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PR Explainer Bot

GitHub App

PR Explainer Bot

GitHub App

PR Explainer Bot

The PR Explainer Bot is a GitHub bot designed to streamline your code review process by automatically analyzing pull requests once they are created. Our bot leverages advanced language understanding and analysis to provide comprehensive explanations of the changes made in every pull request.



  • Smart Code Analysis: PR Explainer Bot scans the code changes upon pull request creation and provides insightful explanations of those changes.
  • Change Summary: Get automated summaries of code modifications with a detailed explanation of every addition, deletion, or alteration.
  • Fast Integration: Save time and improve team productivity with our bot's seamless integration into the existing GitHub workflow.


Plans and Pricing

  • Free Plan: The free plan uses GPT-3.5-turbo to analyze your pull requests, providing high-quality explanations for your changes.
  • Paid Plan (Coming Soon): The upcoming paid plan will feature GPT-4, offering even more advanced and in-depth analysis for your pull requests.

How To Install

  1. Navigate to the GitHub Marketplace and search for 'PR Explainer Bot'.
  2. Click on the bot and select 'Set up a plan'.
  3. Choose the desired plan (free or paid) and click on 'Install it'.
  4. Grant the bot permission to access your repositories.
  5. The bot will now be installed and active in your repositories.


Once the PR Explainer Bot is installed on your repository, it will automatically analyze every new pull request submitted. You will receive AI-generated explanations of the changes made once the pull request is created. No additional configuration is required.

Let PR Explainer Bot transform your code review process into an informative and efficient experience for your whole team.


PR Explainer Bot is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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