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109 lines (87 loc) · 6.13 KB


Hyalus is packaged as a python package, installable with pip. It is not currently hosted anywhere other than GitHub, so must be installed with pip by pointing to this repo.

python -m pip install "git+https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}"

where ${GITHUB_TOKEN} is an environment variable corresponding to a GitHub PAT.

If a specific version is desired, main can be replaced with the version, e.g.

python -m pip install "git+https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}<version>"

Hyalus can also be installed by cloning the hyalus git repository and running pip install . inside the repository. It can be installed in development mode by running pip install -e .. This will link src/hyalus to the python site-packages directory so that when edited locally, changes are automatically incorporated when changing hyalus functionality.

NOTE: Installing in development mode will not update the main entrypoint for hyalus, so to incorporate changes made to src/bin/hyalus, hyalus will have to be reinstalled.

Making Changes

Submit a pull request at All pull requests are expected to have at least one corresponding test case added/changed to test the changes. All existing tests and new tests must be passing to merge into main. Code coverage must also be at or above 90%. Tests can be run locally by running make test or pytest --cov. pytest and pytest-cov must be installed to run tests and gather coverage information. make test will display both test results as well as code coverage from running the test suite.

> make test
pytest --cov
======================================================================== test session starts =========================================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.11.1, pytest-7.2.2, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /path/to/git/hyalus
plugins: cov-4.0.0, hyalus-0.1.0
collected 373 items

tests/assertions/ ....                                                    [  1%]
tests/assertions/ ..................................................    [ 14%]
tests/config/ ......                                                     [ 16%]
tests/utils/ ...........................                             [ 93%]
tests/utils/ ............                                         [ 96%]
tests/utils/ ............                                          [100%]

---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.11.1-final-0 ----------
Name                                  Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
src/hyalus/                    4      0   100%
src/hyalus/assertions/         0      0   100%
src/hyalus/assertions/           16      0   100%
src/hyalus/utils/        61      4    93%   73-75, 96
src/hyalus/utils/         13      2    85%   11-12
src/hyalus/utils/         34      0   100%
TOTAL                                  1450     29    98%

Required test coverage of 90.0% reached. Total coverage: 98.00%

Hyalus is a (largely) typed python package. All changes should have typing annotations added as applicable. Static type checking is performed using mypy as part of the build. mypy can be run locally by running make mypy or mypy ..

> make mypy
mypy .
Success: no issues found in 68 source files

Other static analysis is performed with pylint. pylint can be run locally by running make pylint or pylint --recursive=true ..

> make pylint
pylint --recursive=true .
************* Module src.hyalus.parse.h5
src/hyalus/parse/ W0511: TODO: When has been addressed, remove any type: ignore comments (fixme)
src/hyalus/parse/ W0511: TODO: Probably a smarter, less memory intensive way to do this? (fixme)
************* Module src.hyalus.parse.base
src/hyalus/parse/ W0511: TODO: When has been addressed, remove any type: ignore comments (fixme)

Your code has been rated at 9.99/10 (previous run: 9.99/10, +0.00)

Documentation for hyalus code and corresponding tests can be found at Sphinx and sphinx-apidoc are used to render code documentation. Docstrings should be added to new modules, classes, methods, functions, etc. in valid Python Signatures format where applicable. Documentation can be rendered locally by running make html. The output from the doc build will be in _builder/html.

The hyalus package versioning follows Semantic Versioning, in the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. The hyalus repository versioning includes a -RELEASE number appended onto the package version, where RELEASE corresponds to a change made to the repository that has no impact on functionality, such as changes to documentation. Changes made to hyalus should incur a change in version based on the nature of the change. The version is defined in src/hyalus/metadata.json. The hyalus repository will be automatically tagged by GitHub Actions according to the defined version.

Reporting Issues

Create a issue at Describe what the problem is, including expected behavior, observed behavior, and any information to reproduce the issue, such as hyalus version, python version, and operating system. The issue template will have sections to fill out with this sort of information.