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Implemented the backend for UNETR to server the ML model as an API. Utilized Django REST Framework for development and Deployed with CI/CD pipeline on AWS using Docker, GitHub Actions, AWS ECR and AWS EC2.

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Multi-class Image Segmentation using UNETR

⚡Combining the power of Transformers with UNet for state-of-the-art image segmentation task💪

This is Module 2 of UNETR which covers backend development and deployment on the cloud
Module 1. UNETR-MachineLearning
Module 2. Develop and Deploy Backend of UNETR
Module 3. Develop and Deploy Frontend of UNTER

Project Brief

In October 2021, Ali Hatamizadeh et al. published a paper titled "UNETR: Transformers for 3D Medical Image Segmentation," introducing the UNETR architecture, which outperforms other segmentation models. In essence, UNETR utilizes a contracting-expanding pattern consisting of a stack of transformer as the encoder which is connected to the CNN-based decoder via skip connections, producing segmented image.

This project aims to implement the UNETR architecture as described in the paper, training it on a custom multi-class dataset for facial feature segmentation. The project involves developing the machine learning model, backend, and frontend for the application. The UNETR model is served via a REST API using Django REST framework to a Next.js frontend, with the frontend and backend deployed separately on Vercel and AWS, respectively. This tech stack selection ensures high scalability, performance, and an excellent UI/UX.

Module Overview

In this module, I have shown, how to develop and delpoy the backend using the mentioned tech to server the ML model built on Module 1. UNETR-MachineLearning. This covers implementation from scratch and implementation by cloning this repo both in a very simple and descriptive step-by-step manner.

Tech Used

  1. Django REST Framework (DRF): To serve the model, I have opted for utilizing DRF due to its modular approach, high scalability, and off the shelf security.
  2. Docker:
  3. GitHub Actions:
  4. AWS EC2:
  5. AWS ECR:

How it works?

  1. The /inference/ route only accepts POST requests.
  2. Incoming data is validated. If valid, processing continues; otherwise, a Missing data in POST Request response with a status code of 400 is sent.
  3. The incoming data is processed by separating the Base64 image string and image name.
  4. The decodeImage() function decodes the image and stores it in the unetr_model_output\decode directory. The function requires Base64 string and image name.
  5. A prediction pipeline is instantiated, and the image name is passed to the instance. It automatically selects the decoded image based on the image name, performs inference on it, and stores the result in the unetr_model_output\predict directory.
  6. The inferred image is encoded using the encodeImageIntoBase64() function to send the response to the client. The function take image name as its parameter and automatically picks the inferred image.


Workflow for implementing from scratch:

  1. Setup Django REST Framework (from step 1-9)
  2. Setup Docker (step 10)
  3. Setup GitHub Workflows (step 11)
  4. Setup AWS
  5. Setup GitHub Actions
  6. Setup Outbound Rules

Workflow for implementing by cloning:

  1. Setup Django REST Framework (from step 1-4)
  2. Setup AWS
  3. Setup GitHub Actions
  4. Setup Outbound Rules

Implementing Backend from scratch

For this I will presume you possess some basic knowledge of python, virtual environment, GitHub and Django. All you have to do is follow the commands.

Step 1: Create Virtual Environment

To create the virtual env, I am gonna use conda, however any other method will work equally fine.
Open the directory where you want to develop this Django app on VS Code. Then run the follow following commands:

conda create --name unetr-backend python=3.9.19 -y
activate it with:
conda activate unetr-backend

note: I have chosen this particular version, because previously, I have tried to deploy the backend on Vercel, but because the serverless function had exceeded the unzipped maximum size of 250 MB. I had to shift to AWS and by that time, I had changed my python version and dependencies to match the python requirements on the Vercel. You can implement this with a later python version (I would recommend 3.10) just make sure to mention the correct dependency version in requirements.txt.

Step 2: Install and Setup Django

Install Django using:
pip install Django==4.2.13

Create a project using:
django-admin startproject backend

Change directory to backend
cd backend

Test Django installation:
python runserver

Stop the server (if required): ctrl + c

Migrate unapplied migrations:
python migrate

Open the mentioned local host's link provided by the Django on the terminal. You should be able to see the initial Django screen with a rocket.

Step 3: Install Dependencies

Create a requirements.txt file inside the root directory of Django project.

For our project we only require the following dependencies-


Copy paste them to requirements.txt and run:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Create unetr app

In django, applications are organized into smaller, self-contained components called "django apps". In this approach, Django projects are composed of multiple apps, each responsible for a specific functionality or feature of the overall project.

Create unetr app for serving the UNETR model:
python startapp unetr

Step 5: Setup unetr app

  1. Create a folder - unetr_model inside unetr app. Copy the compatible_model.onnx from our previous implementation of UNETR Machine Learning module. This can be found in artifacts > training > compatible_model.onnx
  2. Create a folder - unetr_model_output inside unetr app with two sub-folders - decode and predict
  3. Create a file - inside unetr app. It should contain only two required functions from UNETR ML model, which can be found in src > UNETRMultiClass > utils > The two function are decodeImage and encodeImageIntoBase64, but they are implemented with a little modification from that of the ML model as follows:
import base64
from django.conf import settings  ## to access BASE_DIR
import os

def decodeImage(imgstring, fileName):
    filename_path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, "unetr", "unetr_model_output", "decode", fileName)  ## To point to appropriate directory
    imgdata = base64.b64decode(imgstring)
    with open(filename_path, "wb") as f:
    print("decode done", "="*100) ## simple logging message

def encodeImageIntoBase64(croppedImagePath):
    filename_path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, "unetr", "unetr_model_output", "predict", croppedImagePath) ## To point to appropriate directory
    with open(filename_path, "rb") as f:
        print("encode done", "="*100) ## Simple logging message
        return base64.b64encode( 

If you encounter could not resolve from source error or module not found error, then it's because wrong python interpreter is selected. To resolve the issue, while being on any python file, on the very bottom right of the VS Code, you can see Python as the selected language and its version followed by the interpreter. The interpreter should be 3.9.19 ('unetr-backend':conda). Click on the python version and a popup will appear with the list of python interpreters.

  1. Create a file which is again copied from the ML model, but implemented in the backend with a few modifications
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
from patchify import patchify
import onnxruntime as ort
from django.conf import settings

class PredictionPipeline:
    def __init__(self):
        self.rgb_codes = [
            [0, 0, 0],
            [0, 153, 255],
            [102, 255, 153],
            [0, 204, 153],
            [255, 255, 102],
            [255, 255, 204],
            [255, 153, 0],
            [255, 102, 255],
            [102, 0, 51],
            [255, 204, 255],
            [255, 0, 102],

        self.classes = [
            "left eyebrow",
            "right eyebrow",
            "left eye",
            "right eye",
            "upper lip",
            "inner mouth",
            "lower lip",

        self.onnx_model_path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR,"unetr","unetr_model", "compatible_model.onnx")
        self.session = ort.InferenceSession(self.onnx_model_path)
        self.input_name = self.session.get_inputs()[0].name
        self.output_name = self.session.get_outputs()[0].name

    def grayscale_to_rgb(self, mask, rgb_codes):
        h, w = mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1]
        mask = mask.astype(np.int32)
        output = []

        enum = enumerate(mask.flatten())

        for i, pixel in enum:

        output = np.reshape(output, (h, w, 3))

        return output

    def save_results(self, image_x, pred, save_image_path):

        pred = np.expand_dims(pred, axis=-1)
        pred = self.grayscale_to_rgb(pred, self.rgb_codes)

        line = np.ones((image_x.shape[0], 10, 3)) * 255

        cat_images = np.concatenate([image_x, line, pred], axis=1)

        cv2.imwrite(save_image_path, cat_images)

    def predict(self, filename):
        cf = {}
        cf["image_size"] = 256
        cf["num_classes"] = 11
        cf["num_channels"] = 3
        cf["num_layers"] = 12
        cf["hidden_dim"] = 128
        cf["mlp_dim"] = 32
        cf["num_heads"] = 6
        cf["dropout_rate"] = 0.1
        cf["patch_size"] = 16
        cf["num_patches"] = (cf["image_size"] ** 2) // (cf["patch_size"] ** 2)
        cf["flat_patches_shape"] = (
            cf["patch_size"] * cf["patch_size"] * cf["num_channels"],

        image_name = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, "unetr", "unetr_model_output", "decode", filename)  ## To point to appropriate directory
        display_name = image_name.split("\\")[-1].split(".")[0]         ## Splits on behalf of back slash
        print("display_name: ", display_name)

        input_img = cv2.imread(image_name, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
        input_img = cv2.resize(input_img, (cf["image_size"], cf["image_size"]))
        norm_input_img = input_img / 255.0

        patch_shape = (cf["patch_size"], cf["patch_size"], cf["num_channels"])
        patches = patchify(norm_input_img, patch_shape, cf["patch_size"])
        patches = np.reshape(patches, cf["flat_patches_shape"])
        patches = patches.astype(np.float32)  # [...]
        patches = np.expand_dims(patches, axis=0)  # [1, ...]

        """ Prediction """

        input_dict = {self.input_name: patches}
        outputs =[self.output_name], input_dict)
        pred_1 = np.argmax(outputs, axis=-1)  ## [0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.6] -> 3
        pred_1 = pred_1.astype(np.int32)
        pred_1 = np.reshape(pred_1, (256, 256))

        save_image_path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, "unetr", "unetr_model_output", "predict" , filename) ## To point to appropriate directory
        self.save_results(input_img, pred_1, save_image_path)

        return save_image_path

Step 6: Implement views

Our API is very compact and doesn't require fancy view implementation.

  1. First we will import encoder and decoder functions from the and PredictPipeline from along with two DRF imports.
  2. In the post method, we will store the incoming data in input_data which will contain name of the image as imagename and the base64 encoded image string as image if the client has sent required data.
  3. Send the image string and its name to the decoder function. This function will store the image in unetr_model_output > decode folder.
  4. Instantiate the PredictionPipeline class followed by providing the name of the image to the instance. This will automatically, grab the image stored in the unetr_model_output > decode folder and run inference on it.
  5. Encode the inference image back to base64 string to send back to the frontend. This is done using the encoding function.
  6. Finally we respond the client with the encoded base64 image string if the client had sent required data otherwise, we will send status 400 with a message "Missing data in POST Request"
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.decorators import api_view
from .utils import encodeImageIntoBase64, decodeImage
from .predict import PredictionPipeline

def run_prediction(request, *args, **kwargs):
    method = request.method
    if method == "POST":
        input_data =
        image_name = input_data.get("imgname")
        base64_image_string = input_data.get("image")
        if image_name is not None and base64_image_string is not None:
            decodeImage(input_data["image"], image_name)
            predict = PredictionPipeline()
            output_encoded = encodeImageIntoBase64(image_name)
            return Response({"output": output_encoded})
            return Response({"output": "Missing data in POST Request"}, status=400)

Step 7: Configure routes

In backend > we need to add the route for our unetr app.

  1. import the view from unetr
    from unetr.views import run_prediction
  2. append the list of urlpatterns with inference route:
    urlpatterns = [
    path("inference/", run_prediction, name="inference"),

You can use the shortcut ctrl + p to list and search any file in the project

Step 8: Configure

Finally we will configure the as follows

    ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"]
  2. Append the list of INSTALLED_APPS:


  1. Add corsheader middleware in MIDDLEWARE list
    "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", # for context
    "corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware", # add this only
    "django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware", # add this only
    "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", # for context


Step 9: Test the server

Since, the frontend is not ready yet, we cannot test the model over API but we can check for any error while running the server: python runserver

Step 10: Setup Docker

For the deployment we are gonna use Docker to containerize and deploy the model. Make sure you have docker installed on your machine.

  1. Run docker init

In the terminal for the follow-up questions choose the followings

What application platform does your project use?
What version of Python do you want to use? (3.11.9)
What port do you want your app to listen on? (8000)
press enter
What is the command you use to run your app? (gunicorn 'backend.wsgi' --bind=
press enter

  1. Modify Dockerfile as follows:
    When we use docker init it creates a Dockerfile with an unprivileged user to encourage security. We need to provide this user with limited privilege to write on our ml_model_output folder in unetr app.
    Secondly, in ubuntu, for opencv's python bindings, there are few internal dependencies errors. This is can be resolved by installing the following dependencies:
    libgl1 libglib2.0-0 libsm6 libxrender1 libxext6

So, the modified Dockerfile would look like:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1

FROM python:${PYTHON_VERSION}-slim as base

# Prevents Python from writing pyc files.

# Keeps Python from buffering stdout and stderr to avoid situations where
# the application crashes without emitting any logs due to buffering.


# Create a non-privileged user that the app will run under.
ARG UID=10001
RUN adduser \
    --disabled-password \
    --gecos "" \
    --home "/nonexistent" \
    --shell "/sbin/nologin" \
    --no-create-home \
    --uid "${UID}" \

# Download dependencies as a separate step to take advantage of Docker's caching.
# Leverage a cache mount to /root/.cache/pip to speed up subsequent builds.
# Leverage a bind mount to requirements.txt to avoid having to copy them into
# into this layer.
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/pip \
    --mount=type=bind,source=requirements.txt,target=requirements.txt \
    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# This resolves dependencies error due to open-cv
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install libgl1 libglib2.0-0 libsm6 libxrender1 libxext6 -y

# Copy the source code into the container.
COPY . .

# Provide only necessary permissions to the appuser
RUN chown -R appuser:appuser /app/unetr/unetr_model_output

# Switch to the non-privileged user to run the application.
USER appuser    

# Expose the port that the application listens on.

# Run the application.
CMD gunicorn 'backend.wsgi' --bind=
  1. Test the server with docker: We can use either docker run command or docker compose command, in my opinion, the later is better but for single service i.e. our Django server, docker run can also be used. use:
    docker build -t unetr .
    docker run unetr


docker compose up - this will build the image and run the container itself. alternatively you can use docker compose up -d, the -d flag is for detached mode i.e. runs container on the background.
Test the server on rather than on

Step 11: Setup GitHub Workflows

For implement CI/CD pipelines, I have used GitHub Actions. How it works? When something is pushed to the branch which is being watched, GitHub Actions automatically executes the pre-defined jobs. These job are defined in yaml file.
For this project I have three pipelines which are:

  1. Continuous Integration: Checks for updates in the code.
  2. Continuous Delivery: updates the Ubuntu, configure AWS Credentials, build a docker image and push it to AWS ECR.
  3. Continuous Deployment: This runs on EC2 instance, pulls a docker image from AWS ECR and runs the docker container.

In the root directory of our Django app we need to create a folder .github with a sub-folder workflows. Inside workflows create a file - main.yaml. Copy the configuration from here and paste it inside the main.yaml, because the file is comparatively big and can be used in other applications as well.


  1. The workflow is configured to watch master branch rather than the main branch. Modify it as per your needs.
  2. The third job from the bottom must be commented for initial deployment. It checks, if a container is running and removes it if it is running. Because there is no container in the first deployment, hence it will throw an error. You can uncomment from the second deployment onwards.
# - name: Run Docker Image to serve users
      #   run: |
      #    docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name=unetr -e 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}' -e 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}' -e 'AWS_REGION=${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }}'  ${{secrets.AWS_ECR_LOGIN_URI}}/${{ secrets.ECR_REPOSITORY_NAME }}:latest
  1. For the continuous deployment, if docker build is being used, then we need to provide the environment variables (code is already provided in the config file i.e. main.yaml), if docker compose up -d is used then compose.yaml file needs to be updated to add environment variables as follows:
      context: .
      - 8000:8000
    environment: # this is added 

After setting up the workflow, push your code in GitHub. Use:
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
git push

Implementing Backend by Cloning the Repo

For this I will presume that you possess some basic knowledge of python, virtual environment and Django.

Step 1: Fork and Clone the repo

Fork the repo and clone it on your local machine using:
git clone [url of forked repo]

Change directory to UNetR-slim-backend
cd UNetR-slim-backend

Step 2: Create Virtual Environment

Create virtual env as described in the above section
conda create --name unetr-backend python=3.9.19 -y
conda activate unetr-backend

If you encounter could not resolve from source error or module not found error, then it's because wrong python interpreter is selected. To resolve the issue, while being on any python file, on the very bottom right of the VS Code, you can see Python as the selected language and its version followed by the interpreter. The interpreter should be 3.9.19 ('unetr-backend':conda). Click on the python version and a popup will appear with the list of python interpreters.

Step 3: Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt
This command will install all the dependencies mentioned in the requirements.txt

Step 4: Test the server

If you clone the repo, everything is pre-implemented. However, you can test server:
Test without docker:
python migrate
python runserver
Test with docker:
docker compose up

For both the cases open the local host from

These commands should be able to run the server without any error other than 404 for the root route with two available routes.

Setup AWS

  1. Login to your AWS account

  2. Search for IAM in services

  3. Create User: In the left menu of IAM, click on Users. Here, click on Create user. Just set the user name then click Next. Then select Attach policies directly.

  4. Attach policies: Search and attach the following policies-
    i. AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess
    ii. AmazonEC2FullAccess.
    Click Nextand then finally click on Create user.

  5. Now, we need to get the access keys of the user.
    Open the user and in the right side of the summary, click on Create access key.
    Select CLI the click on Next, skip the optional part by clicking on Create access key.
    Now download the Access key and Secret access key by clicking on Download .csv file.

  6. Search for ECR in services, then create a repository in it.
    Name anything you like such as: unetr-ecr.
    Finally click on Create repository. Lastly copy the URI and store it somewhere as it is required in the next section.
    It looks something like: 11143526****

  7. Search for EC2 in services.

  8. Launch Instance: In the EC2 dashboard, click on Launch instance.

  9. Name the server such as unetr-server.
    Select Ubuntu as the OS and select the free tier AMI.
    Afterwards, select a free tier instance type i.e. t2.micro, which is enough for serving the API but definitely not for model training.
    Now, Generate a key-pair by setting a name and rest as default, click on Create a key pair.
    In the network settings, select Create security group and check Allow SSH traffic from, Allow HTTPS traffic from the internet and Allow HTTP traffic from the internet.
    Finally, Configure the storage, 8 GB should be enough for this project. After all of this configuration, click on Launch instance.

  10. Wait until the instance is initialized.

  11. Connect to the instance.

  12. Run: clear on the Ubuntu machine to clear the screen

  13. Run the following command one-by-one to update Ubuntu and install docker.

sudo apt-get update -y

sudo apt-get upgrade -y

curl -fsSL -o

sudo sh

sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu

newgrp docker

With this, we have completed the AWS setup but we will be needed to execute a few more lines of code which will be provided by GitHub Actions, more on it in the next section.

Setup GitHub Action

  1. Open the settings of your repo, in the left menu, click on Actions > Runner inside Code and automation.
  2. Click on New self-hosted runner
  3. Select Linux as the Runner image
  4. Now copy and paste each line in our ec2 terminal, sequentially.
    Starting with mkdir actions-runner && cd actions-runner command
    when ./ --url --token A3CYKLZXDHEK6PSR6P7B553GJNR5M is executed, it will ask a few runner registration questions. Do as follows:

    Enter the name of runner group to add this runner to:
    press Enter
    Enter the name of runner:
    This runner will have the following labels: 'self-hosted', 'Linux', 'x64' Enter any additional labels:
    press Enter
    Enter name of work folder:
    Press Enter

Finally copy and executed the last command: ./

Now, if we go back to the Runner we should be able to see a self-hosted runner with "online" status. 5. Lastly, we need to configure our Secrets for AWS in GitHub Actions. On the left menu, expand Secrets and variables present inside Security, select Actions. Here we need to add New repository secret.
Now, we will add the secrets one by one.

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= ## from the 5th step of Setup AWS

AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= ## from the 5th step of Setup AWS

AWS_REGION = us-east-1 ## check your region 

AWS_ECR_LOGIN_URI = (example) 11143526**** ## only up to .com

ECR_REPOSITORY_NAME = unetr-ecr ## after .com

With this everything is good to go, We can push our code to GitHub and it will automatically deploy it on the AWS. Subsequently, we can manually trigger the CI/CD pipeline from Actions in the GitHub.

Setup Outbound Rules

The very last step is set outbound rules, so we can connect with our server remotely. Navigate to the dashboard of the running EC2 instance, scroll down to select Security tab. Click on the Security groups. On the bottom, inside Inbound rules, click on Edit inbound rules. Click Add rule and add the following rule:

Type: Custom TCP
Port range: 8000
Source: Anywhere-IPv4

Finally, click on Save rules. Now, we can access our server from the provided Public IPv4 followed by port 8000. Example- http://54.9x.24x.16x:8000

GitHub Commit message format

Feat– feature

Fix– bug fixes

Docs– changes to the documentation like README

Style– style or formatting change

Perf – improves code performance

Test– test a feature


Implemented the backend for UNETR to server the ML model as an API. Utilized Django REST Framework for development and Deployed with CI/CD pipeline on AWS using Docker, GitHub Actions, AWS ECR and AWS EC2.







No releases published


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