File tree
910 files changed
lines changed- clients
- client-accessanalyzer
- src/endpoint
- client-account
- src/endpoint
- client-acm
- src/endpoint
- client-acm-pca
- src/endpoint
- client-amp
- src/endpoint
- client-amplify
- src/endpoint
- client-amplifybackend
- src/endpoint
- client-amplifyuibuilder
- src/endpoint
- client-api-gateway
- src/endpoint
- client-apigatewaymanagementapi
- src/endpoint
- client-apigatewayv2
- src/endpoint
- client-app-mesh
- src/endpoint
- client-appconfig
- src/endpoint
- client-appconfigdata
- src/endpoint
- client-appfabric
- src/endpoint
- client-appflow
- src/endpoint
- client-appintegrations
- src/endpoint
- client-application-auto-scaling
- src/endpoint
- client-application-discovery-service
- src/endpoint
- client-application-insights
- src/endpoint
- client-application-signals
- src/endpoint
- client-applicationcostprofiler
- src/endpoint
- client-apprunner
- src/endpoint
- client-appstream
- src/endpoint
- client-appsync
- src/endpoint
- client-apptest
- src/endpoint
- client-arc-zonal-shift
- src/endpoint
- client-artifact
- src/endpoint
- client-athena
- src/endpoint
- client-auditmanager
- src/endpoint
- client-auto-scaling
- src/endpoint
- client-auto-scaling-plans
- src/endpoint
- client-b2bi
- src/endpoint
- client-backup
- src/endpoint
- client-backup-gateway
- src/endpoint
- client-batch
- src/endpoint
- client-bcm-data-exports
- src/endpoint
- client-bedrock
- src/endpoint
- client-bedrock-agent
- src/endpoint
- client-bedrock-agent-runtime
- src/endpoint
- client-bedrock-runtime
- src/endpoint
- client-billingconductor
- src/endpoint
- client-braket
- src/endpoint
- client-budgets
- src/endpoint
- client-chatbot
- src/endpoint
- client-chime
- src/endpoint
- client-chime-sdk-identity
- src/endpoint
- client-chime-sdk-media-pipelines
- src/endpoint
- client-chime-sdk-meetings
- src/endpoint
- client-chime-sdk-messaging
- src/endpoint
- client-chime-sdk-voice
- src/endpoint
- client-cleanrooms
- src/endpoint
- client-cleanroomsml
- src/endpoint
- client-cloud9
- src/endpoint
- client-cloudcontrol
- src/endpoint
- client-clouddirectory
- src/endpoint
- client-cloudformation
- src/endpoint
- client-cloudfront
- src/endpoint
- client-cloudfront-keyvaluestore
- src/endpoint
- client-cloudhsm
- src/endpoint
- client-cloudhsm-v2
- src/endpoint
- client-cloudsearch
- src/endpoint
- client-cloudsearch-domain
- src/endpoint
- client-cloudtrail
- src/endpoint
- client-cloudtrail-data
- src/endpoint
- client-cloudwatch
- src/endpoint
- client-cloudwatch-events
- src/endpoint
- client-cloudwatch-logs
- src/endpoint
- client-codeartifact
- src/endpoint
- client-codebuild
- src/endpoint
- client-codecatalyst
- src/endpoint
- client-codecommit
- src/endpoint
- client-codeconnections
- src/endpoint
- client-codedeploy
- src/endpoint
- client-codeguru-reviewer
- src/endpoint
- client-codeguru-security
- src/endpoint
- client-codeguruprofiler
- src/endpoint
- client-codepipeline
- src/endpoint
- client-codestar-connections
- src/endpoint
- client-codestar-notifications
- src/endpoint
- client-cognito-identity
- src/endpoint
- client-cognito-identity-provider
- src/endpoint
- client-cognito-sync
- src/endpoint
- client-comprehend
- src/endpoint
- client-comprehendmedical
- src/endpoint
- client-compute-optimizer
- src/endpoint
- client-config-service
- src/endpoint
- client-connect
- src/endpoint
- client-connect-contact-lens
- src/endpoint
- client-connectcampaigns
- src/endpoint
- client-connectcases
- src/endpoint
- client-connectparticipant
- src/endpoint
- client-controlcatalog
- src/endpoint
- client-controltower
- src/endpoint
- client-cost-and-usage-report-service
- src/endpoint
- client-cost-explorer
- src/endpoint
- client-cost-optimization-hub
- src/endpoint
- client-customer-profiles
- src/endpoint
- client-data-pipeline
- src/endpoint
- client-database-migration-service
- src/endpoint
- client-databrew
- src/endpoint
- client-dataexchange
- src/endpoint
- client-datasync
- src/endpoint
- client-datazone
- src/endpoint
- client-dax
- src/endpoint
- client-deadline
- src/endpoint
- client-detective
- src/endpoint
- client-device-farm
- src/endpoint
- client-devops-guru
- src/endpoint
- client-direct-connect
- src/endpoint
- client-directory-service
- src/endpoint
- client-dlm
- src/endpoint
- client-docdb
- src/endpoint
- client-docdb-elastic
- src/endpoint
- client-drs
- src/endpoint
- client-dynamodb
- src/endpoint
- client-dynamodb-streams
- src/endpoint
- client-ebs
- src/endpoint
- client-ec2
- src/endpoint
- client-ec2-instance-connect
- src/endpoint
- client-ecr
- src/endpoint
- client-ecr-public
- src/endpoint
- client-ecs
- src/endpoint
- client-efs
- src/endpoint
- client-eks
- src/endpoint
- client-eks-auth
- src/endpoint
- client-elastic-beanstalk
- src/endpoint
- client-elastic-inference
- src/endpoint
- client-elastic-load-balancing
- src/endpoint
- client-elastic-load-balancing-v2
- src/endpoint
- client-elastic-transcoder
- src/endpoint
- client-elasticache
- src/endpoint
- client-elasticsearch-service
- src/endpoint
- client-emr
- src/endpoint
- client-emr-containers
- src/endpoint
- client-emr-serverless
- src/endpoint
- client-entityresolution
- src/endpoint
- client-eventbridge
- src/endpoint
- client-evidently
- src/endpoint
- client-finspace
- src/endpoint
- client-finspace-data
- src/endpoint
- client-firehose
- src/endpoint
- client-fis
- src/endpoint
- client-fms
- src/endpoint
- client-forecast
- src/endpoint
- client-forecastquery
- src/endpoint
- client-frauddetector
- src/endpoint
- client-freetier
- src/endpoint
- client-fsx
- src/endpoint
- client-gamelift
- src/endpoint
- client-glacier
- src/endpoint
- client-global-accelerator
- src/endpoint
- client-glue
- src/endpoint
- client-grafana
- src/endpoint
- client-greengrass
- src/endpoint
- client-greengrassv2
- src/endpoint
- client-groundstation
- src/endpoint
- client-guardduty
- src/endpoint
- client-health
- src/endpoint
- client-healthlake
- src/endpoint
- client-iam
- src/endpoint
- client-identitystore
- src/endpoint
- client-imagebuilder
- src/endpoint
- client-inspector
- src/endpoint
- client-inspector-scan
- src/endpoint
- client-inspector2
- src/endpoint
- client-internetmonitor
- src/endpoint
- client-iot
- src/endpoint
- client-iot-1click-devices-service
- src/endpoint
- client-iot-1click-projects
- src/endpoint
- client-iot-data-plane
- src/endpoint
- client-iot-events
- src/endpoint
- client-iot-events-data
- src/endpoint
- client-iot-jobs-data-plane
- src/endpoint
- client-iot-wireless
- src/endpoint
- client-iotanalytics
- src/endpoint
- client-iotdeviceadvisor
- src/endpoint
- client-iotfleethub
- src/endpoint
- client-iotfleetwise
- src/endpoint
- client-iotsecuretunneling
- src/endpoint
- client-iotsitewise
- src/endpoint
- client-iotthingsgraph
- src/endpoint
- client-iottwinmaker
- src/endpoint
- client-ivs
- src/endpoint
- client-ivs-realtime
- src/endpoint
- client-ivschat
- src/endpoint
- client-kafka
- src/endpoint
- client-kafkaconnect
- src/endpoint
- client-kendra
- src/endpoint
- client-kendra-ranking
- src/endpoint
- client-keyspaces
- src/endpoint
- client-kinesis
- src/endpoint
- client-kinesis-analytics
- src/endpoint
- client-kinesis-analytics-v2
- src/endpoint
- client-kinesis-video
- src/endpoint
- client-kinesis-video-archived-media
- src/endpoint
- client-kinesis-video-media
- src/endpoint
- client-kinesis-video-signaling
- src/endpoint
- client-kinesis-video-webrtc-storage
- src/endpoint
- client-kms
- src/endpoint
- client-lakeformation
- src/endpoint
- client-lambda
- src/endpoint
- client-launch-wizard
- src/endpoint
- client-lex-model-building-service
- src/endpoint
- client-lex-models-v2
- src/endpoint
- client-lex-runtime-service
- src/endpoint
- client-lex-runtime-v2
- src/endpoint
- client-license-manager
- src/endpoint
- client-license-manager-linux-subscriptions
- src/endpoint
- client-license-manager-user-subscriptions
- src/endpoint
- client-lightsail
- src/endpoint
- client-location
- src/endpoint
- client-lookoutequipment
- src/endpoint
- client-lookoutmetrics
- src/endpoint
- client-lookoutvision
- src/endpoint
- client-m2
- src/endpoint
- client-machine-learning
- src/endpoint
- client-macie2
- src/endpoint
- client-mailmanager
- src/endpoint
- client-managedblockchain
- src/endpoint
- client-managedblockchain-query
- src/endpoint
- client-marketplace-agreement
- src/endpoint
- client-marketplace-catalog
- src/endpoint
- client-marketplace-commerce-analytics
- src/endpoint
- client-marketplace-deployment
- src/endpoint
- client-marketplace-entitlement-service
- src/endpoint
- client-marketplace-metering
- src/endpoint
- client-mediaconnect
- src/endpoint
- client-mediaconvert
- src/endpoint
- client-medialive
- src/endpoint
- client-mediapackage
- src/endpoint
- client-mediapackage-vod
- src/endpoint
- client-mediapackagev2
- src/endpoint
- client-mediastore
- src/endpoint
- client-mediastore-data
- src/endpoint
- client-mediatailor
- src/endpoint
- client-medical-imaging
- src/endpoint
- client-memorydb
- src/endpoint
- client-mgn
- src/endpoint
- client-migration-hub
- src/endpoint
- client-migration-hub-refactor-spaces
- src/endpoint
- client-migrationhub-config
- src/endpoint
- client-migrationhuborchestrator
- src/endpoint
- client-migrationhubstrategy
- src/endpoint
- client-mq
- src/endpoint
- client-mturk
- src/endpoint
- client-mwaa
- src/endpoint
- client-neptune
- src/endpoint
- client-neptune-graph
- src/endpoint
- client-neptunedata
- src/endpoint
- client-network-firewall
- src/endpoint
- client-networkmanager
- src/endpoint
- client-networkmonitor
- src/endpoint
- client-nimble
- src/endpoint
- client-oam
- src/endpoint
- client-omics
- src/endpoint
- client-opensearch
- src/endpoint
- client-opensearchserverless
- src/endpoint
- client-opsworks
- src/endpoint
- client-opsworkscm
- src/endpoint
- client-organizations
- src/endpoint
- client-osis
- src/endpoint
- client-outposts
- src/endpoint
- client-panorama
- src/endpoint
- client-payment-cryptography
- src/endpoint
- client-payment-cryptography-data
- src/endpoint
- client-pca-connector-ad
- src/endpoint
- client-pca-connector-scep
- src/endpoint
- client-pcs
- src/endpoint
- client-personalize
- src/endpoint
- client-personalize-events
- src/endpoint
- client-personalize-runtime
- src/endpoint
- client-pi
- src/endpoint
- client-pinpoint
- src/endpoint
- client-pinpoint-email
- src/endpoint
- client-pinpoint-sms-voice
- src/endpoint
- client-pinpoint-sms-voice-v2
- src/endpoint
- client-pipes
- src/endpoint
- client-polly
- src/endpoint
- client-pricing
- src/endpoint
- client-privatenetworks
- src/endpoint
- client-proton
- src/endpoint
- client-qapps
- src
- commands
- endpoint
- client-qbusiness
- src/endpoint
- client-qconnect
- src/endpoint
- client-qldb
- src/endpoint
- client-qldb-session
- src/endpoint
- client-quicksight
- src/endpoint
- client-ram
- src/endpoint
- client-rbin
- src/endpoint
- client-rds
- src/endpoint
- client-rds-data
- src/endpoint
- client-redshift
- src/endpoint
- client-redshift-data
- src/endpoint
- client-redshift-serverless
- src/endpoint
- client-rekognition
- src/endpoint
- client-rekognitionstreaming
- src/endpoint
- client-repostspace
- src/endpoint
- client-resiliencehub
- src/endpoint
- client-resource-explorer-2
- src/endpoint
- client-resource-groups
- src/endpoint
- client-resource-groups-tagging-api
- src/endpoint
- client-robomaker
- src/endpoint
- client-rolesanywhere
- src/endpoint
- client-route-53
- src/endpoint
- client-route-53-domains
- src/endpoint
- client-route53-recovery-cluster
- src/endpoint
- client-route53-recovery-control-config
- src/endpoint
- client-route53-recovery-readiness
- src/endpoint
- client-route53profiles
- src/endpoint
- client-route53resolver
- src/endpoint
- client-rum
- src/endpoint
- client-s3
- src/endpoint
- client-s3-control
- src/endpoint
- client-s3outposts
- src/endpoint
- client-sagemaker
- src/endpoint
- client-sagemaker-a2i-runtime
- src/endpoint
- client-sagemaker-edge
- src/endpoint
- client-sagemaker-featurestore-runtime
- src/endpoint
- client-sagemaker-geospatial
- src/endpoint
- client-sagemaker-metrics
- src/endpoint
- client-sagemaker-runtime
- src/endpoint
- client-savingsplans
- src/endpoint
- client-scheduler
- src/endpoint
- client-schemas
- src/endpoint
- client-secrets-manager
- src/endpoint
- client-securityhub
- src/endpoint
- client-securitylake
- src/endpoint
- client-serverlessapplicationrepository
- src/endpoint
- client-service-catalog
- src/endpoint
- client-service-catalog-appregistry
- src/endpoint
- client-service-quotas
- src/endpoint
- client-servicediscovery
- src/endpoint
- client-ses
- src/endpoint
- client-sesv2
- src/endpoint
- client-sfn
- src/endpoint
- client-shield
- src/endpoint
- client-signer
- src/endpoint
- client-simspaceweaver
- src/endpoint
- client-sms
- src/endpoint
- client-snow-device-management
- src/endpoint
- client-snowball
- src/endpoint
- client-sns
- src/endpoint
- client-sqs
- src/endpoint
- client-ssm
- src/endpoint
- client-ssm-contacts
- src/endpoint
- client-ssm-incidents
- src/endpoint
- client-ssm-quicksetup
- src/endpoint
- client-ssm-sap
- src/endpoint
- client-sso
- src/endpoint
- client-sso-admin
- src/endpoint
- client-sso-oidc
- src/endpoint
- client-storage-gateway
- src/endpoint
- client-sts
- src/endpoint
- client-supplychain
- src/endpoint
- client-support
- src/endpoint
- client-support-app
- src/endpoint
- client-swf
- src/endpoint
- client-synthetics
- src/endpoint
- client-taxsettings
- src/endpoint
- client-textract
- src/endpoint
- client-timestream-influxdb
- src/endpoint
- client-timestream-query
- src/endpoint
- client-timestream-write
- src/endpoint
- client-tnb
- src/endpoint
- client-transcribe
- src/endpoint
- client-transcribe-streaming
- src/endpoint
- client-transfer
- src/endpoint
- client-translate
- src/endpoint
- client-trustedadvisor
- src/endpoint
- client-verifiedpermissions
- src/endpoint
- client-voice-id
- src/endpoint
- client-vpc-lattice
- src/endpoint
- client-waf
- src/endpoint
- client-waf-regional
- src/endpoint
- client-wafv2
- src/endpoint
- client-wellarchitected
- src/endpoint
- client-wisdom
- src/endpoint
- client-workdocs
- src/endpoint
- client-worklink
- src/endpoint
- client-workmail
- src/endpoint
- client-workmailmessageflow
- src/endpoint
- client-workspaces
- src/endpoint
- client-workspaces-thin-client
- src/endpoint
- client-workspaces-web
- src/endpoint
- client-xray
- src/endpoint
- codegen/smithy-aws-typescript-codegen/src/main/java/software/amazon/smithy/aws/typescript/codegen
- lib
- lib-dynamodb
- src
- test
- lib-storage
- packages
- body-checksum-browser
- body-checksum-node
- cloudfront-signer
- core
- credential-provider-cognito-identity
- credential-provider-env
- credential-provider-http
- credential-provider-ini
- credential-provider-node
- credential-provider-process
- credential-provider-sso
- credential-provider-web-identity
- credential-providers
- ec2-metadata-service
- eventstream-handler-node
- middleware-api-key
- middleware-bucket-endpoint
- middleware-endpoint-discovery
- middleware-eventstream
- middleware-expect-continue
- middleware-flexible-checksums
- middleware-host-header
- middleware-location-constraint
- middleware-logger
- middleware-recursion-detection
- middleware-sdk-api-gateway
- middleware-sdk-ec2
- middleware-sdk-glacier
- middleware-sdk-machinelearning
- middleware-sdk-rds
- middleware-sdk-route53
- middleware-sdk-s3
- src
- middleware-sdk-s3-control
- middleware-sdk-sqs
- src
- middleware-sdk-sts
- middleware-sdk-transcribe-streaming
- middleware-signing
- middleware-ssec
- middleware-token
- middleware-user-agent
- middleware-websocket
- polly-request-presigner
- rds-signer
- region-config-resolver
- s3-presigned-post
- s3-request-presigner
- sha256-tree-hash
- signature-v4-crt
- signature-v4-multi-region
- smithy-client
- token-providers
- types
- util-create-request
- util-endpoints
- util-format-url
- util-user-agent-browser
- util-user-agent-node
- xhr-http-handler
- xml-builder
- private
- aws-client-api-test
- src/client-interface-tests/client-s3/impl
- aws-client-retry-test
- aws-echo-service
- aws-middleware-test
- aws-protocoltests-ec2
- src
- aws-protocoltests-json
- src
- aws-protocoltests-json-10
- src
- aws-protocoltests-json-machinelearning
- src
- aws-protocoltests-query
- src
- aws-protocoltests-restjson
- src
- aws-protocoltests-restjson-apigateway
- src
- aws-protocoltests-restjson-glacier
- src
- aws-protocoltests-restxml
- src
- aws-protocoltests-smithy-rpcv2-cbor
- aws-restjson-server
- aws-restjson-validation-server
- aws-util-test
- weather
- weather-experimental-identity-and-auth
- src
- auth
- commands
- models
- weather-legacy-auth
- scripts/generate-clients
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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