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XML / HTML / XHTML markup language generator for Hy


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HyML - XML / (X)HTML generator for Hy


HyML (acronym for Hy Markup Language) is a set of macros to generate XML, XHTML, and HTML code in Hy. Main features are:

  1. resembling syntax with XML
  2. ability to evaluate Hy program code on macro expansion
  3. processing lists and templates
  4. custom variables
  5. tag validation and attribute minimizing with html4 and html5 macros
  6. custom div, class, and id handlers for html

You can use HyML for:

  • static xml/xhtml/html content and file generation
  • generating html code for Jupyter Notebook for example
  • attached it to the server for dynamic html output generation
  • practice and study
  • challenge your imagination

If you want to skip the nostalgic background rationale part, you can jump straight to the installation and the documentation part.


My primary intention is simple and mundane. Study. Study. Study.

First of all, I wanted to study more Lisp language. Seven years ago, I tried Scheme and CommonLisp for form generation and validation purposes. Then Clojure for website session handler. Now, in 2017, I found another nice Lisp dialect which was seemlessly interoperating with Python, the language I've already used for an another decade on many spare time research projects.

This implementation, Pythonic Lisp, is called with a concise two character name, Hy. Well chosen name makes it possible to create many "Hylarious" module names and acronyms when prefixed, infixed, and affixed with other words. Playful compounds can be created such as Hymn, Hy5, Hyway, Shyte, HyLogic, Hyffix, Hypothesis (actually already a Python test library), and now: HyML.

For other Lisp interpreters written in Python should be mentioned. One is from iconic Peter Norvig: Lispy2 and McCarthy's original Lisps by Fogus, and Kjetil Valle, Root Lisp.

But none of these interact with Python AST so that both Lisp and Python modules can be called from each sides, which is why I think Hy is an exceptionally interesting implementation.

Previous similar work

As a web developer, most of my time, I'm dealing with different kinds of scripting and markup languages. Code generation and following specifications is the foremost concern. Lisp itself is famous for code generation and domain language oriented macro behaviours. I thought it would be nice to make a generator that creates html code, simplifies creation of it and produces standard well defined code. It turned out that I was not so unique on that endeavour after all:

"There are plenty of Lisp Markup Languages out there - every Lisp programmer seems to write at least one during his career...""

-- cl-who


Since Hy is a rather new language wrapper, there was no dedicated generator available (natively written) for it. Or at least I didn't find them. Maybe this is also, because one could easily use Python libraries. Any Python library can be imported to Hy with a simple import clause. And vice versa, any Hy module can be imported to Python with the ordinary (import) command.

I had made html generator module for Python four years ago, namely tagpy, which is now called Remarkuple3. It is a general purpose class with automatic tag object creation on the fly. It follows strictly XML specifications. I should show some core parts of it.

First the tag class:

class TAG(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        """ Construct object, args are content and keywords are attributes """
        for arg in args:
        for key, val in kw.items():
            self.__dict__['attributes'][key.lower()] = val
    def __getattr__(self, key):
        Get attribute by key by dot notation: tag.attr. This is a short and nice way, but
        drawback is that Python has some reserved words, that can't be used this way. Method 
        is also not-case-sensitive, because key is transformed to lower letters. Returning 
        None if attribute is not found. 
        return self.__dict__['attributes'].get(key.lower(), None)
    def __str__(self):
        Represent tag in string format. This is also a nice and short way to output the actual
        xml content. Concat content retrieves all nested tags recursively.
        if self.__dict__['content']:
            return '<%s%s>%s</%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, strattr(self.__dict__['attributes']),
                                      concat(*self.__dict__['content']), self.__class__.__name__)
            return '<%s%s/>' % (self.__class__.__name__, strattr(self.__dict__['attributes']))

Then helper initialization:

# create helper class to automaticly create tags based on helper class attribute / method overloading
class htmlHelper(object):
    def create(self, tag):
        return type(tag, (TAG,), {})()
    def __getattr__(self, tag):
        return type(tag.lower(), (TAG,), {})

# init helper for inclusion on the module
helper = htmlHelper()

And finally usage example:

# load xml helper
from remarkuple import helper as h
# create anchor tag
a = h.a()
# create attribute for anchor
a.href = "#"
# add bolded tag text to anchor
a += h.b("Link")
print(a) # <a href="#"><b>Link</b></a>


I also made a PHP version of the HTML generator even earlier in 2007. That program factored classes for each html4 specified tag, and the rest was quite similar to Python version. Here is some parts of the code for comparison, first the generation of the tag classes:

$evalstr = '';
// Factorize elements to classes
foreach ($elements as $abbreviation => $element) {
    $abbreviation = strtoupper($abbreviation);
    $arg0 = strtolower($abbreviation);
    $arg1 = $element['name'];
    $arg2 = $element['omitted'] ? 'true' : 'false';
    $arg3 = $element['nocontent'] ? 'true' : 'false';
    $arg4 = $element['strict'] ? 'true' : 'false';

    $evalstr .= <<<EOF
class HE_$abbreviation extends HtmlElement
    function HE_$abbreviation(\$Attributes = null, \$Content = null, \$Index = null) {
        parent::Mm_HtmlElement('$arg0', '$arg1', $arg2, $arg3, $arg4);
        if (isset(\$Attributes) && is_array(\$Attributes)) \$this->attributes->container(\$Attributes);
        if (isset(\$Content)) \$this->add_content(\$Content, \$Index);

Then usage of the HtmlElement class:

include 'HtmlElement.php';
$a = new HE_A(array('href' => '#'));
$a->addContent(new HE_B("Link"));
echo $a->render(); // <a href="#"><b>Link</b></a>

Doesn't this feel quite Lispy? I mean generating and modifying code is same what macros do. Here it is done with PHP, and can be done with any language. But the thing is that EVAL in other languages is regarded as EVIL, but for Lisp users it is a "principia primaria".


Both Python and PHP versions are object oriented approaches to xml/html generation. Which is quite good after all. You can collect xml elements inside each other, manipulate them anyway you want before rendering output. One could similarly use world-famous jQuery javascript library, which has become a standard for DOM manipulation:

var a = $('<a/>');
a.attr('href', "#");
// there is a small catch here, a -element must be inner element of other
// tag to be possible to be rendered as a whole
var d = $('<div/>').html(a);
console.log(d.html()); //<a href="#"><b>Link</b></a>

jQuery will construct tag objects (DOM elements) which you can access by jQuery methods that are too manifold to mention here.

Template engines

Then there are plenty of domain specific html template languages for each and every programming language. Haml for Ruby. Jinja, Mako, and Genchi for Python. Twig, Smarty, and Mustache for PHP.

Common to all is that they separate user interface logic from business and database logic to follow model-view-controller architecture.

Actually by using output buffering control one can easily create a template engine with PHP, that, by the way, is a template language itself already. For example this file.php content:

<a href="<?=$href?>"><b><?=$link?></b></a>

With this code:

function render($file, $data) {
    $content = file_get_contents($file);
    ob_start() && extract($data);
    $content = ob_get_clean();
    return $content;
render('file.php', array('href'=>"#", 'link'=>"Link"));

Would render:

<a href="#"><b>Link</b></a>

But now it is time to get back to Python, Lisp, and Hy. While Hy didn't have html generators until now, there are many Lisp implementations as previously told. You can find out some from You may also want to compare different implementations and their final DSL syntax to HyML from @com-informatimago.

Python xml/html generators and processors are available from Pypi. Some do more or less same than HyML, some are just loosely related to HyML.

Benefits and Implementation

One thing in the object oriented method is that code itself doesn't resemble much like xhtml and html. So you are kind of approaching one domain language syntax from other syntax. In some cases it looks like ugly, in many small projects and cases it gives overhead in the amoun of code you need to write to output XML.

In Hy (and List generally), language syntax already resembles structured and nested markup langauge. Basic components of the language are tag notation with <, >, and / characters, tag names, tag attributes, and tag content. This behaves exactly with Lisp notation where the first element inside parentheses is normally a function, but now gets interpreted as a tag name. Keywords are usually indicated with a pair notation (:key "value"). And content is wrapped with double quotation characters. Only difference is that when indicator of nested content in XML is done "outside" of the start tag element, for example:


In Hy, the content is inside the expression:

(tag "Content")

This makes parenthesized notation less verbose, so it tends to save some space. Drawback is of cource the fact that in a large code block there will be a lot of ending parentheses,a s you will find later. This will make the famous LISP acronym expanded to "(L)ots of (I)rritating (S)uperfluous (P)arentheses". But don't let it scare you, like it did me at first. After all, it is like with playing guitars; more different types you play, less it matters what you get on your hands. Soon you find you can't get it enought!

Lisp is also known as "code is data, data is code" -paradigm. This is perfectly visible on the HyML implementation I'm going give some sights now.

Three aspects

Data, was it just data as data or code, in the information technology it has always to do with three different aspects, namely:

  1. processing lists (did I mention this somewhere earlier?!)
  2. hierarchic structures
  3. data types

In HyML the third part is pretty simple. In the output everything is just a plain text. There are no datatypes. Same applies to JSON document too, except that when parsing it, by semantic rules, we can find out few basic datatypes. But again, in HyML, even more in the output ie. xml, data types has a minimal meaning. You should only give attention keywords that starts with colon (:) punctuation mark.

Hierachical structure is defined by nested parentheses. Simple as that. Processing list can be thought as a core Hy / Lisp language syntax utility, but there is also a specific syntactic feature called unquote-splice, that can delegate a list of elements to the parent element in HyML.

Catch tag if you can

We are talking about internal implementation of the HyML module now, especially the macros.hy file.

Let us take a moment to think of this expression in HyML:

(tag :attr "value" (sub "Content"))

One of the core parts of the HyML implementation is where to catch a tag name. Because the first element after opening parentheses in Hy is normally referring to a function, in HyML we need to change that functionality so that it refers to a tag name. Thus we need to catch tag name with the following code:

(defn catch-tag [code]
    ; code can be a symbol or a sub program
    ; thats why try to evaluate it. internal symbols like "input"
    ; for example are handled here too. just about anything can be 
    ; a tag name 
    (name (eval code))
    ; because evaluation most probably fails when code contains
    ; a symbol name that has not been specified on the global namespace,
    ; thats why return quoted code which should work every time.
    ; tag will be tag and evaluation of the code can go on without failing
    ; in the catch-tag part
    (except (e Exception) (eval 'code))))

Then the rest of the HyML expression gets interpreted. It can contain basicly just key-value pairs or content. Content can be a string or yet another similar HyML expression. get-content-attributes in macros.hy will find out all keyword pairs first and then rest of the expression in regarded as content, which is a string or a nested HyML expression.

Semantic sugar

Then some tag names are specially handled like: unquote, unquote_splice, , !__, <?xml, !DOCTYPE, and in html4/5 mode tag names starting with . or # (dispatch_reader_macro).

For example ~ (unquote) symbol is used to switch the following expression from macro mode to Hy program mode. Other are mroe closely discussed in the documentation.

Finally when tags are created some rules from specs.hy are used to create either long or short tags and to minimize attributes.

This is basicly it. Without html4/5 functionality code base would be maybe one third of the current code base. Tag validation and minimizing did add a lot of extra code to the module. Being a plain xml generator it would have been comparative to Remarkuple code base.

Templating feature requires using globals variable dictionary as a registry for variables. Macro to expand and evaluate templates is pretty simple:

(defmacro include [template]
    ; tokenize is needed to parse external file
    (import [hy.importer [tokenize]])
    (with [f (open ~template)]
      ; funky ~@` part is needed as a prefix to the template code
      ; so that code on template wont get directly expanded but only 
      ; after everything had been collected by the macro for final evaluation
      (tokenize (+ "~@`(" ( ")")))))

One more catch is to use variables from globals dictionary when evaluating code on parser:

(.join "" (map ~name (eval (second code) variables)))

This makes it possible to use custom variables at the moment in HyML module and maybe custom functions on templates later in future.

Now, with these simple language semantic modifications to Hy, I have managed to do a new programable markup language, HyML, that produces XML / XHTML, and HTML code as an output.

Future work

There is a nice feature set on arclanguage html generator, that still could optimize the size of the codebase of HyML:

Downside of this is that implementation like that adds more functionas to call and maintain, while HyML at this point is a pretty minimal implementation for its purposes.

Quick start

Project is hosted in GitHub:


HyML can be installed effortlessly with pip:

$ pip install hyml

HyML requires of cource Python and Hy on a computer. Hy will be automaticly installed, or updated at least to version 0.12.1, if it wasn't already.

Environment check

You should check that your environment meets the same requirements than mine. My environment for the sake of clarity:

(import hy sys)
(print "Hy version: " hy.__version__)
(print "Python" sys.version)

Hy version: 0.12.1 Python 3.5.2 (default, Jul 5 2016, 11:41:13) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]

So this module has been run on Hy 0.12.1 and Python 3.5.2 installed by Anaconda package in Windows. If any problems occurs, you should report them to:

Import main macros

After installation you can import ML macros with the next code snippet in Hy REPL or Jupyter Notebook with calysto_hy kernel:

(require [hyml.macros [*]])
(import (hyml.macros (*)))

Let us just try that everything works with a small test:

#㎖(tag :attr "val" (sub "Content"))

That should output:

<tag attr="val"><sub>Content</sub></tag>

So is this it, the code generation at its best? With 35 characters of code we made 40 characters xml string. Not to mention some 500 lines of code on a module to make it work! Give me one more change and let me convince you with the next all-in-one example.


This is the core documentation part of the HyML.

All-in-one example

First, I'd like to show an example that presents the most of the features included in the HyML module. Then I will go through all the features case by case.

; by default there is no indentation, thus for pretty print we use indent
(print (indent 
  ; specify parser macro (ML macros) that must be one of the following:
  ; xml, xhtml, xhtml5, html4, or html5 
  ; plain text content
  ; xml declaration below could also be done with a custom tag: (?xml :version "1.0" :encoding "UTF-8")
  "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
  ; more plain text content
  ; doctype could also be done with a custom tag: (!DOCTYPE "html")
  "<!DOCTYPE html>"
  ; define tag name as the first parameter
  ; define attributes by keywords
  (html :lang "en" :xmlns ""
    ; define nested tags and content by similar manner
      ; everything else except the first parameter and keywords are
      ; regarded as inner html content
      (title "Page title"))
      ; plain text content
      ; comments could also be done with a custom tag: (!-- "comments")
      "<!-- body starts here -->"
      ; short notation for div element and class attribute <div class=""/>
      ; note that - character in main-container will become to main_container due to Hy
      ; internal language construction
         ; short notation for class attribute for specified element: <h1 class=""/>
         ; with multiple dot notation classes are concatenated with space
           ; unquote macro with ~ to evaluate normal Hy code
           ; after unquoted expression rest of the code is continued to be parsed by ML macros again
           ~(.capitalize "page header"))
         ; short notation for id attribute for specified element: <ul id=""/>
         ; you should not use joined #main#sub similar to class notation, althought it is not prohibited,
         ; because id="main sub" is not a good id according to html attribute specifications
         (ul#main "List"
           ; unquote splice ~@ processes lists and concatenates results
           ; list-comp* is a slightly modified vesion of list-comp
           ; in list-comp* the list argument is the first and the expression is
           ; the second argument. in native list-comp those arguments are in reverse order
           ~@(list-comp* [[idx num] (enumerate (range 3))]
                         ; quote (`) a line and unquote variables and expressions to calculate
                         ; and set correct class for even and odd list items
                         `(li :class ~(if (even? idx) "even" "odd") ~num)))))))))

This will output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" xmlns=""> <head> <title>Page title</title> </head> <body> <!-- body starts here --> <div class="main_container"> <h1 class="main header">Page header</h1> <ul id="main"> List <li class="even">0</li> <li class="odd">1</li> <li class="even">2</li> </ul> </div> </body> </html>


At the moment HyML module contains xml, html4, html5, xhtml, and xhtml5 macros (called as ML macros in short) to generate the (M)arkup (L)anguage code. xml is a generic generator which allows using any tag names and attributes. html4 and xhtml macros allows to use only html4 specified tag names. Same applies to html5 and xhtml5. Complete chart of the allowed elements are listed at the end of the document.

Tags can be created with or without attributes, as well as with or without content. For example:

  (xml (node))
  (xml (node :attribute "")) ; force to use empty attribute
  (xml (node :attribute "value"))
  (xml (node :attribute "value" "")) ; force to use empty content
  (xml (node :attribute "value" "Content")))


<node/> <node attribute=""/> <node attribute="value"/> <node attribute="value"></node> <node attribute="value">Content</node>

However in html4 and html5 there are certain tags that cannot have endings so they will be rendered in correct form by the parser. "Forbidden" labeled tags are listed at the end of the document. One of them is for example the meta tag:

(html4 (meta :name "keywords" :content "HTML,CSS,XML,JavaScript"))


<meta name=keywords content=HTML,CSS,XML,JavaScript>

To see and compare the difference in xhtml, let macro print the same:

(xhtml (meta :name "keywords" :content "HTML,CSS,XML,JavaScript"))


<meta name="keywords" content="HTML,CSS,XML,JavaScript"/>

Shorthand macro

#㎖ (Square Ml) can be used as a shorthand reader macro for generating xml/html/xhtml code:

    (head (title "Page title"))
    (body (div "Page content" :class "container")))


<html><head><title>Page title</title></head><body><div class="container">Page content</div></body></html>

#㎖ actually utilizes xml macro so same result can be achieved with the next, maybe more convenient and recommended notation:

    (head (title "Page title"))
    (body (div "Page content" :class "container"))))


<html><head><title>Page title</title></head><body><div class="container">Page content</div></body></html>

It is not possible to define other ML macro to be used with the #㎖ shorthand reader macro. You could however define your own shorthands following next quidelines:

(defsharp {unicode-char} [code] (parse-{parser} code))

{unicode-char} can be any unicode char you want. {parser} must be one of the following available parsers: xml, xhtml, xhtml5, html4, or html5.

With #㎖ shorthand you have to provide a single root node for generating code. Directry using ML macros makes it possible to generate multiple instances of code, and might be more informative notation style anyway:

(xml (p "Sentence 1") (p "Sentence 2") (p "Sentence 3"))


<p>Sentence 1</p><p>Sentence 2</p><p>Sentence 3</p>

Let us then render the code, not just printing it. This can be done via html5> macro imported earlier from helpers:

(html4> "Content is " (b king) !)


Content is king!

Renderers are available for all ML macros: xml>, xhtml>, xhtml5>, html4>, and html5>.

Validation and minimizing

If validation of the html tag names is a concern, then one should use html4, html5, xhtml, and xhtml5 macro family. In the example below if we try to use time element in html4, which is specifically available in html5 only, we will get an HyMLError exception:

; (html4 (time))
; (catch [e [HyMLError]]))
;hytml.macros.HyMLError: Tag 'time' not meeting html4 specs

Other features in html4 and html5 macros are attribute and tag minimizing. Under the certain rules start and end tags can be removed from the output. Also boolean attributes can be shortened. In html4 and html5 macros minimizing is a default feature that can't be bypassed. If you do not want to minimize code, you must use xhtml or xhtml5 macro. Contrary in xhtml and xhtml5 macros attribute and tag minimizing is NOT available. Instead all tags are strictly closed and attributes in key="value" format.


; valid html4 document
(html4 (title) (table (tr (td "Cell 1") (td "Cell 2") (td "Cell 3"))))


<title/><table><tr><td>Cell 1<td>Cell 2<td>Cell 3</table>


; in xhtml tags and attributes will be output in complete format
(xhtml (title) (table (tr (td "Cell 1") (td "Cell 2") (td "Cell 3"))))


<title/><table><tr><td>Cell 1</td><td>Cell 2</td><td>Cell 3</td></tr></table>

Note that above xhtml code is still not a valid xhtml document even tags and attributes are perfectly output. ML macros do no validate structure of the document just tag names. For validation one should use official validator service and follow the html specifications to create a valid document. ML macros can be used to guide on that process but more importantly it is meant to automatize the generation of the xml code while adding programming capabilities on it.

xml on the other hand doesn't give a dime of the used tag names. They can be anything, even processed names. Same applies to keywords, values, and contents. You should use more strict xhtml, xhtml5, html4, and html5 macros to make sure that tag names are corresponding to HTML4 or HTML5 specifications.

; see how boolean attribute minimizing works
(html4 (input :disabled "disabled"))


<input disabled>

Unquoting code

In all ML macros you can pass any code in it. See for example:

(xml (p "Sum: " (b (apply sum [[1 2 3 4]]))))


<p>Sum: <b><apply>sum<[1, 2, 3, 4]/></apply></b></p>

But you see, the result was not possibly what you expected. ML macros will interpret the first item of the expression as a name of the tag. Thus apply becomes a tag name. Until the next expression everything else is interpreted either as a content or a keyword.

However using ~ (unquote) symbol, ML macro behaviour can be stopped for a moment:

(xml (p "Sum: " (b ~(apply sum [[1 2 3 4]])) !))


<p>Sum: <b>10</b>!</p>

So the following expression after ~ will be evaluated and then result is returned back to the original parser. And the rest of the code will be interpreted via macro. In this case it was just an exclamation mark.

Note that it is not mandatory to wrap strings with "" if given input doesn't contain any spaces. You could also single quote simple non-spaced letter sequences. So ! is same as "!" in this case.

Quoting and executing normal Hy code inside html gives almost unlimited possibility to use HyML as a templating engine. Of cource there is also a risk to evaluate code that breaks the code execution. Plus uncontrolled template engine code may be a security consern.

Unquote splice

In addition to unquote, one can handle lists and iterators with ~@ (unquote-splice) symbol. This is particularly useful when a list of html elements needs to be passed to the parent element. Take for example this table head generation snippet:

 (table (thead
   (tr ~@(list-comp
         `(th :class (if (even? ~i) "even" "odd") ~label " " ~i)
         [[i label] (enumerate (* ["col"] 3))])))))


<table><thead><tr><th class="even">col 0</th><th class="odd">col 1</th><th class="even">col 2</th></tr></thead></table>

List comprehensions notation might seem a little bit strange for some people. It takes a processing part (expression) as the first argument, and the actual list to be processed as the second argument. On a nested code this will move lists to be processed in first hand to the end of the notation. For example:

  ~@(list-comp `(ul (b "List")
      ~@(list-comp `(li item " " ~li)
          [li uls]))
    [uls [[1 2] [1 2]]]))


  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2

But there is another slighly modified macro to use in similar manner:


Let's do again above example but this time with a dedicated list-comp* macro. Now the lists to be processed is passed as the first argument to the list-comp* macro and the expression for processing list items is the second argument. Yet the second argument itself contains a new list processing loop until final list item is to be processed. This is perhaps easier to follow for some people:

  ~@(list-comp* [uls [[1 2] [1 2]]]
    `(ul (b "List")
      ~@(list-comp* [li uls]
        `(li item " " ~li)))))


<ul><b>List</b><li>item 1</li><li>item 2</li></ul><ul><b>List</b><li>item 1</li><li>item 2</li></ul>

Of cource it is just a matter of the taste which one you like. list-comp* with unquote-splice symbol (~@) reminds us that it is possible to create any similar custom macros for the HyML processor. ~@ can be thought as a macro caller, not just unquoting and executing Hy code in a normal lisp mode.

Here is a more complex table generation example from the remarkuple Python module docs. One should notice how variables (col, row, and cell) are referenced by quoting them:

    (caption "Data table")
      (col :style "background-color:red")
      (col :style "background-color: green")
      (col :style "background-color: blue"))
        ~@(list-comp* [col ["Column 1" "Column 2" "Column 3"]]
          `(th ~col))))
     ~@(list-comp* [row (range 1 3)]
         ~@(list-comp* [cell (range 3)]
           `(td  ~row "." ~cell)))))
     ~@(list-comp* [row (range 1 3)]
         ~@(list-comp* [cell (range 3)]
           `(td  ~row "." ~cell)))))
        (td :colspan "3" "Footer")))))


Data table
Column 1Column 2Column 3

Address book table from CSV file

We should of course be able to use external source for the html. Let's try with a short csv file:

   (caption "Contacts")
     [[idx row] (enumerate (.split (.read (open "data.csv" "r")) "\n"))]
     (if (pos? idx) 
            ~@(list-comp* [item (.split row ",")]
              `(td ~item)))
            ~@(list-comp* [item (.split row ",")]
              `(th ~item)))))))




It is possible to load code from an external file too. This feature has not been deeply implemented yet, but you get the feeling by the next example. Firt I'm just going to show external template file content:

(with [f (open "template.hy")] (print (


(html :lang ~lang

(head (title ~title)) (body (p ~body)))

Then I use include macro to read and process the content:

(defvar lang "en"
        title "Page title"
        body "Content")

(xhtml ~@(include "template.hy"))


<html lang="en"><head><title>Page title</title></head><body><p>Content</p></body></html>

All globally defined variables are available on ML macros likewise:

(xhtml ~lang ", " ~title ", " ~body)


en, Page title, Content

HTML4 / 5 specifications

xml does not care about the markup specifications other than general tag and attribute notation. It is totally dummy about the naming conventions of the tags or their relation to each other or global structure of the markup document. It is all on the responsibility of the user to make it correct.

html4 and html5 macros will render tags as specified below. These macros will minimize code when possible. Using undefined tag will raise an error. Attributes are not validated however. One should use official validator for a proper validation.

Below is the last example of using ML macros. It will print the first 5 rows of the HTML4/5 specifications.

Columns are:

  • Tag name
  • Tag title
  • Forbidden (if there should be no content or end tag)
  • Omit (forbidden plus omit short tag like <col>)
  • HTML4 (is html4 compatible?)
  • HTML5 (is html5 compatible?)
    (caption "HTML Element Specifications")
        ~@(list-comp* [col ["Tag name" "Tag title" "Forbidden" "Omit" "HTML4" "HTML5"]]
          `(th ~col))))
     ~@(list-comp* [[id row] (take 5 (.items (do (import (hyml.macros (specs))) specs)))]
          (td ~(.upper (get row :name)))
          (td ~(get row :name))
          (td ~(get row :forbidden))
          (td ~(get row :omit))
          (td ~(get row :html4) :class (if ~(get row :html4) "html4" ""))
          (td :class (if ~(get row :html5) "html5" ""))))))))


HTML Element Specifications
Tag nameTag titleForbiddenOmitHTML4HTML5
; lets import pandas dataframe for easy table view
(import [pandas])
; set max rows to 200 to prevent pruning displayed rows
(pandas.set_option "display.max_rows" 200)
; disable jupyter notebook autoscroll on the next cell
%javascript IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) {return false}
; show all specs
(pandas.DataFrame.transpose (pandas.DataFrame specs))
:forbidden :html4 :html5 :name :omit :title
:a False True True a False Anchor
:abbr False True True abbr False Abbreviation
:acronym False True False acronym False Acronym
:address False True True address False Address
:applet False True False applet False Java applet
:area True True True area True Image map region
:article False False True article False Defines an article
:aside False False True aside False Defines content aside from the page content
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:b False True True b False Bold text
:base True True True base True Document base URI
:basefont True True False basefont False Base font change
:bdi False False True bdi False Isolates a part of text that might be formatte...
:bdo False True True bdo False BiDi override
:big False True False big False Large text
:blockquote False True True blockquote False Block quotation
:body False True True body False Document body
:br True True True br True Line break
:button False True True button False Button
:canvas False False True canvas False Used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripti...
:caption False True True caption False Table caption
:center False True False center False Centered block
:cite False True True cite False Citation
:code False True True code False Computer code
:col True True True col True Table column
:colgroup False True True colgroup False Table column group
:datalist False False True datalist False Specifies a list of pre-defined options for in...
:dd False True True dd False Definition description
:del False True True del False Deleted text
:details False False True details False Defines additional details that the user can v...
:dfn False True True dfn False Defined term
:dialog False False True dialog False Defines a dialog box or window
:dir False True False dir False Directory list
:div False True True div False Generic block-level container
:dl False True True dl False Definition list
:dt False True True dt False Definition term
:em False True True em False Emphasis
:embed False False True embed False Defines a container for an external (non-HTML)...
:fieldset False True True fieldset False Form control group
:figcaption False False True figcaption False Defines a caption for a <figure> element
:figure False False True figure False Specifies self-contained content
:font False True False font False Font change
:footer False False True footer False Defines a footer for a document or section
:form False True True form False Interactive form
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:h5 False True True h5 False Level-five heading
:h6 False True True h6 False Level-six heading
:head False True True head False Document head
:header False False True header False Defines a header for a document or section
:hr True True True hr True Horizontal rule
:html False True True html False HTML document
:i False True True i False Italic text
:iframe False True True iframe False Inline frame
:img True True True img True Inline image
:input True True True input True Form input
:ins False True True ins False Inserted text
:isindex True True True isindex False Input prompt
:kbd False True True kbd False Text to be input
:keygen False False True keygen True Defines a key-pair generator field (for forms)
:label False True True label False Form field label
:legend False True True legend False Fieldset caption
:li False True True li False List item
:link True True True link True Document relationship
:main False False True main False Specifies the main content of a document
:map False True True map False Image map
:mark False False True mark False Defines marked/highlighted text
:menu False True True menu False Menu list
:menuitem False False True menuitem False Defines a command/menu item that the user can ...
:meta True True True meta True Metadata
:meter False False True meter False Defines a scalar measurement within a known ra...
:nav False False True nav False Defines navigation links
:noframes False True False noframes False Frames alternate content
:noscript False True True noscript False Alternate script content
:object False True True object False Object
:ol False True True ol False Ordered list
:optgroup False True True optgroup False Option group
:option False True True option False Menu option
:output False False True output False Defines the result of a calculation
:p False True True p False Paragraph
:param True True True param True Object parameter
:picture False False True picture False Defines a container for multiple image resources
:pre False True True pre False Preformatted text
:progress False False True progress False Represents the progress of a task
:q False True True q False Short quotation
:rp False False True rp False Defines what to show in browsers that do not s...
:rt False False True rt False Defines an explanation/pronunciation of charac...
:ruby False False True ruby False Defines a ruby annotation (for East Asian typo...
:s False True True s False Strike-through text
:samp False True True samp False Sample output
:script False True True script False Client-side script
:section False False True section False Defines a section in a document
:select False True True select False Option selector
:small False True True small False Small text
:source True False True source True Defines multiple media resources for media ele...
:span False True True span False Generic inline container
:strike False True False strike False Strike-through text
:strong False True True strong False Strong emphasis
:style False True True style False Embedded style sheet
:sub False True True sub False Subscript
:summary False False True summary False Defines a visible heading for a <details> element
:sup False True True sup False Superscript
:table False True True table False Table
:tbody False True True tbody False Table body
:td False True True td False Table data cell
:textarea False True True textarea False Multi-line text input
:tfoot False True True tfoot False Table foot
:th False True True th False Table header cell
:thead False True True thead False Table head
:time False False True time False Defines a date/time
:title False True True title False Document title
:tr False True True tr False Table row
:track True False True track True Defines text tracks for media elements (<video...
:tt False True False tt False Teletype text
:u False True True u False Underlined text
:ul False True True ul False Unordered list
:var False True True var False Variable
:video False False True video False Defines a video or movie
:wbr True False True wbr True Defines a possible line-break

The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 Marko Manninen