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zosrothko edited this page Nov 19, 2017 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the javacc wiki!

The JavaCC 7.0.0 introduces a table driven generation for the lexer part for Java. This new feature is incubating and can be activated with the hidden option: -TOKEN_MANAGER_CODE_GENERATOR="org.javacc.parser.TableDrivenJavaCodeGenerator"

Contact Sreeni for more details on this new feature.

Also visit the JavaCC web site

and the excellent Theodore S. Norvell's JavaCC FAQ

Publishing to Maven Central: How-to

For publishing JavaCC to Maven Central, you need to follow the procedure described here](, but without creating a group since it is already in, with those indications:

Project's name: Group Id: : Artifact Id : javacc

Once you got your account, login to Sonatype's Nexus. In your profile, create a token for signing/sending the artifacts to the stage repository. Update the element of your Maven settings.xml (Replace ${serverid} by ossrh). Upload the JavaCC artifacts with: ant stage

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