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Namespace templates with nested directories

This example will show you how to compile templates into nested namespaces that correspond to the directories where the templates live.


  • gulp-declare - Declare properties and sub-properties
  • gulp-concat - Combine output into a single file
  • gulp-wrap - Add require() and Handlebars.template() statements


This example assumes a directory structure that looks something like this:

├── gulpfile.js       # Your gulpfile
└── source/           # Your application's source files
    └── templates/    # A folder containing sub-folders and templates named with dot notation
        ├── App.hbs
        └── App/
        |   ├── header.hbs
        |   ├── footer.hbs
        |   └── etc.hbs
        └── Other.item.hbs


The template files will be compiled to the following namespace paths:

File path Namespace path
source/templates/App.hbs MyApp.templates.App
source/templates/App/header.hbs MyApp.templates.App.header
source/templates/App/footer.hbs MyApp.templates.App.footer
source/templates/Other.item.hbs MyApp.templates.Other.item

Note: You can have multiple levels of directories under source/templates/ for deeper nesting and can still use dot notation within the filename to nest further if you like.

Note: MyApp.templates.App.header is a function that is stored as a property of the MyApp.templates.App function. As everything in JavaScript is an object, even functions, this is perfectly valid and works in all environments. If this hurts your brain, store source/templates/App.hbs as source/templates/App/main.hbs and access it as MyApp.templates.App.main.

Running the example

Type the following commands from the root of this repository:

npm install
cd examples/namespaceByDirectory
cat build/js/templates.js

You should see the following output:

this["MyApp"] = this["MyApp"] || {};
this["MyApp"]["templates"] = this["MyApp"]["templates"] || {};
this["MyApp"]["templates"]["App"] = Handlebars.template(/* compiled template */);
this["MyApp"]["templates"]["Other"] = this["MyApp"]["templates"]["Other"] || {};
this["MyApp"]["templates"]["Other"]["item"] = Handlebars.template(/* compiled template */);
this["MyApp"]["templates"]["App"] = this["MyApp"]["templates"]["App"] || {};
this["MyApp"]["templates"]["App"]["footer"] = Handlebars.template(/* compiled template */);
this["MyApp"]["templates"]["App"]["header"] = Handlebars.template(/* compiled template */);


Follow these steps to use this approach in your project.

1. Install development dependencies:

npm install --save-dev gulp-handlebars gulp-wrap gulp-declare gulp-concat

2. Add the require() statements and template task to your gulpfile

var gulp = require('gulp');
var wrap = require('gulp-wrap');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var declare = require('gulp-declare');
var handlebars = require('gulp-handlebars');

gulp.task('templates', function() {
  // Load templates from the client/templates/ folder relative to where gulp was executed
    // Compile each Handlebars template source file to a template function
    // Wrap each template function in a call to Handlebars.template
    .pipe(wrap('Handlebars.template(<%= contents %>)'))
    // Declare template functions as properties and sub-properties of MyApp.templates
      namespace: 'MyApp.templates',
      noRedeclare: true, // Avoid duplicate declarations
      processName: function(filePath) {
        // Allow nesting based on path using gulp-declare's processNameByPath()
        // You can remove this option completely if you aren't using nested folders
        // Drop the client/templates/ folder from the namespace path by removing it from the filePath
        return declare.processNameByPath(filePath.replace('client/templates/', ''));
    // Concatenate down to a single file
    // Write the output into the build folder

3. Include the build/js/templates.js file in your application

<script src="js/templates.js"></script>

You may also concatenate into your build output if you like. See gulp-concat for more info.

4. Access templates according to their name:

// This will render the template defined by App.header.hbs
document.body.innerHTML = templates.App.header();

Optional steps

Change the input/output paths

  • Source template location: Change the glob passed to gulp.src()
  • Output filename: Change the filename passed to concat()
  • Output directory: Change the directory passed to gulp.dest()

Simplify code if you don't want to use nested folders

You can achieve the same result without nested folders. The following directory structure will yield identical output:

├── index.js      # The main entry point of your application
└── templates     # A folder containing templates named with dot notation
    ├── App.hbs
    ├── App.header.hbs
    ├── App.footer.hbs
    ├── App.etc.hbs
    └── Other.item.hbs

You can then drop the options.processName function when calling declare():

  namespace: 'MyApp.templates',
  noRedeclare: true

This will result in the same output as the above example, but will nest templates based solely on their filename, ignoring nested folders.