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Post merge actions

Roman Ivanov edited this page Jun 4, 2020 · 1 revision

MANDATORY actions to do after PR merge :

  1. go to issue, and put milestone to it
  2. place label "bug", "new feature", "breaking compatibility" on issue
  3. make a comment "fix is merged"

Reasons: step "1)" is required to let user see when fix is released, as users run into the same problem again and again, so issue tracker is clear define when fix is released and what version user should take.

step "3)" is required and it helps maintainers to see from issue when fix is merged and what fixes where done after such "final" fix. Without such comment it is not very clear as Github shows all commits (all intermediate commits from PR) that reference issue (not a final commit).

Step "2)" might be confusing, but it is CRITICAL for release notes generation, please pin @romani to @rnveach to determine label. If you skip this step, master build will fail. If you choose wrong label, plugins maintainers might do mistake during upgrade to new version. "bug" should be placed when no new properties are introduced and no properties were removed, so plugins are not affected. "new feature" - plugins are affected but existing user are not affected, there were new properties or new message, or completely new Check. "breaking compatibility" - plugins are affected and existing users are affected. Example: change name of property, or property is removed. Removal of module, changing parent of module, change name of module, breaking API changes.

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