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115 lines (75 loc) · 3.89 KB

Testing support

matplotlib.test() has been removed

Run tests using pytest from the commandline instead. The variable matplotlib.default_test_modules was only used for matplotlib.test() and is thus removed as well.

To test an installed copy, be sure to specify both matplotlib and mpl_toolkits with --pyargs:

python -m pytest --pyargs matplotlib.tests mpl_toolkits.tests

See testing for more details.

Auto-removal of grids by ~.Axes.pcolor and ~.Axes.pcolormesh

~.Axes.pcolor and ~.Axes.pcolormesh previously remove any visible axes major grid. This behavior is removed; please explicitly call ax.grid(False) to remove the grid.

Modification of Axes children sublists

See Behavioural API Changes 3.5 - Axes children combined for more information; modification of the following sublists is no longer supported:

  • Axes.artists
  • Axes.collections
  • Axes.images
  • Axes.lines
  • Axes.patches
  • Axes.tables
  • Axes.texts

To remove an Artist, use its .Artist.remove method. To add an Artist, use the corresponding Axes.add_* method.

Passing incorrect types to Axes.add_* methods

The following Axes.add_* methods will now raise if passed an unexpected type. See their documentation for the types they expect.

  • .Axes.add_collection
  • .Axes.add_image
  • .Axes.add_line
  • .Axes.add_patch
  • .Axes.add_table

ConversionInterface.convert no longer accepts unitless values

Previously, custom subclasses of .units.ConversionInterface needed to implement a convert method that not only accepted instances of the unit, but also unitless values (which are passed through as is). This is no longer the case (convert is never called with a unitless value), and such support in .StrCategoryConverter is removed. Likewise, the .ConversionInterface.is_numlike helper is removed.

Consider calling .Axis.convert_units instead, which still supports unitless values.

Normal list of .Artist objects now returned by .HandlerLine2D.create_artists

For Matplotlib 3.5 and 3.6 a proxy list was returned that simulated the return of .HandlerLine2DCompound.create_artists. Now a list containing only the single artist is return.

rcParams will no longer cast inputs to str

rcParams that expect a (non-pathlike) str no longer cast non-str inputs using str. This will avoid confusing errors in subsequent code if e.g. a list input gets implicitly cast to a str.

Case-insensitive scales

Previously, scales could be set case-insensitively (e.g., set_xscale("LoG")). Now all builtin scales use lowercase names.

Support for nx1 = None or ny1 = None in AxesLocator and Divider.locate

In .axes_grid1.axes_divider, various internal APIs no longer supports passing nx1 = None or ny1 = None to mean nx + 1 or ny + 1, in preparation for a possible future API which allows indexing and slicing of dividers (possibly divider[a:b] == divider.new_locator(a, b), but also divider[a:] == divider.new_locator(a, <end>)). The user-facing .Divider.new_locator API is unaffected -- it correctly normalizes nx1 = None and ny1 = None as needed.

change signature of .FigureCanvasBase.enter_notify_event

The xy parameter is now required and keyword only. This was deprecated in 3.0 and originally slated to be removed in 3.5.