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A spooky ghost game


Current List of Preferences

Name Type Default
first_launch bool true
has_ghost bool false
ghost_id int 0



Name Purpose
ghost Stores state info (score, progress, attitude) for the current ghost.

ghost Table

Here are the current columns. Note that these are defined as constants in db/constants.dart. Don't hardcode these. import 'constants.dart' as Constants from the db library.

Name Data Type Purpose
id INTEGER Primary key. Autoincrements.
temperament INTEGER Whether the ghost is Angry 0, Neutral 1, or Friendly 2.
difficulty INTEGER How obnoxious/difficult the ghost is. Easy 0, Medium 1, Hard 2
level INTEGER The ghost's current level through the story. Starts at 2 if not a first-time player. Maximum is 10.
score INTEGER The "points" earned from good interactions with your ghost, giving them life force, and the like. Default is 0, becomes 1 when a ghost is chosen. Determines progress made.
active BOOLEAN Whether or not a ghost is currently selected and being played. May not strictly be necessary to store, but will likely be useful.
candle_lit BOOLEAN Whether or not the candle is currently lit. When the candle is lit, the ghost in inaccessible.

ghost_responses Table

This table houses all story responses a ghost might say to a user during a level-up event. They should be queried by gid, level, rid. See: lib/db/db.dart : getLevelingGhostResp

Name Data Type Purpose
id INTEGER Primary key. Autoincrements.
gid INTEGER The current ghost's id. Begins at 1
level INTEGER The story level to which this response belongs to.
rid INTEGER The response id. The rid is unique to a given gid, level. It's the node id in a level's story graph.
response_ids STRING May also be referred to as rids. This string is in the format of "1,2,3,4" where each number corresponds to a response response id.
text STRING The actual ghost response displayed to the user.

user_responses Table

This table houses all user response options a user may give to a ghost during a level-up event. They should be queried with gid, level, grid. See: lib/db/db.dart : getLevelingUserResp

Name Data Type Purpose
id INTEGER Primary key. Autoincrements.
gid INTEGER The current ghost's id. Begins at 1
level INTEGER The story level to which this response belongs to.
rid INTEGER The ghost's response id. This is the rid in the ghost_responses table that this user response links to and prompts. The names of rid and grid should be switched.
grid INTEGER This is the unique response id of this, the user's response option to the ghost. It's the unique node in the level's story tree belonging to this user response.
type INTEGER This determines the type of response this is. In almost every case this should be 0, which is a normal response. 1 types are reserved for action responses, like "you hear a ghost sneeze"
effect INTEGER This determines whether or not choosing a given user response causes ill-effects, or not. In almost every case this will be 0 for no effect, but bad effects (e.g. slower progression) should be -1 for bad and -2 for very bad.
points INTEGER The amount of points a response gives. Should range from 0 - 5.
text STRING The user response text displayed on the button.

interactions Table

This table is currently unpopulated and contains only 4 dummy data. These are the user-response->ghost-response interaction pairs available at all times (when not leveling).

Name Data Type Purpose
id INTEGER Primary key. Autoincrements.
gid INTEGER The ghost that this particular interaction belongs to.
level INTEGER The minimum ghost level this particular interaction belongs to.
user_resp STRING The user's question or statement to the ghost. The text on the button.
ghost_resp STRING The ghost's response to the user's prompt.
points INTEGER The number of points this interaction gives. Should range from 0 - 5.