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Update pip-dependencies (#183)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [docs/MarkDown](
([changelog]( | `==3.5.1`
-> `==3.5.2` |
| [docs/mkdocs-material](
| `==9.5.3` -> `==9.5.6` |
| [docs/mkdocstrings-python](
([changelog]( |
`==1.7.5` -> `==1.8.0` |
| [misc-lint/ruff](
| `==0.1.9` -> `==0.1.15` |
| [pytest/coverage]( | `==7.4.0`
-> `==7.4.1` |
| `==0.23.2` -> `==0.23.4` |
| [typecheck/types-Markdown](
| `==` -> `==` |
| [typecheck/types-beautifulsoup4](
| `==` -> `==` |


### Release Notes

<summary>Python-Markdown/markdown (docs/MarkDown)</summary>



##### Fixed

- Fix type annotations for `convertFile` - it accepts only bytes-based
Also remove legacy checks from Python 2
- Remove legacy import needed only in Python 2
- Fix typo that left the attribute `AdmonitionProcessor.content_indent`

- Fix edge-case crash in `InlineProcessor` with `AtomicString`
- Fix edge-case crash in `codehilite` with an empty `code` tag
- Improve and expand type annotations in the code base
- Fix handling of bogus comments


<summary>squidfunk/mkdocs-material (docs/mkdocs-material)</summary>



- Fixed
Missing styles for Mermaid.js labels with Markdown



-   Updated Tagalog translations
-   Updated Pillow to 10.2 to mitigate security vulnerabilities
-   Improved resilience of instant navigation
- Fixed
Updated Mermaid.js to version 10.7.0 (latest)
- Fixed
Keyboard events in custom elements captured
- Fixed
Instant navigation doesn't correctly handle alternate URLs
- Fixed
Instant navigation doesn't allow for `onclick` handlers
- Fixed
Instant navigation sometimes breaks browser back button
- Fixed
Instant navigation doesn't correctly position anchors (Safari)
- Fixed
Instant navigation doesn't correctly resolve after 404
- Fixed
Instant navigation reloads page on same link navigation



- Fixed
Local storage with invalid value can break site
- Fixed
Tags icons before default ignored if default is set


<summary>mkdocstrings/python (docs/mkdocstrings-python)</summary>



<small>[Compare with

##### Features

- Release Insiders features of the $500/month funding goal
by Timothée Mazzucotelli).
    The features and projects related to *mkdocstrings-python* are:

- [Cross-references for type annotations in
- [Symbol types in headings and table of
a Griffe extension for inheriting docstrings
- [`griffe2md`](, a tool to
output API docs to Markdown using Griffe

    See the complete list of features and projects here:[#&#8203;500](


<summary>astral-sh/ruff (misc-lint/ruff)</summary>



##### Preview features

- Error when `NURSERY` selector is used with `--preview`
- Preserve indentation around multiline strings in formatter
- \[`flake8-return`] Add fixes for all rules (`RET505`, `RET506`,
`RET507`, `RET508`)
- \[`flake8-simplify`] Add fix for `if-with-same-arms` (`SIM114`)
- \[`pycodestyle`] Add fix for `multiple-imports-on-one-line` (`E401`)
- \[`pylint`] Add fix for `collapsible-else-if` (`PLR5501`)
- \[`pylint`] Add fix for `useless-else-on-loop` (`PLW0120`)
- \[`pylint`] Implement `assigning-non-slot` (`E0237`)
- \[`pylint`] Implement `potential-index-error` (`PLE0643`)
- \[`pylint`] Implement `too-many-nested-blocks` (`PLR1702`)
- \[`ruff`] Add rule to sort `__slots__` and `__match_args__`
- \[`ruff`] Detect unnecessary `dict` comprehensions for iterables
- \[`ruff`] Guard against use of `default_factory` as a keyword argument
- \[`ruff`] Implement `mutable-fromkeys-value` (`RUF024`)

##### CLI

- Enable auto-wrapping of `--help` output

##### Bug fixes

- Avoid rendering display-only rules as fixable
- Detect automagic-like assignments in notebooks
- Generate custom JSON schema for dynamic setting
- \[`flake8-no-pep420`] Include global `--config` when determining
namespace packages
- \[`flake8-pie`] Omit bound tuples passed to `.startswith` or
- \[`flake8-return`] Avoid panic when fixing inlined else blocks
- \[`flake8-return`] Consider exception suppression in unnecessary
- \[`flake8-return`] Take `NoReturn` annotation into account when
analyzing implicit returns
- \[`flake8-simplify`] Support inverted returns in `needless-bool`
- \[`flake8-type-checking`] Add Pydantic's `BaseConfig` to default-copy
list ([#&#8203;9650](
- \[`flake8-type-checking`] Avoid marking `InitVar` as a typing-only
- \[`pycodestyle`] Allow `dtype` comparisons in `type-comparison`
- \[`pydocstyle`] Re-implement `last-line-after-section` (`D413`)

##### Documentation

- \[`flake8-pytest-style`] Add fix safety documentation for
- \[`pylint`] Document `literal-membership` fix safety conditions
- \[`isort`] Fix reference to `isort` rule code

##### Other changes



##### Preview features

- \[`flake8-bugbear`] Add fix for `duplicate-value` (`B033`)
- \[`flake8-simplify`] Implement `enumerate-for-loop` (`SIM113`)
- \[`pygrep_hooks`] Add fix for `deprecated-log-warn` (`PGH002`)
- \[`pylint`] Implement `import-private-name` (`C2701`)
- \[`refurb`] Implement `regex-flag-alias` with fix (`FURB167`)
- \[`ruff`] Add rule and fix to sort contents of `__all__` (`RUF022`)
- \[`tryceratops`] Add fix for `error-instead-of-exception` (`TRY400`)

##### Rule changes

- \[`flake8-pyi`] Fix `PYI047` false negatives on PEP-695 type aliases
- \[`flake8-pyi`] Fix `PYI049` false negatives on call-based
- \[`pylint`] Exclude `self` and `cls` when counting method arguments

##### CLI

- `--show-settings` displays active settings in a far more readable
format ([#&#8203;9464](
- Add `--extension` support to the formatter

##### Configuration

- Ignore preview status for fixable and unfixable selectors
- \[`pycodestyle`] Use the configured tab size when expanding indents

##### Bug fixes

- Recursively visit deferred AST nodes
- Visit deferred lambdas before type definitions
- \[`flake8-simplify`] Avoid some more `enumerate-for-loop` false
positives (`SIM113`)
- \[`pandas-vet`] Limit inplace diagnostics to methods that accept
inplace ([#&#8203;9495](
- \[`pylint`] Add the `__prepare__` method to the list of recognized
dunder method
- \[`pylint`] Ignore unnecessary dunder calls within dunder definitions
- \[`refurb`] Avoid bailing when `reimplemented-operator` is called on
function (`FURB118`)
- \[`ruff`] Avoid treating named expressions as static keys (`RUF011`)

##### Documentation

- Add instructions on using `noqa` with isort rules
- Documentation update for URL giving 'page not found'
- Fix admonition in dark mode
- Update contributing docs to use `cargo bench -p ruff_benchmark`
- Update emacs integration section to include `emacs-ruff-format`
- \[`flake8-blind-except`] Document exceptions to `blind-except` rule



##### Bug fixes

- Include base pyproject when initializing cache settings
- \[`flake8-simplify`] Account for possibly-empty f-string values in
truthiness logic
- \[`pylint`] Add the missing period in `unnecessary-dunder-call`
- \[`pylint`] Fix `__aenter__` message in `unnecessary-dunder-call`



##### Preview features

- Formatter: Hug multiline-strings in preview style
- \[`flake8-bandit`] Add `ssl-with-no-version` (`S504`)
- \[`flake8-bandit`] Implement `ssl-insecure-version` (`S502`)
- \[`flake8-bandit`] Implement `ssl-with-bad-defaults` (`S503`)
- \[`flake8-bandit`] Implement suspicious import rules (`S4XX`)
- \[`flake8-simplify`] Implement `zip-dict-keys-and-values` (`SIM911`)
- \[`pyflakes`] Add a fix for `redefined-while-unused` (`F811`)
- \[`pylint`] Implement `unnecessary-dunder-call` (`C2801`)
- \[`ruff`] Add `parenthesize-chained-operators` (`RUF021`) to enforce
parentheses in `a or b and c`

##### Rule changes

- \[`flake8-boolean-trap`] Allow Boolean positional arguments in setters
- \[`flake8-builtins`] Restrict `builtin-attribute-shadowing` (`A003`)
to actual shadowed references
- \[`flake8-pyi`] Add fix for `generator-return-from-iter-method`
- \[`pyflakes`] Don't flag `redefined-while-unused` (`F811`) in `if`
branches ([#&#8203;9418](
- \[`pyupgrade`] Add some additional Python 3.12 typing members to
- \[`ruff`] Add fix for `parenthesize-chained-operators` (`RUF021`)
- \[`ruff`] Include subscripts and attributes in static key rule
- \[`ruff`] Support variable keys in static dictionary key rule

##### Formatter

- Generate deterministic IDs when formatting notebooks
- Allow `# fmt: skip` with interspersed same-line comments
- Parenthesize breaking named expressions in match guards

##### Bug fixes

- Add cell indexes to all diagnostics
- Avoid infinite loop in constant vs. `None` comparisons
- Handle raises with implicit alternate branches
- Ignore trailing quotes for unclosed l-brace errors
- Respect multi-segment submodule imports when resolving qualified names
- Use `DisplayParseError` for stdin parser errors
- Use `comment_ranges` for isort directive extraction
- Use transformed source code for diagnostic locations
- \[`flake8-pyi`] Exclude `warnings.deprecated` and
`typing_extensions.deprecated` arguments
- \[`flake8-pyi`] Fix false negative for `unused-private-protocol`
(`PYI046`) with unused generic protocols
- \[`pydocstyle`] Disambiguate argument descriptors from section headers
- \[`pylint`] Homogenize `PLR0914` message to match other `PLR09XX`
rules ([#&#8203;9399](
- \[`ruff`] Allow `Hashable = None` in type annotations (`RUF013`)

##### Documentation

- Fix admonition hyperlink colouring
- Add missing preview link



##### Preview features

- \[`pylint`] Implement `super-without-brackets` (`W0245`)

##### Bug fixes

- Check path string properly in `python -m ruff` invocations

##### Documentation

- Tweak `relative-imports` message
- Add fix safety note for `yield-in-for-loop`



##### Preview features

- Improve `dummy_implementations` preview style formatting
- Normalise Hex and unicode escape sequences in strings
- Parenthesize long type annotations in annotated assignments
- Parenthesize multi-context managers in `with` statements
- \[`flake8-pyi`] Implement `generator-return-from-iter-method`
- \[`pylint`] Implement `empty-comment` (`PLR2044`)
- \[`refurb`] Implement `bit-count` (`FURB161`)
- \[`ruff`] Add `never-union` rule to detect redundant `typing.NoReturn`
and `typing.Never`

##### CLI

- Add paths to TOML parse errors
- Add row and column numbers to formatter parse errors
- Improve responsiveness when invoked via Python
- Short rule messages should not end with a period

##### Configuration

- Respect runtime-required decorators on functions

##### Bug fixes

- Avoid `asyncio-dangling-task` for nonlocal and global bindings
- Escape trailing placeholders in rule documentation
- Fix continuation detection following multi-line strings
- Fix scoping for generators in named expressions in classes
- Port from obsolete wsl crate to is-wsl
- Remove special pre-visit for module docstrings
- Respect `__str__` definitions from super classes
- Respect `unused-noqa` via `per-file-ignores`
- Respect attribute chains when resolving builtin call paths
- Treat all `typing_extensions` members as typing aliases
- Use `Display` for formatter parse errors
- Wrap subscripted dicts in parens for f-string conversion
- \[`flake8-annotations`] Avoid adding return types to stub methods
- \[`flake8-annotations`] Respect mixed `return` and `raise` cases in
return-type analysis
- \[`flake8-bandit`] Don't report violations when `SafeLoader` is
imported from `yaml.loader` (`S506`)
- \[`pylint`] Avoid panic when comment is preceded by Unicode
- \[`pylint`] Change `PLR0917` error message to match other `PLR09XX`
messages ([#&#8203;9308](
- \[`refurb`] Avoid false positives for `math-constant` (`FURB152`)

##### Documentation

- Expand target name for better rule documentation
- Fix typos found by codespell
- \[`perflint`] Document `PERF102` fix un-safety
- \[`pyupgrade`] Document `UP007` fix un-safety


<summary>nedbat/coveragepy (pytest/coverage)</summary>



-   Python 3.13.0a3 is supported.

- Fix: the JSON report now includes an explicit format version number,
    `issue 1732`\_.

.. \_issue

.. \_changes\_7-4-0:


<summary>pytest-dev/pytest-asyncio (pytest/pytest-asyncio)</summary>

pytest-asyncio 0.23.4


### 0.23.4 (2024-01-28)

- pytest-asyncio no longer imports additional, unrelated packages during
test collection
- Addresses further issues that caused an internal pytest error during
test collection
- Declares incompatibility with pytest 8

pytest-asyncio 0.23.3


### 0.23.3 (2024-01-01)

- Fixes a bug that caused event loops to be closed prematurely when
using async generator fixtures with class scope or wider in a
function-scoped test
- Fixes various bugs that caused an internal pytest error during test

#### Known issues

As of v0.23, pytest-asyncio attaches an asyncio event loop to each item
of the test suite (i.e. session, packages, modules, classes, functions)
and allows tests to be run in those loops when marked accordingly.
Pytest-asyncio currently assumes that async fixture scope is correlated
with the new event loop scope. This prevents fixtures from being
evaluated independently from the event loop scope and breaks some
existing test suites (see
For example, a test suite may require all fixtures and tests to run in
the same event loop, but have async fixtures that are set up and torn
down for each module. If you're affected by this issue, please continue
using the v0.21 release, until it is resolved.



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "every 3 months on the first day of
the month" (UTC), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get
[config help]( if
that's undesired.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log



Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Co-authored-by: AlexWaygood <>
Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci[bot] <66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people committed Feb 1, 2024
1 parent bdfce94 commit 241cd96
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 7 changed files with 27 additions and 21 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .pre-commit-config.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ repos:
- id: name-tests-test
args: [--pytest-test-first]
- repo:
rev: v0.1.9 # must match pyproject.toml
rev: v0.1.15 # must match pyproject.toml
- id: ruff
- repo:
Expand All @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ repos:
- id: clevercsv-standardize
- repo:
rev: v0.38.0
rev: v0.39.0
- id: markdownlint-fix
args: ["--ignore", "stats_website/.snippets"]
Expand Down
30 changes: 20 additions & 10 deletions pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,31 +53,31 @@ rich = ["rich", "rich-argparse>=1"]
# so the CLI docs generated from --help are consistent
docs = [
pytest = [
typecheck = [
# All of these must match .pre-commit-config.yaml
Expand All @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ misc-lint = [
dev = ["typeshed-stats[rich,docs,typecheck,pytest,misc-lint]"]

Expand All @@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ skip-magic-trailing-comma = true

fix = true
select = ["E", "F", "B", "B9", "D", "SIM", "I", "PT", "UP", "PGH"]
preview = true
select = ["E", "F", "B", "B9", "D", "SIM", "I", "PT", "UP", "PGH", "PYI", "RUF"]
ignore = [
# These are all enforced by, or incompatible with, Black:
Expand All @@ -117,16 +118,25 @@ ignore = [
# Stylistic lints with which I disagree:
# Let mypy/pyright complain about blanket type ignores
# Let mypy/pyright complain about blanket type ignores or implicit optional
# I know when to and when not to use `eval()`
# Makes code slower and more verbose
# wants us to use typing.Self,
# but we support Python 3.10 and don't depend on typing_extensions
unfixable = [
"F841", # unused variable. ruff keeps the call, but mostly we want to get rid of it all
"F601", # automatic fix might obscure issue
"F602", # automatic fix might obscure issue
"B018", # automatic fix might obscure issue
"RUF017" # Ruff's fix is faster, but I prefer using itertools.chain_from_iterable

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/typeshed_stats/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"""Library and command-line tool for getting stats on various typeshed packages."""

__all__ = [

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/typeshed_stats/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
from typeshed_stats.serialize import stats_to_csv, stats_to_json, stats_to_markdown

__all__ = ["OutputOption", "SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS", "main"]
__all__ = ["SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS", "OutputOption", "main"]

def _format_stats_for_pprinting(
Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,10 +35,6 @@ def test_submodule__all___is_valid(submodule: types.ModuleType) -> None:
assert all(isinstance(item, str) for item in submodule.__all__)

def test___all___alphabetisation(submodule: types.ModuleType) -> None:
assert submodule.__all__ == sorted(submodule.__all__)

def test_all_public_names_in___all__(submodule: types.ModuleType) -> None:
"""Test that all names not in `__all__` are marked as private."""
submodule_name = submodule.__name__
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ def test_get_pyright_setting_for_package(
def test_tmpdir_typeshed() -> None:
with tmpdir_typeshed() as typeshed:
typeshed = typeshed # noqa: SIM909
typeshed = typeshed
assert isinstance(typeshed, Path)
assert typeshed.exists()
assert typeshed.is_dir()
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def get_field_description(typ: object) -> str:
return f"[`{typ_name}`][{typ_name}]"
if typ is Path:
return "[`Path`][pathlib.Path]"
if typ is types.NoneType: # noqa: E721
if typ is types.NoneType:
return "[`None`][None]"
return f"`{typ_name}`"
return f"`{typ}`"
Expand Down

0 comments on commit 241cd96

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