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(See section below for Vagrant instructions)

  1. If not installed already, install git and python.

    $ apt-get install git python
  2. Clone marietje and all subpackages.

    $ git clone git://
    $ cd marietje
    $ git submodule sync
    $ git submodule update --init
  3. Install and run MongoDB. MongoDB is used to store metadata.

    $ apt-get install mongodb-server

    Nota bene Everyone on the local machine has total access to the mongo server.

  4. Install various python packages.

    $ apt-get install python-pymongo \
                      python-gst-1.0 \
                      python-gtk2 \
                      python-yaml \
                      python-setuptools \
                      python-dev \
                      msgpack-python \
                      python-unidecode \

    Nota bene It is possible that the python-pymongo package does not contain the native extension for BSON-decoding. This is the case, when:

    $ python -c 'import bson; print bson.has_c()'

    In that case, install pymongo, using Python's setuptools:

    $ apt-get remove python-pymongo && pip install pymongo
  5. Install GStreamer and its plugins. GStreamer is used to play media.

    $ apt-get install gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3 \
                      gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \
                      gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-multiverse \
                      gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \
                      gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \
  6. Compile and run berthad. berthad will store the media files.

    $ apt-get install libglib2.0-dev cmake
    $ cd berthad/release
    $ ./build
    $ mkdir data tmp
    $ ./berthad-vfs 10819 ./data ./tmp

    Nota bene Everyone on the local machine has total access to the bertha server.

  7. Configure and host pijsmarietje.

    $ cd /srv/default/htdocs # or *your* webdocs root
    $ ln -s /path/to/pijsmarietje pijsmarietje
    $ cp pijsmarietje/config.js{.example,}
    $ vi pijsmarietje/config.js
  8. Add a new admin user

    $ mongo
    > use marietje
    > db.users.insert({_id:'admin', n:"Admin", l:5, a:null, p:"md5ofpassword"})
  9. Optionally, compile the carah module

    $ pushd carah && python build --inplace && mv *.so src && popd
  10. Set environment, create configuration and run maried.

    $ source # sets PATH and PYTHONPATH
    $ cp py/maried/examples/zuid.mirte mymariedconfig.mirte
    $ vi mymariedconfig.mirte
    $ mirte mymariedconfig


Alternatively, you can use vagrant to automatically create a virtual machine with marietje installed, as follows

$ git clone git://
$ cd marietje
$ git submodule sync
$ git submodule update --init
$ vagrant up

If the DHCP server on your LAN is configured to set DNS hostnames for clients, then you can access the client running on the virtual machine by visiting


The default user is admin with blank password. To get a shell on the virtual machine, execute

vagrant ssh

Note that maried is running as the maried user from /home/maried. The display is running as nijmegen.


Super-project for the music playing daemon Marietje






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