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complete refactor (#49)
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- Functions are properly organized in modules with appropriate names.
- REST API usage is isolated in class derived from an abstract base class that will easily allow integrating other git servers' REST API.
- clang-format output is filtered by lines (when applicable) as the XML is parsed.
- The comment is made after all clang tool output is parsed.
- All clang tool output is parsed from buffered strings (addresses #48).
- There isn't any cached files when verbosity is not set to debug mode.
- Tests can now use mocked HTTP requests (no more fear of hitting REST API rate limits).
- Updated docs to reflect the new package structure.
- CLI supports file paths/names given as positional args
- Removed dead code about previous attempt to create review comments
- Change acceptable verbosity input values to be "debug" or "10"
- Updated help strings in CLI for narrow terminals
- fix problem in "is ignored" logic
  Due to python's lazy logic evaluation, we need to check if a path is first explicitly not-ignored before checking if said source is ignored.
  • Loading branch information
2bndy5 committed Jan 4, 2024
1 parent 5f67781 commit ecff34c
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 80 changed files with 34,756 additions and 2,162 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/run-dev-tests.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Install workflow deps
# using a wildcard as filename on Windows requires a bash shell
shell: bash
run: python3 -m pip install pytest coverage[toml] meson dist/*.whl
run: python3 -m pip install pytest requests-mock coverage[toml] meson dist/*.whl

- name: Install ninja (Linux)
Expand Down
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion .pre-commit-config.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,4 +35,14 @@ repos:
types: [python]
entry: mypy
exclude: "^(docs/|$)"
additional_dependencies: [mypy, types-pyyaml, types-requests, rich, requests, pytest, pyyaml, meson, '.']
- mypy
- types-pyyaml
- types-requests
- rich
- requests
- pytest
- pyyaml
- meson
- requests-mock
- '.'
289 changes: 71 additions & 218 deletions cpp_linter/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,234 +1,87 @@
"""The Base module of the :mod:`cpp_linter` package. This holds the objects shared by
multiple modules."""
import os
from pathlib import Path
"""Run clang-tidy and clang-format on a list of files.
If executed from command-line, then `main()` is the entrypoint.
import json
import logging
import platform
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Dict, Tuple, Any, Union, Optional
import shutil
from requests import Response

if TYPE_CHECKING: # Used to avoid circular imports
from cpp_linter.clang_format_xml import XMLFixit # noqa: F401
from cpp_linter.clang_tidy_yml import YMLFixit # noqa: F401
from cpp_linter.clang_tidy import TidyNotification # noqa: F401

from rich.logging import RichHandler


format="%(name)s: %(message)s",
import os
from .common_fs import list_source_files, CACHE_PATH
from .loggers import start_log_group, end_log_group, logger
from .clang_tools import capture_clang_tools_output
from .cli import cli_arg_parser, parse_ignore_option
from .rest_api.github_api import GithubApiClient

except ImportError: # pragma: no cover

#: The :py:class:`logging.Logger` object used for outputting data.
logger = logging.getLogger("CPP Linter")
logger.debug("rich module not found")
def main():
"""The main script."""

# global constant variables
IS_ON_RUNNER = bool(os.getenv("CI"))
GITHUB_SHA = os.getenv("GITHUB_SHA", "")
GITHUB_TOKEN = os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN", os.getenv("GIT_REST_API", ""))
IS_ON_WINDOWS = platform.system().lower() == "windows"
CACHE_PATH = Path(os.getenv("CPP_LINTER_CACHE", ".cpp-linter_cache"))
CLANG_FORMAT_XML = CACHE_PATH / "clang_format_output.xml"
CLANG_TIDY_YML = CACHE_PATH / "clang_tidy_output.yml"
CLANG_TIDY_STDOUT = CACHE_PATH / "clang_tidy_report.txt"
CHANGED_FILES_JSON = CACHE_PATH / "changed_files.json"
# The parsed CLI args
args = cli_arg_parser.parse_args()

# force files-changed-only to reflect value of lines-changed-only
if args.lines_changed_only:
args.files_changed_only = True

def make_headers(use_diff: bool = False) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Create a `dict` for use in REST API headers.
rest_api_client = GithubApiClient()"processing %s event", rest_api_client.event_name)

:param use_diff: A flag to indicate that the returned format should be in diff
:returns: A `dict` to be used as headers in `requests` API calls.
headers = {
"Accept": "application/vnd.github." + ("diff" if use_diff else "text+json"),
headers["Authorization"] = f"token {GITHUB_TOKEN}"
return headers
# set logging verbosity
logger.setLevel(10 if args.verbosity or rest_api_client.debug_enabled else 20)

# prepare ignored paths list
ignored, not_ignored = parse_ignore_option(args.ignore, args.files)

class FileObj:
"""A class to represent a single file being analyzed.
# change working directory

:param name: The file name. This should use Unix style path delimiters (``/``),
even on Windows.
:param additions: A `list` of line numbers that have added changes in the diff.
This value is used to populate the `lines_added` property.
:param diff_chunks: The ranges that define the beginning and ending line numbers
for all hunks in the diff.
if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
start_log_group("Event json from the runner")

def __init__(self, name: str, additions: List[int], diff_chunks: List[List[int]]): str = name #: The file name
self.additions: List[int] = additions
"""A list of line numbers that contain added changes. This will be empty if
not focusing on lines changed only."""
self.diff_chunks: List[List[int]] = diff_chunks
"""A list of line numbers that define the beginning and ending of hunks in the
diff. This will be empty if not focusing on lines changed only."""
self.lines_added: List[List[int]] = FileObj._consolidate_list_to_ranges(
if args.files_changed_only:
files = rest_api_client.get_list_of_changed_files(
"""A list of line numbers that define the beginning and ending of ranges that
have added changes. This will be empty if not focusing on lines changed only.

def _consolidate_list_to_ranges(numbers: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
"""A helper function that is only used after parsing the lines from a diff that
contain additions.
:param numbers: A `list` of integers representing the lines' numbers that
contain additions.
:returns: A consolidated sequence of lists. Each list will have 2 items
describing the starting and ending lines of all line ``numbers``.
result: List[List[int]] = []
for i, n in enumerate(numbers):
if not i:
elif n - 1 != numbers[i - 1]:
result[-1].append(numbers[i - 1] + 1)
if i == len(numbers) - 1:
result[-1].append(n + 1)
return result

def range_of_changed_lines(
self, lines_changed_only: int, get_ranges: bool = False
) -> Union[List[int], List[List[int]]]:
"""Assemble a list of lines changed.
:param lines_changed_only: A flag to indicate the focus of certain lines.
- ``0``: focuses on all lines in a file(s).
- ``1``: focuses on any lines shown in the event's diff (may include
unchanged lines).
- ``2``: focuses strictly on lines in the diff that contain additions.
:param get_ranges: A flag to return a list of sequences representing
:py:class:`range` parameters. Defaults to `False` since this is only
required when constructing clang-tidy or clang-format CLI arguments.
A list of line numbers for which to give attention. If ``get_ranges`` is
asserted, then the returned list will be a list of ranges. If
``lines_changed_only`` is ``0``, then an empty list is returned.
if lines_changed_only:
ranges = self.diff_chunks if lines_changed_only == 1 else self.lines_added
if get_ranges:
return ranges
return self.additions
# we return an empty list (instead of None) here so we can still iterate it
return [] # type: ignore[return-value]

def serialize(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""For easy debugging, use this method to serialize the `FileObj` into a json
compatible `dict`."""
return {
"line_filter": {
"diff_chunks": self.diff_chunks,
"lines_added": self.lines_added,

class Globals:
"""Global variables for re-use (non-constant)."""

TIDY_COMMENT: str = ""
"""The accumulated output of clang-tidy (gets appended to OUTPUT)"""
OUTPUT: str = "<!-- cpp linter action -->\n# Cpp-Linter Report "
"""The accumulated body of the resulting comment that gets posted."""
FILES: List[FileObj] = []
"""The responding payload containing info about changed files."""
EVENT_PAYLOAD: Dict[str, Any] = {}
"""The parsed JSON of the event payload."""
response_buffer: Response = Response()
"""A shared response object for `requests` module."""
format_failed_count: int = 0
"""A total count of clang-format concerns"""
tidy_failed_count: int = 0
"""A total count of clang-tidy concerns"""

class GlobalParser:
"""Global variables specific to output parsers. Each element in each of the
following attributes represents a clang-tool's output for 1 source file.

tidy_notes = [] # type: List[TidyNotification]
"""This can only be a `list` of type
tidy_advice = [] # type: List[YMLFixit]
"""This can only be a `list` of type :class:`~cpp_linter.clang_tidy_yml.YMLFixit`.
format_advice = [] # type: List[XMLFixit]
"""This can only be a `list` of type :class:`~cpp_linter.clang_format_xml.XMLFixit`.

def get_line_cnt_from_cols(file_path: str, offset: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Gets a line count and columns offset from a file's absolute offset.
:param file_path: Path to file.
:param offset: The byte offset to translate
A `tuple` of 2 `int` numbers:
- Index 0 is the line number for the given offset.
- Index 1 is the column number for the given offset on the line.
# logger.debug("Getting line count from %s at offset %d", file_path, offset)
contents = Path(file_path).read_bytes()[:offset]
return (contents.count(b"\n") + 1, offset - contents.rfind(b"\n"))

def log_response_msg() -> bool:
"""Output the response buffer's message on a failed request.
A bool describing if response's status code was less than 400.
if Globals.response_buffer.status_code >= 400:
"response returned %d message: %s",
if files:
files = list_source_files(args.extensions, ignored, not_ignored)
if not files:"No source files need checking!")
"Giving attention to the following files:\n\t%s",
"\n\t".join([ for f in files]),
return False
return True

(format_advice, tidy_advice) = capture_clang_tools_output(

start_log_group("Posting comment(s)")

def assemble_version_exec(tool_name: str, specified_version: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Assembles the command to the executable of the given clang tool based on given
version information.

:param tool_name: The name of the clang tool to be executed.
:param specified_version: The version number or the installed path to a version of
the tool's executable.
semver = specified_version.split(".")
exe_path = None
if semver and semver[0].isdigit(): # version info is not a path
# let's assume the exe is in the PATH env var
exe_path = shutil.which(f"{tool_name}-{specified_version}")
elif specified_version: # treat value as a path to binary executable
exe_path = shutil.which(tool_name, path=specified_version)
if exe_path is not None:
return exe_path
return shutil.which(tool_name)
if __name__ == "__main__":

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