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Analysis & Coverage Docs


The goal of the project is to provide a highly scalable and convenient way to create and process images and videos.

To achieve this goal, the ComfyUI project was chosen, since its flow format looks very great.

Visionatrix projects provides:

  • Simplified Setup: one-click installation process.
  • User-Centric Design: built-in interface focused on ease of use.
  • Standardized Workflows: workflows based on ComfyUI workflow format.
  • Seamless Integration: backend endpoints for task and server management.
  • Scalability: automatic task scheduling across multiple instances.
  • User Support: easily configured to work with multiple users and plug in different user backends.


The project is currently in the development stage, expect breaking changes.

Easy installation for home use


  • Python 3.10(recommended) or higher
  • GPU with at least minimum 10 GB of memory (12GB is recommended)


Download and execute script:


It will clone this repository into the current folder and perform the installation. After installation you can always run easy_install from the "scripts" folder.

With wget:

wget -O && python3

or with curl:

curl -o && python3

After that, answer the script's questions and in most cases everything should work.

Command to launch Visionatrix from an activated virtual environment::

python -m visionatrix run --ui


We provide a portable version in the form of an archive. This eliminates the need to have Git and Visual Studio compilers installed. Currently, only versions for CUDA/CPU is build, if there will be request we can add Direct-ML version too.

  1. Go to Releases
  2. Download vix_portable_cuda.7z.001 (and vix_portable_cuda.7z.002, if present, then this is one archive).
  3. Unpack it and run run_nvidia_gpu.bat or run_cpu.bat

Manual Installation

If you want to perform manual installation, take a look at documentation how to do that.

User Interface of Visionatrix

By default UI avalaible at


Update process (Linux/macOS)

Run easy_install script and select "Update" option.


For portable Windows releases update is a bit tricky:

  1. Unpack new portable version
  2. Move vix_models, vix_tasks_files and tasks_history.db to it from the old one
  3. In most cases where there were no breaking changes it will be enough

More Information

If you have any questions, we will try to answer them, do not hesitate to create Discussion and ask.

Some examples of workflow results can be found in Twitter by tag #Visionatrix