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Repo with all the slides and showcases for the baselOne 2024 talk

Current state is that I got accepted, language is not sure yet

Tools used in the talk:

The talk


I like my API tests plain and raw


API testing in plain text, with Hurl. Hurl is a CLI tool and a file format. It enables API testing with low overhead, both mentally and on your machine. The talk tries to show why API tests in raw files are good and what positives Hurl forces onto the projects it is used in. Even though Hurl is easy to understand, the talk acknowledges that "CLI-only" is not for everyone.

Usage and how to

The slides are hosted here

Relevant commands

to look at the slides, install:

then run:

just show

Otherwise you will find the slides in raw markdown here

To run all the showcases, install:

If you want to run the showcases natively you need to install:

  • java spring-boot showcase.
  • Kotlin spring-boot showcase.
  • rust toolchain rocket showcase
  • go gin showcase
  • [golangci-lint] gin showcase
  • [python3] flask showcase
  • [pip] flask showcase
  • [ruff] lint flask showcase
  • ccp maybe for the rust showcases.

then run:

just showcase


  1. Springboot - Kotlin
  2. Rocket - Rust
  3. Gin - Go
  4. Flask - Python