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Seth Bertalotto edited this page Aug 18, 2022 · 1 revision

These are old docs and left for historical purposes.

An array of rules describing atomic.css. It is the reference to the config object.

Atomic objects should only be written by atomic.css developers and not developers that consume it. Consumers should only pick which rules they want from this list in the config.

Atomic objects can follow 2 types of format:

1. Pattern format

Used to generate CSS rules that share the same syntax, declaring the same properties but with different values.

Syntax of a pattern:

.prefix-suffix--sequencedsuffix {
  property: value;
  property: value;

This object must contain the following keys:

key type required description
type {String} Yes For pattern objects 'pattern' must be declared here.
id {String} Yes A unique identifier for this pattern. Used by the config.
name {String} Yes The name of the pattern. Used by config tools as a short description of the pattern.
prefix {String} Yes The prefix to be prepended in the class name of each class.
allowFraction {Boolean} No Wether or not this pattern allows fraction objects to be declared in the config. These objects must contain a denominator key and it will be used to generate rules with fraction values and suffixes.
allowCustom {Boolean} No Wether or not this pattern allows custom values from config.
allowCustomSequencedSuffix {Boolean} No Wether or not this pattern allows custom sequenced suffixes (alphabetical suffixes) from config. See example's comments below.
properties {Array} Yes An array of CSS properties that will be inside each rule. This array could also contain objects instead of strings for multi-purpose patterns. Each object should contain they keys suffix (string) and properties (array of css properties). See examples below.
rules {Array} Yes An array of objects where each should have the keys below
key type description
suffix {String} The suffix that will be appended to the prefix.
values {Array} An array of values. The index of each value corresponds to the index of each property declared in properties. If properties is an array of objects, these values will match each array item in array.


// normal pattern
    type: 'pattern',
    id: 'font-weight',
    name: 'Font weight',
    prefix: '.Fw-',
    properties: ['font-weight']
    rules: [
        {suffix: 'n', values: ['normal']},
        {suffix: 'b', values: ['bold']},
        {suffix: 'br', values: ['bolder']},
        {suffix: 'lr', values: ['lighter']}
// a pattern allowing custom rules with arbitrary suffixes
    type: 'pattern',
    id: 'padding-x',
    name: 'Padding X',
    prefix: '.Px-',
    allowCustom: true,
    properties: ['padding-left', 'padding-right'],
    rules: [
        {suffix: 'a', values: ['auto', 'auto']}
// a pattern allowing custom rules with arbitrary suffixes and fraction values
    type: 'pattern',
    id: 'width',
    name: 'Width',
    prefix: '.W-',
    allowFraction: true,
    allowCustom: true,
    properties: ['width'],
    rules: [
        {suffix: 'a', values: ['auto']},
        {suffix: 'inh', values: ['inherited']}
 * The patterns below allow custom sequenced suffixes rules.
 * Meaning it generates alphabetical suffixes based on custom values defined
 * in the config.
 * These patterns can produce two different types of pattern rules:
 * 1. Single-purpose rules:
 * Generates rules based on a single pattern.
 * Example:
 * .Bgc--a {
 *   background-color: #000;
 * }
 * .Bgc--b {
 *   background-color: #fff;
 * }
 * ...
 * 2. Multi-purpose rules:
 * Generates rules based on multiple patterns.
 * Example:
 * .Bd-t--a {
 *   border-top: 1px solid #000;
 * }
 * .Bd-b--a {
 *   border-bottom: 2px solid #fff;
 * }
 * .Bd-y--a {
 *   border-top: 1px solid #000;
 *   border-bottom: 2px solid #fff;
 * }

// single-purpose rules
    type: 'pattern',
    id: 'background-color',
    name: 'Background color',
    prefix: '.Bgc-',
    properties: ['background-color'],
    allowCustomSequencedSuffix: true,
    format: [

// multi-purpose rules
    type: 'pattern',
    id: 'border-custom',
    name: 'Border',
    prefix: '.Bd-',
    format: [
        utils.indexOf(['none', 'hidden', 'dotted', 'dashed', 'solid', 'double', 'groove', 'ridge', 'inset', 'outset']),
    allowCustomSequencedSuffix: true,
    properties: [
        {suffix: 'x', properties: ['border-left', 'border-right']},
        {suffix: 'y', properties: ['border-top', 'border-bottom']},
        {suffix: 't', properties: ['border-top']},
        {suffix: 'b', properties: ['border-bottom']},
        {suffix: 'end', properties: ['border-$END']},
        {suffix: 'start', properties: ['border-$START']}

2. Rule format

Used to generate unique classes that can contain one or more declarations.

This object must contain the following keys:

key type required description
type {String} Yes For rule objects 'rule' must be declared here.
id {String} Yes A unique identifier for this rule. Used by the config.
name {String} Yes The name of the pattern. Used by config tools as a short description of the pattern.
rule {Object} Yes An object following absurjs' rule format.


    type: 'rule',
    id: 'bfc',
    name: 'Block formatting context'
    rule: {
        '.Bfc': {
            'overflow': 'hidden',
            '*zoom': 1