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API server, library, and CLI tool for retrieving hardware information

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Hardware Information API (hwapi)

The repo contains the API server and client for retrieving hardware information.

Prerequisites for deploying locally

Also, to run the server locally, make sure that another application doesn't use the port 8080.

Running API development server instance with Docker

Go to the server/ directory in the project. Since the server needs the data from the DB to work with, there are several options regarding how you can stand up the environment.

Using pre-populated database

You can use this option if you already have the SQLite DB file and want to use it. Make sure that the DB is located under the ./server/ directory.

You can stand up the environment by running the following commands:

# Assuming that the path to the DB file is ./hwapi.db
docker-compose build --build-arg IMPORT_TOOL_PATH="" --build-arg DB_URL=sqlite:///./hwapi.db hwapi-dev
docker-compose up --attach-dependencies hwapi-dev

Seed the database from the script

This approach doesn't require internet access and populates your DB with dummy data using the scripts/ script.

export IMPORT_TOOL_PATH=./scripts/
docker-compose up --attach-dependencies --build hwapi-dev

To verify that it works, you can make the following request from the host (you should receive the Certified response):

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vendor": "Dell", "model": "ChengMing 3980"}' -s | python3 -m json.tool

Load the data from C3

This approach populates the DB with the data from C3 (staging instance by default). Keep in mind that importing data from staging or production takes some time, you probably can consider importing data from your local C3 instance with sample data.

To build and run the container with staging data, execute the following command:

docker-compose up --attach-dependencies --build hwapi-dev

To verify that it works, make the following request from the host (you should receive the Certified response):

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vendor": "HP", "model": "Z8 G4 Workstation"}' -s | python3 -m json.tool

Alternatively, you can specify another C3 host (like production or the local one) by specifying the C3_URL:

export C3_URL=http://your.c3.instance  # e.g
docker-compose up --attach-dependencies --build hwapi-dev

Accessing API schema

You can retrieve API schema in HTML, YAML, and JSON formats:

  • The current version of the OpenAPI schema is browseable at
  • To access the HTML view for the API schema, just run the server and follow the /#docs endpoint.
  • A self-contained HTML representation of the schema is also included in the repository: openapi.html.
  • Retrieve the schema in YAML from the running service by following the /openapi.yaml endpoint
  • A copy of the openapi.yaml is included in the repo, and it is enforced by a CI automation to be up to date.
  • For getting its JSON version, follow the /openapi.json endpoint.

Build the library (hwlib)

For now, the library contains the function to return a sample certification status. It depends on the environment variable CERTIFICATION_STATUS and accepts the following values:

  • 0: The system has not been seen (default behaviour even if the env variable is not defined).
  • 1: The system is partially certified (we haven't seen this specific system, but some of its hardware components have been tested on other systems).
  • 2: This system has been certified (but probably for other Ubuntu release).
cd client/hwlib
cargo build

Build and run the reference CLI tool (hwctl)

cd client/hwctl
cargo run

This is the output you should get running the commands above:

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2.00s
Object {
    "bios": Object {
        "firmware_revision": String("1.0"),
        "release_date": String("2020-01-01"),
        "revision": String("rev1"),
        "vendor": String("BIOSVendor"),
        "version": String("v1.0"),
    "os": Object {
        "codename": String("focal"),
        "description": String("Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS"),
        "distributor": String("Ubuntu"),
        "kernel": Object {
            "name": String("Linux"),
            "signature": String("Sample Signature"),
            "version": String("5.4.0-42-generic"),
        "loaded_modules": Array [
        "version": String("20.04"),
    "status": String("Certified"),

Building hwctl snap

To build and install hwctl as a snap locally, do the following after installing snapcraft and a build provider for it:

snapcraft --bind-ssh  # --verbose
sudo snap install ./hwctl_[version].snap --dangerous