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Bart van der Braak bartvdbraak
Currently working at Blender. DevOps and Platform engineering enthusiast that enjoys the realm of free and open source software and helping others.

@blender The Netherlands

Alex Fanat TheFanatr
I have a very good description you can find here: . It pretty much sums everything up.
Elvin Aslanov rwp0
Unix 😈 / Perl 🐪

@Luxoft Belgrade, Serbia

Shashi Kumar Nagulakonda iamsingularity
Software Architect. Aspiring Entrepreneur. Amateur Photographer. Technology Aficionado. Gadget Geek.

Working from home...

David McNett nugget
Retired unix geek. FlightAware, ActiveState, nuclear tacos, Now ultramarathons and race cars.


shubham shubhamkumar13
Average Programmer.


Bill Ricker n1vux
Consultant with @ThePerlShop , leader of Boston PM.

@ThePerlShop @Boston-pm Boston