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cargo vendor 🚚 on - Update bitflags to 2.4 Summary: ## Motivation Since the latest compiler update, we are getting clippy::bad_bit_mask errors at the callsites of bitflags! macros where one of the variant is zero. [Upstream won't address it in the 1.x branch]( and recommends upgrading to the 2.x branch. We are very close to reaching **zero clippy lints** in [Mononoke and other servers](, which would feel nice. ##... #88

cargo vendor 🚚 on - Update bitflags to 2.4 Summary: ## Motivation Since the latest compiler update, we are getting clippy::bad_bit_mask errors at the callsites of bitflags! macros where one of the variant is zero. [Upstream won't address it in the 1.x branch]( and recommends upgrading to the 2.x branch. We are very close to reaching **zero clippy lints** in [Mononoke and other servers](, which would feel nice. ##...

cargo vendor 🚚 on - Update bitflags to 2.4 Summary: ## Motivation Since the latest compiler update, we are getting clippy::bad_bit_mask errors at the callsites of bitflags! macros where one of the variant is zero. [Upstream won't address it in the 1.x branch]( and recommends upgrading to the 2.x branch. We are very close to reaching **zero clippy lints** in [Mononoke and other servers](, which would feel nice. ##... #88

Workflow file for this run

- main
name: cargo vendor and commit
run-name: cargo vendor 🚚 on - ${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Delete release branch
uses: dawidd6/action-delete-branch@v3
soft_fail: true # set to true so that if the branch doesn't exist action doesnt fail
branches: release
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable
- run: cargo vendor vendor_external
- name: Create .cargo dir
run: |
mkdir -p .cargo
- name: Create cargo config
shell: bash
run: |
cat << EOF > .cargo/config.toml
replace-with = "vendored-sources"
directory = "vendor_external"
- name: commit to 'new' release branch
uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v9.1.1
new_branch: release
author_name: GitHub Action