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GitHub Action

CyberArk Conjur Secret Fetcher Action

v2.0.6 Latest version

CyberArk Conjur Secret Fetcher Action


CyberArk Conjur Secret Fetcher Action

Securely retrieve a secret from CyberArk Conjur Secrets Manager and present to your action as a masked environment variable


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: CyberArk Conjur Secret Fetcher Action

uses: cyberark/conjur-action@v2.0.6

Learn more about this action in cyberark/conjur-action

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CyberArk Conjur Secret Fetcher

GitHub Action for secure secrets delivery to your workflow test environment using CyberArk Conjur.

Supports authenticating with CyberArk Conjur using host identity and JWT authentication.

Certification level

This repository is a Certified level project. It's a community contributed project reviewed and tested by CyberArk and trusted to use with Conjur Open Source. For more detailed information on our certification levels, see our community guidelines.


  • Docker and access to DockerHub.
  • Github
  • Github self hosted Runner
  • Conjur Secrets Manager Enterprise v10+
  • Conjur Secrets Manager Open Source v1.1+


Prerequisite for running github runner on VM.

  1. Install docker (Docker must be install as not root user) --- for Linux OS
  • Modify Sudoers File (vi /etc/sudoers)
    runner ALL=(ALL) ALL
  • Run command to create group and add user.
    sudo adduser newuser
    sudo groupadd newgroup_name
    sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
    su - ${USER}
    id -nG
  • Step to install docker
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add –
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"
    sudo apt update
    apt-cache policy docker-ce
    sudo apt install docker-ce
    sudo systemctl status docker
  1. Configration of Github action runner in your system.
  • Project Github repo and follow the steps below.

  • To create self-hosted runner there are 3 images. Select the image as per your requirement and follow step to download and configure the runner.

  1. Conjur Setup
  • Need conujr up and running state.
  • Need to Enable the authenticators for JWT authentication.

Host Identity

API Key Based Authentication configuration for .github/workflows .yml file


on: [push]

    # ...
      # ...
      - name: Import Secrets using CyberArk Conjur Secret Fetcher Action
        uses: cyberark/conjur-action@v2.0.5
          url: ${{ secrets.CONJUR_URL }}
          account: cyberarkdemo
          host_id: ${{ secrets.CONJUR_USERNAME }}
          api_key: ${{ secrets.CONJUR_API_KEY }}
          secrets: db/sqlusername|sql_username;db/sql_password
      # ...



  • url - this is the path to your Conjur instance endpoint. e.g.
  • account - this is the account configured for the Conjur instance during deployment.
  • host_id - this is the Host ID granted to your application by Conjur when created via policy. e.g. host/db/github_action
  • api_key - this is the API key associated with your Host ID declared previously.
  • secrets - a semi-colon delimited list of secrets to fetch. Refer to Secrets Syntax in the README below for more details.


  • certificate - if using a self-signed certificate, provide the contents for validated SSL.

Not required

  • authn_id - this is the ID of Authn-JWT at Conjur

JWT Authentication configuration for .github/workflows .yml file


on: [push]

    # ...
      id-token: 'write'
      contents: 'read'
      # ...
      - name: Import Secrets using CyberArk Conjur Secret Fetcher Action
        uses: cyberark/conjur-action@v2.0.5
          url: ${{ secrets.CONJUR_URL }}
          account: cyberarkdemo
          authn_id: ${{ secrets.CONJUR_AUTHN_ID }}
          secrets: db/sqlusername|sql_username;db/sql_password
      # ...



  • url - this is the path to your Conjur instance endpoint. e.g.
  • account - this is the account configured for the Conjur instance during deployment.
  • authn_id - this is the ID of Authn-JWT at Conjur
  • secrets - a semi-colon delimited list of secrets to fetch. Refer to Secrets Syntax in the README below for more details.


  • certificate - if using a self-signed certificate, provide the contents for validated SSL.

Not required

  • host_id - this is the Host ID granted to your application by Conjur when created via policy. e.g. host/db/github_action
  • api_key - this is the API key associated with your Host ID declared previously.

Conjur OSS or Enterprise Setup

JWT Authenticator is required at Conjur server. You may wish to refer to official doc

The sample policy below validates GitHub repository & workflow

  1. Sample authenticator policy
  2. Sample app id policy
  • Create a Conjur policy for the JWT Authenticator
- !policy
  id: conjur/authn-jwt/github
      - !webservice

      #Mandatory variable: The JWT provider URI
      #Uncomment either 'provider-uri' OR 'jwks-uri'

      #- !variable
      #    id: provider-uri

      # jwks-uri for GitHub Actions:
      - !variable
        id: jwks-uri

      #Optional variables
      #Uncomment one or all of the following optional variables.
      #Note: If you uncomment 'token-app-property' you must also uncomment 'identity-path',
      #and vice versa;

      #In this example, "token-app-property" is set to "workflow"
      #Please refer to for detailed policy and commands
      - !variable
        id: token-app-property

      #In this example, "identity-path" is set to "/github-apps"
      #Please refer to for detailed policy and commands
      - !variable
        id: identity-path

      #"issuer" for GitHub Actions:
      - !variable
        id: issuer
      #In this example, "enforced-claims" is set to "workflow,repository"
      #Please refer to for detailed policy and commands
      - !variable
          id: enforced-claims

      #- !variable
      #    id: mapping-claims

      #- !variable
      #    id: audience

      #Group of applications that can authenticate using this JWT Authenticator
      - !group apps

      - !permit
        role: !group apps
        privilege: [read, authenticate]
        resource: !webservice

      - !webservice
        id: status

      #Group of users who can check the status of the JWT Authenticator
      - !group
        id: operators

      - !permit
        role: !group operators
        privilege: [read]
        resource: !webservice status
  • Load the policy into root:
  conjur policy load -f /path/to/file/github-authn-jwt.yml -b root
  • Populate the policy variables
conjur variable set -i conjur/authn-jwt/github/issuer -v ""
conjur variable set -i conjur/authn-jwt/github/jwks-uri -v ""
conjur variable set -i conjur/authn-jwt/github/token-app-property -v "workflow"
conjur variable set -i conjur/authn-jwt/github/enforced-claims -v "workflow,repository"
conjur variable set -i conjur/authn-jwt/github/identity-path -v "/github-apps"
  • Define an app ID (host)
- !policy
  id: github-apps
      - !group

      - &hosts
        - !host
          id: release
              authn-jwt/github/repository: my-repo/conjur-action
              authn-jwt/github/workflow: release

      - !grant
        role: !group
        members: *hosts

- !grant
  role: !group conjur/authn-jwt/github/apps
  member: !group github-apps
  • Load the policy into root:
conjur policy load -f /path/to/file/github-app-id.yml -b root
  • Secret Variables and Permissions:
- &devvariables
   - !variable Dev-Team-credential1
   - !variable Dev-Team-credential2
   - !variable Dev-Team-credential3
   - !variable Dev-Team-credential4
- !permit
  resource: *devvariables
  privileges: [ read, execute ]
  roles: !group gitlab-apps
  • Load the policy into root:
  conjur policy load -f /path/to/file/authn-jwt-secret-variables.yml -b root
  • Set the secret variable
    a. Generate a secret

    Generate a value for your application’s secret:

    secretVal=$(openssl rand -hex 12 | tr -d '\r\n')

    This generates a 12-hex-character value.

    b. Store the secret

    Store the generated value in Conjur:

    conjur variable set -i Dev-Team-credential1 -v ${secretVal}

Conjur Cloud Setup


  • Conjur cloud
  • Pcloud
  • Conjur cloud cli

Refer the tutorial for Conjur Cloud Setup

  1. Manage Conjur Cloud users
  2. Set up the Conjur Cloud CLI
  3. Log in to Conjur Cloud
  4. Sync Privilege Cloud Safe to Conjur

To create a simple host that authenticates using an API key:

Create a policy for the host:

- !host
  id: <host name>
    authn/api-key: true

Save the policy as myapp-host.yaml.

Load the policy file into the data policy branch:

conjur policy load -b data -f myapp-host.yaml

To grant permissions on secrets:

- !grant
  role: !group delegation/consumers
  member: !host /data/myapp

Save the file as grant_permissions.yml.

Load the policy to data/vault/secrets-safe:

conjur policy load -b data/vault/secrets-safe -f grant_permissions.yml

Secrets Syntax for .github/workflows .yml file

{{ conjurVariable1|envVarName1;conjurVariable2 }}

The secrets argument is a semi-colon (;) delimited list of secrets. Spaces are NOT SUPPORTED. The list can optionally contain the name to set for the environment variable.



In the above example, the first secret section is db/sqlusername|sql_username. The | separates the Conjur Variable ID from the environment variable that will contain the value of the Conjur Variable's value.

The second secret section is db/sql_password. When no name is given for the environment variable, the Conjur Variable Name will be used. In this example, the value would be set to SQL_PASSWORD as the environment variable name.


Protecting Arguments

It is recommended to set the URL, Host ID, and API Key values for the Action to function as secrets by going to Settings > Secrets in your GitHub repository and adding them there. These can then be called in your workflows' YAML file as a variable: ${{ secrets.SECRETNAME }}


The CyberArk Conjur Secret Fetcher GitHub Action utilizes masking prior to setting secret values to the environment. This prevents output to the console and to logs.
