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React Native component that renders Google Play Movie layout

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πŸš€ google-play-swipe

React Native component that mimics the UI present in Google Play Store, Movies & TV

  • Fully customizable UI from opacity interpolation to animating featured image
  • Content is displayed inside of a customizable ScrollView component

βš™οΈ Installation

☊ Using npm:

npm install google-playswipe

🧢 Using yarn:

yarn add google-playswipe

♨ Usage

import PlaySwipe from 'google-playswipe';

Add a <PlaySwipe /> tag within your component with required props.

πŸ“¦ Data setup

const data = {
    items: [
      { title: 'Knight and Day', description: '$0.99', imageSource: '' },
      { title: 'The Vanishing',  description: '$1.99', imageSource: '' },
      { title: 'Ultimate Avengers 2', description: '$1.99', imageSource: '' },
      { title: 'The Humanity Bureau', description: '$4.99', imageSource: '' },
      { title: 'Trading Paint', description: '$1.99', imageSource: '' }

const { items } = data;
const cardItems = => (
      imageSource: { uri: item.imageSource } or require('path to local image'),
      key: item.title,
      onClick: () => Alert.alert(item.title), // onclick handler for each card data item

πŸ“ Minimal configuration

    content: {
      headerTitle: 'Rentals from $0.99',
      headerSubtitle: 'Discover a new favourite',
      headerButton: (
        <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => Alert.alert('Discover more!')}>
          <Ionicons name="md-arrow-forward" size={28} color="#58646e" />
    source: { uri: 'resource identifier for the image' } 
    source: require('./path/to/image.png')
      content: cardItems,

πŸ“ Full customization

    content: {
      headerTitle: 'Rentals from $0.99',
      headerSubtitle: 'Discover a new favourite',
      headerButton: (
        <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => Alert.alert('Discover more!')}>
          <Ionicons name="md-arrow-forward" size={28} color="#58646e" />
    styles: {
      sectionHeaderStyles:     // provide your custom styles
      headerViewStyles:       // provide your custom styles
      headerTitleStyles:     // provide your custom styles
      headerSubTitleStyles: // provide your custom styles
    source: { uri: 'resource identifier for the image' } 
    source: require('./path/to/image.png')
    styles: {
        imageContainerStyles: // provide your custom styles
        imageStyles:         // provide your custom styles
      content: cardItems,
      styles: {
        sectionContainerStyle:   // provide your custom styles
        sectionImageStyle:      // provide your custom styles
        sectionTitleStyle:     // provide your custom styles
        sectionSubTitleStyle: // provide your custom styles
      styles: // provide your custom styles,
      showsHorizontalScrollIndicator: false,
      horizontal: true,
      scrollEventThrottle: 16,
      decelerationRate: 0,
      snapToInterval: 150,
      contentInset: // provide custom insets,
      contentContainerStyle: // provide your custom styles,
      backgroundTransitionInterpolationConfig: {
        inputRange: [50, 100],
        outputRange: ['#FBAB7E', '#F7CE68'],
        extrapolate: 'clamp',
        inputRange: [0, 100],
        outputRange: [0, -50],
        extrapolate: 'clamp',
      imageOpacityInterpolationConfig: {
        inputRange: [0, 100],
        outputRange: [1, 0.1],
        extrapolate: 'clamp',

πŸ•ΉοΈ Components


Name Description Type Required
title Card tile String βœ“
descriptoin Card description String
imageSource Image to be dispalyed in the card ImageSourcePropType βœ“
onClick Handler function when a card is pressed NativeTouchEvent
styles Collection of styles for swipe item component CardStyles


Name Description Type Required
title Header tile String βœ“
description Header description String
button Ideally a button or JSX element for the header component JSX.Element βœ“
styles Collection of styles for header component StyleProp


Name Description Type Required
header Object that is required to build the header component Header βœ“
featuredImage Featured image that will be displayed to the left of card ui FeaturedImage βœ“
cardItems Object that contains the card item data and styles CardItems βœ“
swipeContainerStyles Collection of styles for the card items swipe container StyleProp;
interpolations Object that contains interpolation for animations effects HorizontalScrollInterpolations

πŸ–‹ Contributing

Feel free to open a new pull request or GitHub issue for any changes.

✍️ Author

Chandan Rauniyar |