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Content Integrity

Jahia module that provides an extensible service to test the integrity of the content

How to use?


Users require to be granted the permission adminContentIntegrity at server level to be able to run an integrity scan.

By default, this permission is added to the role server-administrator, thus any server administrator is able to use the feature.


The module registers an additional page in the administration.


All the available checks (provided by the module itself, or by extensions) are listed. Those configured as active are preselected.

Some checks are configurable. A button is displayed in front of those to open the related configuration screen: picto-configure

The scan is executed on a tree, by default on the whole JCR, starting from its root node. To scan a single site, a specific section, the files hierarchy of a site, ... , specify the related root node as the root of the scan.

All the nodes under the specified one will be scanned, unless some subtrees are specified to be excluded. If needed, specify the path of the root nodes of those trees to skip.

The scan can be run on a single workspace, or on both.

Virtual nodes (e.g. exposed by an EDP connector) can be excluded from the scan. This is useful when processing those nodes involve a lot of connections to an 3rd party system, with an important impact on the duration of the scan.

When running a scan, the related logs are displayed in the UI. The scan is run in background, and leaving the screen will have no impact on its execution. When the scan is over, the results can be downloaded from the JCR (uploaded under /sites/systemsite/files/content-integrity-reports), or viewed in the UI, in the tab Results.

Karaf Shell commands

The content integrity service is available through the Karaf console.

Use jcr:cd {path} to position yourself on the node from which you want to start the scan.

Use jcr:workspace {workspace} if you want to change the workspace to scan.

Use jcr:integrity-check to run a content integrity test.

jahia@dx()> jcr:cd /sites/mySite/
jahia@dx()> jcr:integrity-check
Content integrity tested in 128 ms
No error found


Runs a scan of the current tree and current workspace.


Name alias Value Mandatory Multiple Description
-l --limit positive integer, [20] Specifies the maximum number of errors to print out
-x --exclude string x Specifies one or several subtrees to exclude
-c --checks string x Specifies the checks to execute, specified by their ID.
Only the specified checks will be executed during the current scan, no matter the global configuration.
The check IDs can also be prefixed with ':' to specify a check to be skipped. In such case, the scan will execute all the currently active checks but those specified to be skipped during the current scan.
--skipMP If specified, the virtual nodes are excluded from the scan


jcr:cd /sites/mySite/
jcr:workspace live
jcr:integrity-check -l 10   

jcr:cd /sites
jcr:integrity-check -x /sites/aHugeSite
jcr:integrity-check -x /sites/aHugeSite -x /sites/anotherHugeSite/files 

A scan can be interrupted before the end of its execution. Refer to the FAQ section for more details.


Prints out some extended information about an error.


Value Mandatory Multiple Description
string x x ID of the error(s) to print out


Name alias Value Mandatory Multiple Description
-t --test string ID of the test from which to load the error. Latest test used if not defined


jcr:cd /sites/mySite/
Content integrity tested in 44 seconds (44609 ms)
ID | Fixed | Error                          | Workspace | UUID                                 | Node type         | Locale | Message
0  |       | PropertyConstraintsSanityCheck | default   | c847913d-64f1-4c23-a6f6-1b7833f8024f | jnt:page          | fr     | Missing mandatory property
1  |       | PropertyConstraintsSanityCheck | default   | a60dc57a-0bd3-4908-9b58-7e60dc558a34 | jnt:page          | fr     | Missing mandatory property
2  |       | PropertyConstraintsSanityCheck | default   | dbb81015-5cac-4887-90d5-68c9be704ac8 | mynt:internalLink | fr     | Missing mandatory property

jahia@dx()> jcr:integrity-printError 2
ID             | 0
Check name     | PropertyConstraintsSanityCheck
Check ID       | 8
Fixed          | false
Workspace      | default
Locale         | fr
Path           | /sites/mySite/home/missions/internalLink-3
UUID           | dbb81015-5cac-4887-90d5-68c9be704ac8
Node type      | mynt:internalLink
Mixin types    |
Message        | Missing mandatory property
property-name  | node
declaring-type | mynt:internalLink


Prints out the currently registered checks.


Name alias Value Mandatory Multiple Description
-l --outputLevel [simple] , full Specifies the output level to use


jahia@dx()> jcr:integrity-printChecks
Integrity checks (8):
   FlatStorageCheck (id: 1, priority: 0.0, enabled: true)
   HomePageDeclaration (id: 2, priority: 100.0, enabled: true)
   JCRLanguagePropertyCheck (id: 3, priority: 100.0, enabled: true)
   LockSanityCheck (id: 4, priority: 100.0, enabled: true)
   MarkForDeletionCheck (id: 5, priority: 100.0, enabled: true)
   PublicationSanityDefaultCheck (id: 6, priority: 100.0, enabled: true)
   PublicationSanityLiveCheck (id: 7, priority: 100.0, enabled: true)
   UndeployedModulesReferencesCheck (id: 8, priority: 100.0, enabled: true)


Allows to reprint the result of a previous test.


Name alias Value Mandatory Multiple Description
-l --limit positive integer, [20] Specifies the maximum number of errors to print out
-d --dump Dumps the errors into report files in temp/content-integrity/ if used. The limit option is ignored when dumping
-u --upload Uploads the report files in the JCR instead of writing in on the filesystem. This option has no effect if not combined with -d
-ef --excludeFixedErrors Coming soon


jahia@dx()> jcr:integrity-check
Content integrity tested in 141 ms
No error found
jahia@dx()> jcr:integrity-printTestResults -d
Dumped into C:\DigitalExperienceManager-EnterpriseDistribution-\tomcat\temp\content-integrity\default_2023_04_21-13_34_15_786-full.csv
Dumped into C:\DigitalExperienceManager-EnterpriseDistribution-\tomcat\temp\content-integrity\default_2023_04_21-13_34_15_786-full.xlsx


Allows to configure a registered integrity check. Please note that for the moment, the configuration is reset when restarting the module implementing the check, or when restarting the server.


Name alias Value Mandatory Multiple Description
-id string x Specifies the identifier of the integrity check to configure
-e --enabled true, false Enables the integrity check if true, disable it if false. Do not change the current status if not defined
-p --param string Name of the parameter to configure. Depends on the integrity check specified with -id. If no value is specified, the current value is printed out
-v --value string Value of the parameter to configure. Depends on the parameter specified with -p. Depends on the integrity check specified with -id
-rp --resetParam string Name of the parameter to reset to its default value
-pc --printConfigs string Print all the configurations of the specified check


jahia@dx()> jcr:integrity-printChecks
Integrity checks (11):
   FlatStorageCheck (id: 2, priority: 0.0, enabled: true)
jahia@dx()> jcr:integrity-configureCheck -id 2 -e false
jahia@dx()> jcr:integrity-printChecks
Integrity checks (11):
   FlatStorageCheck (id: 2, priority: 0.0, enabled: false)
jahia@dx()> jcr:integrity-configureCheck -id 2 -pc
    threshold = 500 (Number of children nodes beyond which an error is raised)
jahia@dx()> jcr:integrity-configureCheck -id 2 -p threshold
FlatStorageCheck: threshold = 500
jahia@dx()> jcr:integrity-configureCheck -id 2 -p threshold -v 200
FlatStorageCheck: threshold = 200
jahia@dx()> jcr:integrity-configureCheck -id 2 -rp threshold
FlatStorageCheck: threshold = 500


Coming soon


Scan interruption

You can interrupt a running scan from the UI, or by defining a system property named modules.contentIntegrity.interrupt. You can for example run the following script in a groovy console:

System.setProperty("modules.contentIntegrity.interrupt", "true")

Clustered environment

Most of the checks are purely related to the JCR, and do not need to be executed on every server in the cluster. The scan can be run on any server, not just the processing server.

The following checks rely on some local resources, and should be run on every server in a cluster:

  • TemplatesIndexationCheck

In the UI, the checks to execute can be easily selected. If using the Karaf Shell, refer to jcr:integrity-check to run a scan with a specified list of checks to execute.