I do software development and ops work. I really like working in engineering enablement roles, doing a blend of development and wheel greasing in the form of devops and tooling improvements. As a staff-level engineer and consultant, I have helped several teams increase efficiency and deliver high quality output through process and platform improvements.
I have worked in research computing support (Syseng on a supercomputer at NETL), consulting for IBM in financial services (SWeng/DevSecOps), AWS IaC development in fintech at numo (PNC), enterprise systems operations in higher ed (WVU), IT and product support in robotics.
- 🔭 I’m available for work now.
- 🌱 I’m learning Japanese. はじめまして、イーライです。
- 💬 I am enjoying the Exercism.org Go track.
- ⚡ Fun fact: A freak piñata accident led to extreme photophobia (and effective blindness) in one eye. This is why I sometimes wear goofy glasses.
Skills keyword bingo
I've been working in IT, DevOps, and cloud infrastructure/platform engineering for a while. This is the quick rundown:
- ✓ Linux
- ✓ Python
- ✓ AWS
- ✓ CICD
- ✓ Cloudformation
- ✓ Serverless
- ✓ DNS operations
- ✓ Container orchestration
- ✓ Kubernetes
- ✓ ECS
- ✓ Go
- ✓ Terraform
- ✓ Jenkins
- ✓ Jsonnet
- ✓ Node
- ✓ Lua
- CSS and HTML
- Java
- Network Ops
- Databases