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License: MIT


The Drinklist is essentially a digital tally sheet which is intended for tracking coffee or beverage self service sales in offices or communities. It is intended to be used very quickly and with very minimal user interaction. This project also includes a management view to manage and track the inventory and the sales.

Drinklist was originally designed and built for the FIUS by its members.


  • npm
  • sqlite3


First install all dependencies and setup the data folder with:

npm install
npm run setup-data-folder

This will also compile the TypeScript source, which might take a moment depending on your machine.

Then start the node js server with:

npm start

or run it directly with:

node src/server.js

Lastly navigate to the Admin Page or the User Page and start using the system.

Install with Docker

Container: kienhoefr/drinklist

Start with mapped config dir and forwarded ports:

docker run -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -p 8080:8080 -v ~/drinklistData:/app/data kienhoefr/drinklist

Update from 1.0.0

Since version 1.1.0 contains breaking changes you need to migrate your data. There are two paths for this. Either open the data/history.db file with any sqlite programm of your choosing and run:


Or go to the install directory with the data folder inside and run this command in a shell:

sqlite3 data/history.db "ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN hidden INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;"

Additionally it is necessary to create the data/user-settings.json file with the following content:


Update from 1.1

Update 1.2 brings two new configuration settings that must be added to your data/user-settings.json. These two new settings are:

  • title - Set the title displayed in the browser's tab when accessing the frontend.
  • curencySymbol - Set the currency symbol Drinklist uses to display money values.

Your data/user-settings.json file should look like this:

  "imprint": true,
  "data-protection": true,
  "recently-purchased": true,
  "history": true,
  "money": true,
  "title": "daGl / TOBL",
  "currencySymbol": ""

Update from 1.2

Update 1.3.0 requires your data/settings.json to be changed.

Your data/settings.json file should look like this:

  "host": "http://localhost:8080",
  "port": 8080


Name URL Description
API http://localhost:8080/api This is the api used to store and manage all information
Frontend http://localhost:8080/ Frontend for user interaction and administration