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base repository: sindresorhus/execa
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: v9.5.0
Choose a base ref
head repository: sindresorhus/execa
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: c8cff27a47b6e6f1cfbfec2bf7fa9dcd08cefed1
Choose a head ref
  • 4 commits
  • 11 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Oct 28, 2024

  1. Upgrade which (#1168)

    ehmicky authored Oct 28, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    ab886ff View commit details
  2. Do not write verbose logs synchronously (#1167)

    ehmicky authored Oct 28, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    e3572d0 View commit details

Commits on Oct 29, 2024

  1. Runs CI tests on Node 23 (#1169)

    ehmicky authored Oct 29, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    e330bd8 View commit details
  2. 9.5.1

    ehmicky committed Oct 29, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    c8cff27 View commit details
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/main.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ jobs:
fail-fast: false
- 22
- 23
- 18
- ubuntu
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ jobs:
args: --cache --verbose --no-progress --include-fragments --exclude packagephobia --exclude /pull/ --exclude linkedin --exclude file:///test --exclude '*.md' 'docs/*.md' '.github/**/*.md' '*.json' '*.js' 'lib/**/*.js' 'test/**/*.js' '*.ts' 'test-d/**/*.ts'
fail: true
if: ${{ matrix.os == 'ubuntu' && matrix.node-version == 22 }}
if: ${{ matrix.os == 'ubuntu' && matrix.node-version == 23 }}
- run: npm run lint
- run: npm run type
- run: npm run unit
17 changes: 11 additions & 6 deletions lib/verbose/log.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
import {writeFileSync} from 'node:fs';
import {inspect} from 'node:util';
import {escapeLines} from '../arguments/escape.js';
import {defaultVerboseFunction} from './default.js';
import {applyVerboseOnLines} from './custom.js';

// Write synchronously to ensure lines are properly ordered and not interleaved with `stdout`
// This prints on stderr.
// If the subprocess prints on stdout and is using `stdout: 'inherit'`,
// there is a chance both writes will compete (introducing a race condition).
// This means their respective order is not deterministic.
// In particular, this means the verbose command lines might be after the start of the subprocess output.
// Using synchronous I/O does not solve this problem.
// However, this only seems to happen when the stdout/stderr target
// (e.g. a terminal) is being written to by many subprocesses at once, which is unlikely in real scenarios.
export const verboseLog = ({type, verboseMessage, fdNumber, verboseInfo, result}) => {
const verboseObject = getVerboseObject({type, result, verboseInfo});
const printedLines = getPrintedLines(verboseMessage, verboseObject);
const finalLines = applyVerboseOnLines(printedLines, verboseInfo, fdNumber);
writeFileSync(STDERR_FD, finalLines);
if (finalLines !== '') {
console.warn(finalLines.slice(0, -1));

const getVerboseObject = ({
@@ -35,9 +43,6 @@ const getPrintedLine = verboseObject => {
return {verboseLine, verboseObject};

// Unless a `verbose` function is used, print all logs on `stderr`
const STDERR_FD = 2;

// Serialize any type to a line string, for logging
export const serializeVerboseMessage = message => {
const messageString = typeof message === 'string' ? message : inspect(message);
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "execa",
"version": "9.5.0",
"version": "9.5.1",
"description": "Process execution for humans",
"license": "MIT",
"repository": "sindresorhus/execa",
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"tempfile": "^5.0.0",
"tsd": "^0.31.0",
"typescript": "^5.4.5",
"which": "^4.0.0",
"which": "^5.0.0",
"xo": "^0.59.3"
"c8": {
23 changes: 16 additions & 7 deletions test/convert/duplex.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import {
} from '../helpers/convert.js';
import {foobarString} from '../helpers/input.js';
import {majorNodeVersion} from '../helpers/node-version.js';
import {prematureClose, fullStdio, fullReadableStdio} from '../helpers/stdio.js';
import {defaultHighWaterMark} from '../helpers/stream.js';

@@ -148,13 +149,21 @@ test('.duplex() can pipe to errored stream with Stream.pipeline()', async t => {
const cause = new Error('test');

await assertPromiseError(t, pipeline(inputStream, stream, outputStream), cause);
await t.throwsAsync(finishedStream(stream));

await assertStreamError(t, inputStream, cause);
const error = await assertStreamError(t, stream, cause);
await assertStreamReadError(t, outputStream, cause);
await assertSubprocessError(t, subprocess, {cause: error});
// Node 23 does not allow calling `stream.pipeline()` with an already errored stream
if (majorNodeVersion >= 23) {
outputStream.on('error', () => {});
stream.on('error', () => {});
await t.throwsAsync(pipeline(stream, outputStream), {code: 'ERR_STREAM_UNABLE_TO_PIPE'});
} else {
await assertPromiseError(t, pipeline(inputStream, stream, outputStream), cause);
await t.throwsAsync(finishedStream(stream));

await assertStreamError(t, inputStream, cause);
const error = await assertStreamError(t, stream, cause);
await assertStreamReadError(t, outputStream, cause);
await assertSubprocessError(t, subprocess, {cause: error});

test('.duplex() can be piped to errored stream with Stream.pipeline()', async t => {
23 changes: 14 additions & 9 deletions test/convert/readable.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import {once} from 'node:events';
import process from 'node:process';
import {
@@ -29,6 +28,7 @@ import {
} from '../helpers/convert.js';
import {foobarString, foobarBuffer, foobarObject} from '../helpers/input.js';
import {simpleFull} from '../helpers/lines.js';
import {majorNodeVersion} from '../helpers/node-version.js';
import {prematureClose, fullStdio} from '../helpers/stdio.js';
import {outputObjectGenerator, getOutputsAsyncGenerator} from '../helpers/generator.js';
import {defaultHighWaterMark, defaultObjectHighWaterMark} from '../helpers/stream.js';
@@ -231,12 +231,18 @@ test('.readable() can pipe to errored stream with Stream.pipeline()', async t =>
const cause = new Error('test');

await assertPromiseError(t, pipeline(stream, outputStream), cause);
await t.throwsAsync(finishedStream(stream));

const error = await assertStreamError(t, stream, cause);
await assertStreamReadError(t, outputStream, cause);
await assertSubprocessError(t, subprocess, {cause: error});
// Node 23 does not allow calling `stream.pipeline()` with an already errored stream
if (majorNodeVersion >= 23) {
outputStream.on('error', () => {});
await t.throwsAsync(pipeline(stream, outputStream), {code: 'ERR_STREAM_UNABLE_TO_PIPE'});
} else {
await assertPromiseError(t, pipeline(stream, outputStream), cause);
await t.throwsAsync(finishedStream(stream));

const error = await assertStreamError(t, stream, cause);
await assertStreamReadError(t, outputStream, cause);
await assertSubprocessError(t, subprocess, {cause: error});

test('.readable() can be used with Stream.compose()', async t => {
@@ -421,8 +427,7 @@ test('.duplex() can be paused', async t => {

// This feature does not work on Node 18.
// @todo: remove after dropping support for Node 18.
const majorVersion = Number(process.version.split('.')[0].slice(1));
if (majorVersion >= 20) {
if (majorNodeVersion >= 20) {
const testHighWaterMark = async (t, methodName) => {
const subprocess = execa('stdin.js');
const stream = subprocess[methodName]();
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions test/fixtures/graceful-ref.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
import {once} from 'node:events';
import {getCancelSignal} from 'execa';

const cancelSignal = await getCancelSignal();
once(cancelSignal, 'abort');
cancelSignal.addEventListener('abort', () => {});
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions test/helpers/node-version.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
import {version} from 'node:process';

export const majorNodeVersion = Number(version.split('.')[0].slice(1));
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions test/stdio/type-invalid.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
import test from 'ava';
import {execa, execaSync} from '../../index.js';
import {getStdio} from '../helpers/stdio.js';
import {noopGenerator} from '../helpers/generator.js';
import {generatorsMap} from '../helpers/map.js';
import {setFixtureDirectory} from '../helpers/fixtures-directory.js';


const testInvalidGenerator = (t, fdNumber, stdioOption, execaMethod) => {
t.throws(() => {
execaMethod('empty.js', getStdio(fdNumber, {...noopGenerator(), ...stdioOption}));
}, {message: 'final' in stdioOption ? /must be a generator/ : /must be a generator, a Duplex stream or a web TransformStream/});

test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stdin', testInvalidGenerator, 0, {transform: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stdout', testInvalidGenerator, 1, {transform: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stderr', testInvalidGenerator, 2, {transform: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stdio[*]', testInvalidGenerator, 3, {transform: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stdin', testInvalidGenerator, 0, {final: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stdout', testInvalidGenerator, 1, {final: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stderr', testInvalidGenerator, 2, {final: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stdio[*]', testInvalidGenerator, 3, {final: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stdin, sync', testInvalidGenerator, 0, {transform: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stdout, sync', testInvalidGenerator, 1, {transform: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stderr, sync', testInvalidGenerator, 2, {transform: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stdio[*], sync', testInvalidGenerator, 3, {transform: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stdin, sync', testInvalidGenerator, 0, {final: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stdout, sync', testInvalidGenerator, 1, {final: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stderr, sync', testInvalidGenerator, 2, {final: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stdio[*], sync', testInvalidGenerator, 3, {final: true}, execaSync);

// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
const testInvalidBinary = (t, fdNumber, optionName, type, execaMethod) => {
t.throws(() => {
execaMethod('empty.js', getStdio(fdNumber, {...generatorsMap[type].uppercase(), [optionName]: 'true'}));
}, {message: /a boolean/});

test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stdin', testInvalidBinary, 0, 'binary', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stdout', testInvalidBinary, 1, 'binary', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stderr', testInvalidBinary, 2, 'binary', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stdio[*]', testInvalidBinary, 3, 'binary', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdin, generators', testInvalidBinary, 0, 'objectMode', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdout, generators', testInvalidBinary, 1, 'objectMode', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stderr, generators', testInvalidBinary, 2, 'objectMode', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdio[*], generators', testInvalidBinary, 3, 'objectMode', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stdin, sync', testInvalidBinary, 0, 'binary', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stdout, sync', testInvalidBinary, 1, 'binary', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stderr, sync', testInvalidBinary, 2, 'binary', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stdio[*], sync', testInvalidBinary, 3, 'binary', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdin, generators, sync', testInvalidBinary, 0, 'objectMode', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdout, generators, sync', testInvalidBinary, 1, 'objectMode', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stderr, generators, sync', testInvalidBinary, 2, 'objectMode', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdio[*], generators, sync', testInvalidBinary, 3, 'objectMode', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdin, duplexes', testInvalidBinary, 0, 'objectMode', 'duplex', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdout, duplexes', testInvalidBinary, 1, 'objectMode', 'duplex', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stderr, duplexes', testInvalidBinary, 2, 'objectMode', 'duplex', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdio[*], duplexes', testInvalidBinary, 3, 'objectMode', 'duplex', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdin, webTransforms', testInvalidBinary, 0, 'objectMode', 'webTransform', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdout, webTransforms', testInvalidBinary, 1, 'objectMode', 'webTransform', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stderr, webTransforms', testInvalidBinary, 2, 'objectMode', 'webTransform', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdio[*], webTransforms', testInvalidBinary, 3, 'objectMode', 'webTransform', execa);
57 changes: 1 addition & 56 deletions test/stdio/type.js → test/stdio/type-undefined.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,69 +1,14 @@
import test from 'ava';
import {execa, execaSync} from '../../index.js';
import {getStdio} from '../helpers/stdio.js';
import {noopGenerator, uppercaseGenerator} from '../helpers/generator.js';
import {uppercaseGenerator} from '../helpers/generator.js';
import {uppercaseBufferDuplex} from '../helpers/duplex.js';
import {uppercaseBufferWebTransform} from '../helpers/web-transform.js';
import {generatorsMap} from '../helpers/map.js';
import {setFixtureDirectory} from '../helpers/fixtures-directory.js';


const testInvalidGenerator = (t, fdNumber, stdioOption, execaMethod) => {
t.throws(() => {
execaMethod('empty.js', getStdio(fdNumber, {...noopGenerator(), ...stdioOption}));
}, {message: 'final' in stdioOption ? /must be a generator/ : /must be a generator, a Duplex stream or a web TransformStream/});

test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stdin', testInvalidGenerator, 0, {transform: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stdout', testInvalidGenerator, 1, {transform: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stderr', testInvalidGenerator, 2, {transform: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stdio[*]', testInvalidGenerator, 3, {transform: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stdin', testInvalidGenerator, 0, {final: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stdout', testInvalidGenerator, 1, {final: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stderr', testInvalidGenerator, 2, {final: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stdio[*]', testInvalidGenerator, 3, {final: true}, execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stdin, sync', testInvalidGenerator, 0, {transform: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stdout, sync', testInvalidGenerator, 1, {transform: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stderr, sync', testInvalidGenerator, 2, {transform: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "transform" with stdio[*], sync', testInvalidGenerator, 3, {transform: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stdin, sync', testInvalidGenerator, 0, {final: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stdout, sync', testInvalidGenerator, 1, {final: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stderr, sync', testInvalidGenerator, 2, {final: true}, execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "final" with stdio[*], sync', testInvalidGenerator, 3, {final: true}, execaSync);

// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
const testInvalidBinary = (t, fdNumber, optionName, type, execaMethod) => {
t.throws(() => {
execaMethod('empty.js', getStdio(fdNumber, {...generatorsMap[type].uppercase(), [optionName]: 'true'}));
}, {message: /a boolean/});

test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stdin', testInvalidBinary, 0, 'binary', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stdout', testInvalidBinary, 1, 'binary', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stderr', testInvalidBinary, 2, 'binary', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stdio[*]', testInvalidBinary, 3, 'binary', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdin, generators', testInvalidBinary, 0, 'objectMode', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdout, generators', testInvalidBinary, 1, 'objectMode', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stderr, generators', testInvalidBinary, 2, 'objectMode', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdio[*], generators', testInvalidBinary, 3, 'objectMode', 'generator', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stdin, sync', testInvalidBinary, 0, 'binary', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stdout, sync', testInvalidBinary, 1, 'binary', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stderr, sync', testInvalidBinary, 2, 'binary', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "binary" with stdio[*], sync', testInvalidBinary, 3, 'binary', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdin, generators, sync', testInvalidBinary, 0, 'objectMode', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdout, generators, sync', testInvalidBinary, 1, 'objectMode', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stderr, generators, sync', testInvalidBinary, 2, 'objectMode', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdio[*], generators, sync', testInvalidBinary, 3, 'objectMode', 'generator', execaSync);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdin, duplexes', testInvalidBinary, 0, 'objectMode', 'duplex', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdout, duplexes', testInvalidBinary, 1, 'objectMode', 'duplex', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stderr, duplexes', testInvalidBinary, 2, 'objectMode', 'duplex', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdio[*], duplexes', testInvalidBinary, 3, 'objectMode', 'duplex', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdin, webTransforms', testInvalidBinary, 0, 'objectMode', 'webTransform', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdout, webTransforms', testInvalidBinary, 1, 'objectMode', 'webTransform', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stderr, webTransforms', testInvalidBinary, 2, 'objectMode', 'webTransform', execa);
test('Cannot use invalid "objectMode" with stdio[*], webTransforms', testInvalidBinary, 3, 'objectMode', 'webTransform', execa);

// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
const testUndefinedOption = (t, fdNumber, optionName, type, optionValue) => {
t.throws(() => {
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions test/terminate/kill-signal.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
import {once} from 'node:events';
import {platform, version} from 'node:process';
import {platform} from 'node:process';
import {constants} from 'node:os';
import {setImmediate} from 'node:timers/promises';
import test from 'ava';
import {execa, execaSync} from '../../index.js';
import {setFixtureDirectory} from '../helpers/fixtures-directory.js';
import {majorNodeVersion} from '../helpers/node-version.js';


const isWindows = platform === 'win32';
const majorNodeVersion = Number(version.split('.')[0].slice(1));

const testKillSignal = async (t, killSignal) => {
const {isTerminated, signal} = await t.throwsAsync(execa('forever.js', {killSignal, timeout: 1}));
@@ -61,11 +61,10 @@ test('Can call `.kill()` multiple times', async t => {

const {exitCode, isTerminated, signal, code} = await t.throwsAsync(subprocess);

// On Windows, calling `subprocess.kill()` twice emits an `error` event on the subprocess.
// This does not happen when passing an `error` argument, nor when passing a non-terminating signal.
// There is no easy way to make this cross-platform, so we document the difference here.
if (isWindows && majorNodeVersion >= 22) {
if (isWindows && majorNodeVersion === 22) {, undefined);
t.false(isTerminated);, undefined);
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions test/verbose/log.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import test from 'ava';
import {setFixtureDirectory} from '../helpers/fixtures-directory.js';
import {foobarString} from '../helpers/input.js';
import {nestedSubprocess} from '../helpers/nested.js';
import {getNormalizedLines, getCommandLine, getCompletionLine} from '../helpers/verbose.js';
import {PARALLEL_COUNT} from '../helpers/parallel.js';


@@ -25,3 +27,15 @@ const testColor = async (t, expectedResult, forceColor) => {

test('Prints with colors if supported', testColor, true, '1');
test('Prints without colors if not supported', testColor, false, '0');

test.serial('Prints lines in order when interleaved with subprocess stderr', async t => {
const results = await Promise.all(Array.from({length: PARALLEL_COUNT}, () =>
nestedSubprocess('noop-fd.js', ['2', `${foobarString}\n`], {verbose: 'full', stderr: 'inherit'}, {all: true}),
for (const {all} of results) {
[getCommandLine(all), foobarString, getCompletionLine(all)],