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News aggregator application made for the `Project databases 2023` course at the University of Antwerp.


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News finder

News aggregator application made for the Project databases 2023 course at the University of Antwerp.

Directory structure

|-- server (Python) - Core api package that handles recommendations and filtering.
|   |-- pyproject.toml - Pip package requirements and plugin configurations
|   |-- news_finder - Python flask source code
|   |-- test - Test files
|-- client (TypeScript) - Webpage built using ReactJS that interacts with the Python core.
|   |-- src - React source code
|-- db (SQL) - Database definition and migrations managed by Prisma.
|   |-- migrations - Set of migrations needed to construct the database
|   |-- schema.prisma - Database definition
|-- rss-scraper (Rust) - RSS scraping application that runs periodically
|   |-- src - Rust source code
|   |-- prisma-cli - Rust prisma client cli application
|-- similarity-checker (Python) - Article similarity checker that runs periodically
|   |-- similarity_checker - Python source code
|   |-- res - Text files with stop words for languages
|   |-- articles - Example articles used in development
|-- seeding (Python) - Scripts for seeding the database with example data
|   |-- - Clears all tables in the database
|   |-- - List of rss feeds used by the rss scraper
|   |-- - Example admin users
|-- old-articles (Python) - Old article deleter
|   |-- - Main python source code
|   |-- pyproject.toml - Python dependencies and config
|-- ...

Quick start

Using docker (production)

# start all containers
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
# stop and remove all containers
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml down

Note: when rebuilding first run docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml build.

Note: To access the front-end application go to route: http://localhost:80. To access the back-end go to route: http://localhost:80/api

Manual installation (development)

In what follows, we assume that your current working directory is the directory of the application we are talking about.


1. Install postgres
sudo apt install postgresql
2. Create the database

First configure the database using the postgres user:

sudo su postgres

Then create a role 'app' that will create the database and be used by the application:

CREATE DATABASE ppdb OWNER ppdb_admin;

You need to 'trust' the role to be able to login. Add the following line to /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf (you need root access, version may vary). It needs to be the first rule (above local all all peer).

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# app
local   ppdb            ppdb_admin                              trust

Now you can restart postgres:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql
3. Add tables to database:
prisma db push --schema ../db/schema.prisma


1. Create virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install .

Note: If installing for development use pip3 install --editable .

2. Creating env files

A .env file is needed with DATABASE_URL set to some postgres database link.

3. Generate database definitions
prisma generate --schema ../db/schema.prisma --generator python
4. Starting the server

Rss scraper

The rss scraper is written in rust using the cargo package manager. We will assume that you figured out how to install it.

1. Building the prisma cli
cargo build --release -p prisma-cli
2. Generating database definitions
prisma generate --schema ../db/schema.prisma --generator rss-scraper
3. Building the scraper
cargo build --release
4. Running the scraper

The scraper is built as a cli and has multiple commands available. To learn more see the help page shown when running cargo run --release.

cargo run --release -- run --interval 10

Similarity checker

1. Create virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install .
2. Creating env files

A .env file is needed with DATABASE_URL set to some postgres database link.

3. Generate database definitions
prisma generate --schema ../db/schema.prisma --generator python
4. Start the checker


When changing the database schema, always make sure to migrate before using prisma db push. The database will be cleared if this is done the other way around.


The steps to setup the testing framework for the server are described here.


# pnpm
pnpm install
pnpm run start
# npm
npm install
npm run start
# yarn
yarn add
yarn start


News aggregator application made for the `Project databases 2023` course at the University of Antwerp.




