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266 lines (218 loc) · 11.6 KB

File metadata and controls

266 lines (218 loc) · 11.6 KB


Now [2/8]

Combos [0/4]

Figure out what constitutes as score and how it increases

Cursor flame increases as score does

Display score and animate it similar to how Smash Bros. does it [0/3]

Display text on top right for example

Animation [0/2]

Smash Bros. example: (watch at 0.25x speed to see how they animate it)

Each number/glyph shakes as score increases
Flashes in and out of red/white

Tree-sitter optimizations [0/0]

Run query cursor only on range of edited text

Incremental parsing [0/0]

Edits to text return an Edit struct

How do we actually propagate this information

I see two places where we can give this responsibility:

  1. Rope
  2. Editor

The rope usually keeps track of the TextPos and byte pos of text modifications.

At the same time, sometimes we make modifications that are composed of calling multiple rope modification functions. Ideally, we’d like to merge these into a single edit.

For example, inserting a newline in between opening + closing delimiters causes the text to be placed at increased indentation, and the closing delimiter to be put on a new, dedented line.

Internally, we do this by inserting the text on increased indentation line, and then inserting closing delimiter on decreased indentation line. Two edits.

It makes more sense to combine them. If we implement undo, we don’t want the user to undo the closing delimiter insert, and then the text insert.

On the other hand, there are definitely situations where an edit is simply composed of multiple, non-overlapping edits. For example, search and replace all matches in a file.


TSEdit properties:

  • start => the point where the text was added
  • old_end => same as start
  • new_end => length of insertion

TSEdit properties:

  • start => the start of the range of text to be deleted
  • old_end => the end of the range of text to be deleted
  • new_end => 0

TSEdit properties:

  • start => the start of the range of text to be deleted
  • old_end => the end of the range of text to be deleted
  • new_end => the new end

Command palette [/]

Minibuffer [/]

Command palette appears in a minibuffer, heavily inspired by Doom Emacs.

For now, just one single minibuffer.

Minibuffer details

The minibuffer contains:

  1. A text input
  2. List of results

The first consideration is how the input should behave. Ideally, this text input should enable Vim keybindings. That then brings to rise the question of how we make that happen.

Currently, all Vim keybindings / text editing operations are inside the Editor struct/module. However, it is designed specifically for a regular buffer of text.

Some text editing operations simply don’t map onto this minibuffer text input.

For example, the `enter` key submits the input. There is only a single-line allowed.

One question is whether or not we actually want this behaviour. Would it be nice to allow multi-line input? The view of the input starts as single line, and as the user adds newlines, it grows?

There are a lot of questions that arise here. Note that the input is greatly simplified if we choose not to allow Vim keybindings.

The main problem of allowing Vim keybindings is that it requires slight alterations to how the Vim commands are handled.

Doom Emacs solves this by disallowing Vim in minibuffer inputs, same as VSCode.

In zsh with Vi editing they take an interesting approach. Typically in terminal emulators, the \ key is required to allow multiline input.

With zsh + Vi, you can press o to create a new line, and each line will be interpreted as a separate command. On the UI, terminal emulators have their input at the bottom, so the text input grows upwards as newlines are added

Current vim functionality
Left, right, down, up, line start/end, wW/bB/eE, find, matching pair. All of these can stay the same.

When moving up and down, if going past text range, will go to option instead.

all of these can stay the same
has to look for newline and avoid it

actually no, in emacs you can copy/paste and it adds newlines

insert newline
no op on minibuffer input mode
pressing enter
if the minibuffer selection allows for any arbitrary input, submits otherwise enter does nothing until the user selects an option

Status line


what we want
  • current file path relative to project root
  • current line / col
  • vim mode

Font atlas refactor [3/6]

Use binpacking algorithm to reduce texture size


  • ghostty implementation
  • freetype-gl implementation
  • RectangleBinPack implementation

Split rasterization from atlas

Rebuild atlas when encountering new glyphs

Couple things to note:

  • Building atlas is expensive (binpacking and actually producing the texture)
  • We should try to batch the work as much as possible
  • e.g. in a frame we should rebuild the atlas once
How can we do this?
Does rebuilding the atlas cause existing glyphs to have different texel coordinates?

I see two options:

  1. Do a pass over all of the visible text, collect new glyphs, rebuild the atlas.
  2. Rebuild the atlas as we build the text geometry

The first choice is optimal for scenarios where we encounter a lot of new glyphs, avoiding recalculating the atlas multiple times.

The first choice means we will either construct the CoreText data structures: CTLine, CTGlyphRun, etc. twice, or we cache them in the function. Caching them doesn’t sound like a bad option. We also call .autorelease() on these objects so memory wise it’s also fine to cache.

Note: If it is inexpensive to only recalculate the atlas, that is, without creating the texture, then the choice probably doesn’t matter.

Correct integer <-> float discrepancies [0/2]

There are a couple places where there might be some discrepancies from converting integers <-> floats:

CGImage -> Atlas bitmap

GlyphInfo.rect.width/height are in floats but bitmap wants integers
Subtracting the origin

Certain font metrics

rewrite CGBitmapContextCreate to be nullable. Don’t use ?CGContextRef though because that doesn’t work

Text geometry resizing bug

When we build text geometry, we iterate text line by line. On each line, we call self.font.lookup_glyph_rects() which will load each glyph from the line, adding any newly encountered glyphs to the atlas, and possibly causing the atlas to resize.

If the atlas resizes, all the texcoords of vertices from previous lines will be invalid, since they will be normalized to the previous dimensions of the atlas.

Comment syntax highlighting broken

Sweep thru code for objc memory leaks

there are probably lots of places where i am not freeing objc objects


  • Determine where to render diagnostics
  • Render diagnostics

Problem: need the baseline of each line. How to get this information efficiently?

Two things here:

  • Need to compute it. Where/when?
    Simple: compute in Instance.from_text_vertices()
    It’s not really needed elsewhere, so why bother with any place else?

    We don’t want to compute this for every char

  • Do we need to cache it? If so, where/when?

Later [0/14]

(perf) Cache diagnostics LineBaseline struct?

(refactor) coalesce the text geometry building code for build_text_geometry() and build_line_number_geometry()

(perf) only build line number geometry for lines we see

(perf) only build text geometry for text we see?

(bug) cursor on ligature glyph should render the regular glyph on top of cursor

(feat) add new ligatures to atlas when encountered

easiest to rebuild atlas from scratch again

later can do this off main thread so rendering isn’t interrupted

(perf) don’t render/rebuild geometry if not needed

especially right now we rebuild all text when moving cursor as ez way to redraw cursor since it depends on text position

now we this charIdxToVertexIdx map we create in create_text_geometry, we can save this and use it to get their vertices of a given char, so we can redraw the crusor without having to call create_text_geometry again.

(perf) don’t output existing glyphs in the atlas

some ligatures like // and /// reuse the same glyph but we are being lazy and not checking for this and adding redundant glyphs to the atlas

(perf) move particle simulation to GPU [0/8]

create particle buffer as texture

draw cluster_amount * CLUSTER_PARTICLE_COUNT instances

each instance needs a direction

pass time to shader, need time for each cluster

in shader: calculate cluster index and particle index

compute opacity in shader

compute velocity in shader

explosions: need to reflect the new updates

event loop or some mechanism to do work without stalling frame

create deinit function for renderer/editor

Egui for debugging?

curves svg etc

Good reosurce:

simd math data structures

Brainstorm [0/14]

improve particles with glow

look at these:

lightning effect

sound effects

squiggly lines effect

what to do with the background?

cool effect

what about showing documentation or diagrams, and easily hide code to flip back and forth

radial menu for LSP code actions


better theme changing UI

lets you click on a piece of text, and a GUI pops up to edit the theme right there

motion blur effect on scroll

will make a VIM user look insanely fast and coo l

preview VIM command

for example pressing “d e”, you can prefix with some key and it will show you a preview of what will happen (like a GitHub inline diff, similar to what emacs does when you do search and replace)

drag around syntax nodes

would be cool to do this, for example swapping order of parameters

WPM bottom right

screen crack when going too hard

autocomplete suggestions slam onto the screen

errors should burn


bug: cc (change line) should preserve line and not delete it entirely

vertex buffer no need to create each time

instead check if <= to current, if so just append otherwise create new

fire [0/0]

create buffer for fire particles

compute shader to compute fire position and color

Bug bash [0/0]

selection rendering messed up

deleting text

fn testFn(self: *Self) void {
    switch (self) {
        .Foo => {


start selection on comma move to the . on the line with .Foo delete

it crashes

backspacing on start of line fucked

Fix cursor [0/0]

not in front of text

newline fucks it up

next line is not starting at the right Y

we use max_glyph_h as the Y advance but this is not correct it needs to take into account glyphs that have their y origin lower for example in the glyph ‘y’ i think this might be the ‘descent’ font metric