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help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
R: duplicate
R: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
R: invalid
R: invalid
This issue / pull request doesn't seem right
R: not a bug
R: not a bug
This is deliberate behavior of Black.
R: outdated
R: outdated
Resolved or not relevant anymore.
R: rejected
R: rejected
This will not be worked on
S: accepted
S: accepted
The changes in this design / enhancement issue have been accepted and can be implemented
S: awaiting response
S: awaiting response
Waiting for futher information from OP
S: blocked
S: blocked
A decision or another issue needs to be made/resolved before this can be worked on (more).
S: needs discussion
S: needs discussion
Needs further hashing out before ready for implementation (on desirability, feasibility, etc.)
S: needs repro
S: needs repro
Needs a functional reproduction
S: up for grabs
S: up for grabs
(PR only) Available for anyone to work on as the PR author is busy or unreachable.
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Pull requests that don't need a changelog entry.
T: bug
T: bug
Something isn't working
T: documentation
T: documentation
Improvements to the docs (e.g. new topic, correction, etc)
T: enhancement
T: enhancement
New feature or request
T: style
T: style
What do we want Blackened code to look like?
T: user support
T: user support
OP looking for assistance or answers to a question