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Syft v1.0.0

Closed Feb 29, 2024 100% complete

There is tremendous value in consumers of Syft -- either via API or CLI -- to know what to expect when upgrading to later versions. From an API perspective, the cataloging process should be extensible in what can be expressed as equally as it should be for a user to achieve the workflow they need with syft.

To this end this milestone is focused on the use…

There is tremendous value in consumers of Syft -- either via API or CLI -- to know what to expect when upgrading to later versions. From an API perspective, the cataloging process should be extensible in what can be expressed as equally as it should be for a user to achieve the workflow they need with syft.

To this end this milestone is focused on the user surfaces and the things that affect it:

  • CLI: refocus the CLI to be extensible relative to what is being cataloged (move from noun-based to verb-based).
  • Config / Inputs: make it as easy as possible to describe what is being cataloged, how it is being cataloged, and the delivery formats requested.
  • API: we should be able to raise up "just enough" useful functionality to users programatically. There should be clear extension points for future functionality and lean towards dependency injection philosophies.
  • Output: content should be reproducible given the same input and be configurable based on preferences.

This milestone is closed.

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