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Settings Vial

Python settings for cloud environments

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Settings Vial is a Python package providing an abstraction to read settings from environment variables. Such settings are then available as regular Python variables, making it easily integrated with configuration mechanisms provided by framworks like Django or others.

This package uses pkgsettings, so it can be used in configuration chains.

On demand setting overrides (dynamic settings), with subtrees of alternative configurations, are also possible.


$ export MY_APP_TEST_VAR=42
>>> from settings_vial import Settings
>>> settings = Settings(env_prefix="MY_APP_")
>>> settings.load_env()
>>> settings.TEST_VAR


  • Loads prefixed environment variables (json encoded)
  • Dynamic settings support (loads keys from callable instead)


$ pip install settings_vial

Running tests

$ make test


If you'd like to contribute, please follow this workflow:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone your fork
  3. Create and test your changes
  4. Create a pull-request
  5. Wait for review and approval from the repository collaborators

Contributions are always welcome.


If you need help or have bug reports, please file an issue in our Issue Tracker.


This project uses SemVer 2 for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.