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106 lines (69 loc) · 2.61 KB

File metadata and controls

106 lines (69 loc) · 2.61 KB

Found an Issue?

If you find a bug in the source code or a mistake in the documentation, you can help by submitting an issue here.

Development Setup

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install NPM
  3. Install dev dependencies
npm install
npm install -g gulp
REACT_VERSION=<version> ./
  1. Run the tests
npm test
  1. Start the server and watch files
npm run livereload

Adding npm package dependencies to package.json

If you want to add a new npm package to node_modules:

  1. Install the new package

     npm install [your package] --save

    will install and save to dependencies in package.json and

     npm install [your package] --save-dev

    will add it to devDependencies.

  2. Commit to repository

Publishing a new Release

  1. Make sure you are on master branch and have pulled the latest changes.

  2. Now do the release (there is an npm command for this):

     npm run release:[<newversion> | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch]

After this you can pull down the latest module version from npm.

Publishing a Beta Release

  1. Make sure you are on master branch and have pulled the latest changes.

  2. Run the release:beta NPM script:

     npm run release:prerelease


    npm run release:beta

Making a PR

Before you submit your pull request consider the following guidelines:

  • Search GitHub for an open or closed Pull Request that relates to your submission. You don't want to duplicate effort.

  • Make your changes in a new git branch:

    git checkout -b my-fix-branch master
  • Setup your editor

  • Create your patch, including appropriate unit test cases

  • Commit your changes using a descriptive commit message

  • Build your changes locally to ensure all the tests pass:

    npm run dist
    npm run test
  • Push your branch to GitHub:

    git push origin my-fix-branch
  • In GitHub, send a pull request to reactjs-components:master.

  • If we suggest changes then:

    • Make the required updates.

    • Re-run the test suite to ensure tests are still passing.

    • If necessary, rebase your branch and force push to your GitHub repository (this will update your Pull Request):

      git rebase master -i
      git push origin my-fix-branch -f

That's it! Thank you for your contribution!