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Buildkite Test Splitter


The latest version of Buildkite Test Splitter can be downloaded from

Supported OS/Architecture

ARM and AMD architecture for linux and darwin

The available Go binaries

  • test-splitter-darwin-amd64
  • test-splitter-darwin-arm64
  • test-splitter-linux-amd64
  • test-splitter-linux-arm64

Using the Test Splitter

ENV variables

Environment Variable Default Value Description
BUILDKITE_PARALLEL_JOB_COUNT - Required, total number of parallelism
BUILDKITE_PARALLEL_JOB - Required, test plan for specific node
BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_SUITE_TOKEN BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN Required, unique token for Test Suite that is being parallelised
BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_IDENTIFIER BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID/BUILDKITE_STEP_ID Optional. Test Splitter uses the identifier to store and fetch the test plan and must be unique for each build and steps group. By default it will use a composite of BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID and BUILDKITE_STEP_ID, but it can be overridden by specifying the BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_IDENTIFIER. BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID and BUILDKITE_STEP_ID must be accessible by the client when using the default.
BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_TEST_FILE_PATTERN spec/**/*_spec.rb Optional, glob pattern for discovering test files that need to be executed.
It accepts pattern syntax supported by zzglob library.
BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_TEST_FILE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN - Optional, glob pattern to use for excluding test files or directory.
It accepts pattern syntax supported by zzglob library.
BUILDKITE_TEST_SPLITTER_CMD bundle exec rspec {{testExamples}} Optional, test command for running your tests. Test splitter will fill in the {{testExamples}} placeholder with the test splitting results

For most use cases, Test Splitter should work out of the box due to the default values available from your Buildkite environment.

However, you'll need to set BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_SUITE_TOKEN if your test collector doesn't use the BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN value, or your pipeline has multiple suites.

You can also set the BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_TEST_FILE_PATTERN or BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_TEST_FILE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN if you need to filter the tests selected for execution.

Run the Test Splitter

Please download the executable and make it available in your testing environment.

Once that's available, you'll need to modify permissions to make the binary executable, and then execute it. The test splitter will run the rspec specs for you, so you'll run the test splitter in lieu of the relevant rspec command.

Otherwise, your script for executing specs may look something like:

chmod +x test-splitter
./test-splitter # fetches the test plan for this node, and then executes the rspec tests

Exit code

Exit code Description
0 Success (passed through from test runner)
1 Failure (passed through from test runner)
16 Test Splitter failure (eg. config error)
* Other errors (passed through from the test runner)