fe24861d5300f9cfefa813a53df8330fa56d86

* iOS: Log error when invalid NSNull data is passed to RCTAsyncLocalStorage

Summary: Changelog: [Internal]

Differential Revision: D30081478

fbshipit-source-id: 7d425e71b020eaeb4eb1b33b500fbf5df7ea9c29

* fbshipit-source-id: 909b2667480ed96ae376896d966f6c27f5e73964

* Update OSS Buck definitions (#31948)

Pull Request resolved:

Changelog: [Internal]

Adds necessary shims to bring our BUCK files closer to parsing/building correctly in open source. This is part of fixing the Buck-based tests on CircleCI which were broken by

Reviewed By: sammy-SC

Differential Revision: D30072866

fbshipit-source-id: 4aebd9f67dd0a102516603915d9a021032611279

* Update Android Dockerfile to include root BUCK file (#31950)

Pull Request resolved:

Changelog: [Internal]

Adds the root BUCK file to the Docker image we use to test RNTester on CircleCI. See

Reviewed By: ShikaSD

Differential Revision: D30099261

fbshipit-source-id: 936c505a0f4e7b791743901a06fa3b14c40b183e

* Check for negative `numberOfLines` in TextView

Negative `numberOfLines` prop is not supported by Android and causes a crash during layout measurement. This change adds a check in JS to catch the error earlier.

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: GijsWeterings

Differential Revision: D30047103

fbshipit-source-id: 4248a0f573c3b6facd25c7ae6ce007a357a1469b

* Fix NPE when hierarchy return null values

This diff fixes a NullPointer that was being thorwn when hierarchy values are null

changelog: [internal] internal

Reviewed By: sammy-SC

Differential Revision: D30095407

fbshipit-source-id: b0a13661b4506cf94eeb5d99923d4c12cba0f972

* Extend getInspectorDataForInstance to return props

This diff extends the FabricUIManager.getInspectorDataForInstance to return the props of the React Native component associated to the view passed as a parameter.

changelog: [internal] internal

Reviewed By: sammy-SC

Differential Revision: D30095406

fbshipit-source-id: 50fdba6636a1f5042dbc113e341c3cb2534a1b04

* Add documentation for FabricUIManager.getInspectorDataForInstance

Add documentation for FabricUIManager.getInspectorDataForInstance

changelog: [internal] internal

Reviewed By: sammy-SC

Differential Revision: D30095818

fbshipit-source-id: dfe8590598099e7581460ca45bc0e779690463a6

* chore: remove FlowFixMe (#29468)

Removed FlowFixMe that has been fixed

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[General] [Fixed] - Removed FlowFixMe that has been fixed

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: flow check passes

Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D29967702

Pulled By: lunaleaps

fbshipit-source-id: 541279287ba6f21c5c7290bcba7c282f092126ff

* Move RCT* Buck targets to GitHub

Summary: Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: GijsWeterings

Differential Revision: D30030454

fbshipit-source-id: 02a4c36f5c5ca519e4de3d1a3d79708d0d0b6d01

* Move integration test Buck targets to GitHub

Summary: Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: GijsWeterings

Differential Revision: D30032467

fbshipit-source-id: 56e293c821f02e78fe13f5e7f22bcb2b2050019a

* Move RNTester unit/integration test Buck targets to GitHub

Summary: Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: GijsWeterings

Differential Revision: D30032476

fbshipit-source-id: d1f9a39a6d2fc92f69b9ee931c2a0f3ba37687f6

* Move RCTTestApple into packages/rn-tester

Summary: Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: fkgozali

Differential Revision: D30056021

fbshipit-source-id: 9012ca6934f95946ff157ca472aa6a6e84d7d7e9

* React Native sync for revisions 419cc9c...19092ac

This sync includes the following changes:
- **[19092ac8c]( )**: Re-add old Fabric Offscreen impl behind flag ([#22018]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[215db465a]( )**: [Fabric] Add `flex: 1` to Offscreen view container ([#22019]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[8a37b0ef3]( )**: typos fixed ([#21955]( //<Sinan Sonmez (Chaush)>//
- **[e3049bb85]( )**: DevTools scheduling profiler: Add React component measures ([#22013]( //<Brian Vaughn>//
- **[27bf6f9a8]( )**: Scheduling profiler UX changes ([#21990]( //<Brian Vaughn>//
- **[f0d354efc]( )**: [Fabric] Fix reparenting bug in legacy Suspense mount ([#21995]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[34308b5ad]( )**: Tidy up early bailout logic at start of begin phase ([#21852]( //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[321087d13]( )**: [Fizz] Don't add aborted segments to the completedSegments list ([#21976]( //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[4cc8ec64c]( )**: Separate unit tests for ReactFabricHostComponent ([#21969]( //<Timothy Yung>//
- **[d4d786493]( )**: Fix `ReactFabricHostComponent` methods if detached ([#21967]( //<Timothy Yung>//
- **[392253a77]( )**: [Fabric] Use container node to toggle the visibility of Offscreen and Suspense trees ([#21960]( //<Andrew Clark>//

[General][Changed] - React Native sync for revisions 419cc9c...19092ac


Reviewed By: JoshuaGross

Differential Revision: D30092460

fbshipit-source-id: 9f118db2419a9a5db26a9b873868f91ab88f2f89

* refactor!: drop deprecated `StatusBarIOS` (#31466)

This component has been merged with `StatusBar` and deprecated since [Jun 24, 2019](

## Changelog

<!-- Help reviewers and the release process by writing your own changelog entry. For an example, see:

[JavaScript] [Removed] - refactor!: drop deprecated `StatusBarIOS`

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: Warning when user imports `StatusBarIOS`

Reviewed By: yungsters

Differential Revision: D30109324

Pulled By: lunaleaps

fbshipit-source-id: fa2d3aa2cf35206ed8a196e09f12af57d3b61ccc

* Fix OSS Buck parsing errors (#31957)

Pull Request resolved:

Changelog: [Internal]

Some fixes for the GitHub shims for FB-internal Buck macros. Should fix the Buck-related breakages in the `test_android` and `test_docker` CI jobs.

Also adds license headers to some recently-added files that didn't have them.

Reviewed By: mdvacca

Differential Revision: D30114177

fbshipit-source-id: 88a24fa7130bd98dd60568566bde51fcfc89df60

* Fix Buck package boundary violation involving RCTEventDispatcher.h (#31965)

Pull Request resolved:

Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: GijsWeterings

Differential Revision: D30030580

fbshipit-source-id: 3b4140a831c7ad7282aae0ff79c54014dcd82615

* Remove package boundary exceptions in OSS Buck config

Summary: Changelog: [Internal]

Reviewed By: stepancheg

Differential Revision: D30102445

fbshipit-source-id: 571ab5dc41379e01d4482f64418f6383f660dbfa

* Update JSLoader.cpp (#29270)

Since react-native-cli is deprecated, the correct command should be `npx react-native start`

Pull Request resolved:

Reviewed By: sammy-SC

Differential Revision: D30017028

Pulled By: sota000

fbshipit-source-id: cfcf9e1d150f51750a4e86133bd3167506ee7348

* Warn when negative `numberOfLines` prop set on <Text/> component

Updates previous variant that was crashing a surface to the non-crashing variant.
Now i…
  • Loading branch information
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 53 changed files with 6,894 additions and 1,979 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .ado/templates/react-native-macos-init.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ steps:
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: Bump package version
script: node scripts/bump-oss-version.js --ci 0.0.1000
script: node scripts/bump-oss-version.js --nightly -v 0.0.1000

- script: |
npm publish --registry http://localhost:4873
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .circleci/config.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ workflows:
- schedule:
cron: "0 0 * * *"
cron: "0 20 * * *"
# [TODO(macOS GH#774): disable this release. We never want to release anything from this fork via CCI.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ We use GitHub issues to track bugs exclusively. We have documented our issue han

### Merging upstream master into your fork master

From time to time, your fork will get out of sync with the upstream remote. Use the following commands to get the master branch of your fork up up to date.
We use GitHub issues to track bugs exclusively. We have documented our issue handling processes in the [Issues wiki](

git fetch upstream
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Libraries/Animated/nodes/AnimatedValue.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -196,7 +196,6 @@ class AnimatedValue extends AnimatedWithChildren {
resetAnimation(callback?: ?(value: number) => void): void {
this._value = this._startingValue;
// TODO(macOS GH#774): A bug fix that hasn't been merged to upstream yet.
if (this.__isNative) {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Libraries/Components/Button.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ import type {KeyEvent} from '../Types/CoreEventTypes'; // TODO(OSS Candidate ISS
import type {FocusEvent, BlurEvent} from './TextInput/TextInput'; // TODO(OSS Candidate ISS#2710739)

import type {
} from './View/ViewAccessibility';
import type {PressEvent} from '../Types/CoreEventTypes';

Expand Down
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions Libraries/Components/CheckBox/CheckBox.macos.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,12 +4,16 @@
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @flow strict-local
* @flow strict
* @format

// TODO(macOS GH#774)

'use strict';

module.exports = require('../UnimplementedViews/UnimplementedView');
function capitalize(string: string): string {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);

module.exports = {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
'use strict';

const React = require('react');
/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.99.0 site=react_native_ios_fb,react_native_macos_fb) This comment suppresses an
* error found when Flow v0.99 was deployed. To see the error, delete this
* comment and run Flow. */
/* $FlowFixMe[cannot-resolve-module] (>=0.99.0 site=react_native_ios_fb) This
* comment suppresses an error found when Flow v0.99 was deployed. To see the
* error, delete this comment and run Flow. */
const DrawerLayoutAndroid = require('../');
const View = require('../../View/View');

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Libraries/Components/Keyboard/Keyboard.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ class Keyboard {

* @deprecated Use `remove` on the EventSubscription from `addEventListener`.
* @deprecated Use `remove` on the EventSubscription from `addListener`.
removeEventListener<K: $Keys<KeyboardEventDefinitions>>(
removeListener<K: $Keys<KeyboardEventDefinitions>>(
eventType: K,
listener: (...$ElementType<KeyboardEventDefinitions, K>) => mixed,
): void {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
'use strict';

const React = require('react');
/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.99.0 site=react_native_ios_fb,react_native_macos_fb) This comment suppresses an
* error found when Flow v0.99 was deployed. To see the error, delete this
* comment and run Flow. */
/* $FlowFixMe[cannot-resolve-module] (>=0.99.0 site=react_native_ios_fb) This
* comment suppresses an error found when Flow v0.99 was deployed. To see the
* error, delete this comment and run Flow. */
const ProgressBarAndroid = require('../');

const ReactNativeTestTools = require('../../../Utilities/ReactNativeTestTools');
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Libraries/Components/ScrollView/__tests__/ScrollView-test.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ describe('<ScrollView />', () => {

// This is checking if the ref acts like a host component. If we had an
// `isHostComponent(ref)` method, that would be preferred.
// expect(innerViewRef.measure).toBeInstanceOf(jest.fn().constructor); // TODO: macOS(enable these snapshot tests) #978
// expect(innerViewRef.measureLayout).toBeInstanceOf(jest.fn().constructor); // TODO: macOS(enable these snapshot tests) #978
// expect(innerViewRef.measureInWindow).toBeInstanceOf(jest.fn().constructor); // TODO: macOS(enable these snapshot tests) #978
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,57 +13,14 @@ exports[`<ScrollView /> should render as expected: should deep render when mocke

exports[`<ScrollView /> should render as expected: should deep render when not mocked (please verify output manually) 1`] = `
Object {
"flexDirection": "column",
"flexGrow": 1,
"flexShrink": 1,
"overflow": "scroll",
Array [
Hello World!

Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Libraries/Components/View/ViewAccessibility.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ export type AccessibilityRole =
| 'timer'
| 'list'
| 'toolbar'
| 'popupbutton'
| 'menubutton'; // TODO(macOS GH#774)

// the info associated with an accessibility action
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Libraries/Core/ReactNativeVersion.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
exports.version = {
major: 0,
minor: 66,
patch: 0,
patch: 4,
prerelease: null,
36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions Libraries/LogBox/Data/LogBoxData.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -320,40 +320,40 @@ export function checkWarningFilter(format: string): WarningInfo {
return warningFilter(format);

export function getIgnorePatterns(): $ReadOnlyArray<IgnorePattern> {
return Array.from(ignorePatterns);

export function addIgnorePatterns(
patterns: $ReadOnlyArray<IgnorePattern>,
): void {
const existingSize = ignorePatterns.size;
// The same pattern may be added multiple times, but adding a new pattern
// can be expensive so let's find only the ones that are new.
const newPatterns = patterns.filter((pattern: IgnorePattern) => {
patterns.forEach((pattern: IgnorePattern) => {
if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
for (const existingPattern of ignorePatterns.entries()) {
for (const existingPattern of ignorePatterns) {
if (
existingPattern instanceof RegExp &&
existingPattern.toString() === pattern.toString()
) {
return false;
return true;
return !ignorePatterns.has(pattern);

if (newPatterns.length === 0) {
if (ignorePatterns.size === existingSize) {
for (const pattern of newPatterns) {

// We need to recheck all of the existing logs.
// This allows adding an ignore pattern anywhere in the codebase.
// Without this, if you ignore a pattern after the a log is created,
// then we would keep showing the log.
logs = new Set(
Array.from(logs).filter(log => !isMessageIgnored(log.message.content)),
// We need to recheck all of the existing logs.
// This allows adding an ignore pattern anywhere in the codebase.
// Without this, if you ignore a pattern after the a log is created,
// then we would keep showing the log.
logs = new Set(
Array.from(logs).filter(log => !isMessageIgnored(log.message.content)),

Expand Down
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions Libraries/LogBox/Data/__tests__/LogBoxData-test.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -418,6 +418,26 @@ describe('LogBoxData', () => {

it('adding same pattern multiple times', () => {

it('adding duplicated patterns', () => {
LogBoxData.addIgnorePatterns(['abc', /ab/, /abc/, /abc/, 'abc']);
LogBoxData.addIgnorePatterns([/ab/, /abc/]);

it('ignores logs matching patterns (logs)', () => {
addLogs(['A!', 'B?', 'C!']);

Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions Libraries/Pressability/__tests__/Pressability-test.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,12 +10,13 @@

import type {PressEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';
import * as HoverState from '../HoverState';
import Pressability from '../Pressability';
import invariant from 'invariant';
import nullthrows from 'nullthrows';
import Platform from '../../Utilities/Platform';
import UIManager from '../../ReactNative/UIManager';

const HoverState = require('../HoverState');
const Pressability = require('../Pressability').default;
const invariant = require('invariant');
const nullthrows = require('nullthrows');
const Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform');
const UIManager = require('../../ReactNative/UIManager');

// TODO: Move this util to a shared location.
function getMock<TArguments: $ReadOnlyArray<mixed>, TReturn>(
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions Libraries/Types/RootTagTypes.js~merged
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @flow strict
* @format

<<<<<<< HEAD
export type {RootTag} from '../ReactNative/RootTag';
<<<<<<< HEAD:Libraries/Components/DatePicker/DatePickerIOS.macos.js
// TODO(macOS GH#774)

'use strict';

module.exports = require('../UnimplementedViews/UnimplementedView');
export type {RootTag} from '../ReactNative/RootTag';
>>>>>>> facebook/0.66-stable:Libraries/Types/RootTagTypes.js
>>>>>>> facebook/0.66-stable
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions React-Core.podspec
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,17 +77,6 @@ do |s|
ss.private_header_files = "React/Cxx*/*.h"

s.subspec "Hermes" do |ss|
ss.platforms = { :osx => "10.15" }
ss.source_files = "ReactCommon/hermes/executor/*.{cpp,h}",
ss.dependency "RCT-Folly/Futures"
ss.dependency "hermes-engine"

s.subspec "DevSupport" do |ss|
ss.source_files = "React/DevSupport/*.{h,mm,m}",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion React/Base/RCTVersion.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
__rnVersion = @{
RCTVersionMajor: @(0),
RCTVersionMinor: @(66),
RCTVersionPatch: @(0),
RCTVersionPatch: @(4),
RCTVersionPrerelease: [NSNull null],
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ - (instancetype)initWithSurface:(id<RCTSurfaceProtocol>)surface
[self _updateViews];

// For backward compatibility with RCTRootView, set a color here instead of transparent (OS default).
self.backgroundColor = [RCTUIColor whiteColor];
self.backgroundColor = [RCTUIColor whiteColor]; // TODO(macOS GH#774)

return self;
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions React/CoreModules/RCTDevSettings.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,16 @@


@protocol RCTDevSettingsInspectable <NSObject>

* Whether current jsi::Runtime is inspectable.
* Only set when using as a bridgeless turbo module.
@property (nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL isInspectable;


@interface RCTDevSettings : RCTEventEmitter <RCTInitializing>

- (instancetype)initWithDataSource:(id<RCTDevSettingsDataSource>)dataSource;
Expand Down

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