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root:~$ whoami

Software engineer student at 1337
“Don’t wait for things to happen. Make them happen.” - Roy Bennett

ael-khni's 42 stats

┌──┤ WHOAMI ├─────────▰▰▰
├─▣ Software Engineer Student at 1337 Khouribga
├─▣ From Tetouan Morocco
├─▣ I love to dig deep into complex problems and attempt to find the simplest yet the most effecient solution.
├─▣ Interested in low-level Programming, CyberSecurity, DevOps, Netwroking, Cloud and AI.

┌──┤ SOCIAL ├─────────▰▰▰
├─◈ LinkedIn
├─◈ Twitter
├─◈ Instagram
├─◈ Discord: achrafelkhnissi#2244

┌──┤ 42 PROJECTS ├───────▰▰▰
├─◈ Piscine 2021
├─◈ libft
├─◈ get_next_line
├─◈ ft_printf
├─◈ Born2beRoot
├─◈ minitalk
├─◈ so_long
├─◈ push_swap
├─◈ Philosophers
├─◈ minishell
├─◈ Cub3D
├─◈ CPP_Modules
├─◈ Webserv
├─◈ ft_transcendence

┌──┤ ALX PROJECTS ├───────▰▰▰
├─◈ alx-checker

┌──┤ COMMUNITY ├─────────▰▰▰
├─◈ If you need any help please join our community.
├─◈ Discord Server

Feel free to contact me * Linkedin Profile * Twitter Profile * Discord Profile

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