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RedHat Cloud Services frontend components - webpack config

npm version

Webpack 5

In order to use the new version of webpack and its federated medules you'll have to change your run script to use new webpack serve.

> webpack-dev-server -> webpack serve

You'll also have to update your webpack-cli dependency to >=4.2.0, this package has peerDependency on it so you should see warning in your console.

Removed features with webpack 5

The new version of webpack 5 changed polyfills and plugin configs, some packages are outdated, one example is lodash-webpack-plugin this plugin is no longer maintain anyways. You should be just fine by installing lodash directly, imports can stay the same as before import get from 'lodash/get'.


Drop-in replacement for insights-proxy. Just add useProxy: true to your configuration.

const { config: webpackConfig, plugins } = config({
  useProxy: true,


Attribute Type Description
useProxy boolean Enables webpack proxy.
proxyURL string URL to proxy Akamai environment requests to.
localChrome string Path to your local chrome build folder.
keycloakUri string Uri to inject into proxied chrome assets.
registry (({ app, server, compiler, standaloneConfig }) => void)[] Express middleware to register.
routes object An object with additional routes.
routesPath string A path to an object with additional routes.
customProxy object[] An array of custom provided proxy configurations.
env string Environment to proxy against such as stage-stable.
useCloud boolean Toggle to use old fallback to paths instead of
target string Override env and useCloud to use a custom URI.
useAgent boolean = true Enforce using the agent to proxy requests via proxyUrl.
bounceProd boolean = false Bounce all non-GET requests via server requests.


You can also easily run you application with a local build of Chrome by adding localChrome: <absolute_path_to_chrome_build_folder>.

  rootFolder: resolve(__dirname, '../'),
  debug: true,
  useFileHash: false,
  useProxy: true,
  localChrome: process.env.INSIGHTS_CHROME,

The path must end with a slash character / !!

To check what the proxy is doing with your local chrome settings you can set proxyVerbose: true.


You can change which SSO URI insights-chrome uses. Useful when proxying to ephemeral environments. This will be overriden if using standalone by standalone: { chrome: { keycloakUri } }.


You can extend express middleware before Webpack or standalone does by passing an array of callbacks. This can be useful to override specific test files independent of standalone config.

const express = require('express');

  registry: [
    // App is the express app object.
    // Server is the webpack-dev-server object with config. This will break with webpack-dev-server@v4, so tread lightly
    // Compiler is the webpack compiler object. You probably don't need it...
    // StandaloneConfig is the parsed standalone config given

    // Example: override main.yml
    ({ app, server, compiler, standaloneConfig }) => app.get('/config/main.yml', (_req, res) => res.send('heyo'))

    // Example: override entire cloudServicesConfig
    ({ app, server, compiler, standaloneConfig }) => {
      const staticConfig = express.static('pathToLocalCloudServicesConfig');
      app.use('/config', staticConfig);

Custom routes

If you want to serve files or api from different URL you can either pass routes to config or routesPath for file which exports these routes.

  rootFolder: resolve(__dirname, '../'),
  debug: true,
  useFileHash: false,
  useProxy: true,
  routes: {
      '/config/main.yml': { host: '' }
  rootFolder: resolve(__dirname, '../'),
  debug: true,
  useFileHash: false,
  useProxy: true,
  routesPath: process.env.CONFIG_PATH
// /home/khala/Documents/git/RedHatInsights/spandx.config.js
module.exports = {
  routes: {
    '/api': { host: 'PORTAL_BACKEND_MARKER' },
    '/config': { host: '' },

Custom proxy settings

You can add an array of additional custom proxy configuration..


const { config: webpackConfig, plugins } = config({
  customProxy: [
      context: ['/api'],
      target: '',
      secure: false,
      changeOrigin: true

This configuration will redirect all API requests to QA environment, so you can check CI UI with QA data.

Running multiple local (frontend) applications

With the proxy enabled it is possible to run multiple frontend applications together using one proxy and webpack dev servers for each other application via passing a LOCAL_APPS variable.

Steps to run multiple applications
  1. Choose a "main application", which will run the proxy and proxy all other applications, for example Inventory and open a terminal in it's directory
  2. Open another terminal in any other application that you want to run with the Inventory, for example Advisor and start it's webpack dev server with npm run start
  3. Ensure the dev server is started and make not of it's addresses and port it is listening to. (This example assumes it runs on port 8002) 3.1) You can repeat this process for any application you want to run the Inventory with.
  4. With this information now, in the terminal for Inventory you can start the proxy and pass applications via the LOCAL_APPS variable, like LOCAL_APPS=advisor:2002 npm run start:proxy 4.1) You can pass multiple applications as a comma separated list, like LOCAL_APPS=advisor:8002,compliance:8003 npm run start:proxy
  5. With this you should be able to see any changes in both Inventroy and Advisor via the usual


A hyphenated string in the form of (stage|prod)-stable. Used to determine the proxy target (such as or and branch to checkout of build repos. If "stage" is specific qa is used as the branch.

Use cloud

If you want to run in legacy mode pass useCloud: true in your config, this way paths which does not match your proxy config (API for instance) will be passed to (respective to your env ci|qa|stage). Without this all fallback routes will be redirected to


Override for the target env and useCloud build. Useful for cross-environment testing.


boolean = true

Enforces using the agent to proxy requests via proxyUrl. Setting this to true will enforce using agent for PROD environemnt too (use when you are using Red Hat VPN and you do not want to bounce PROD requests). STAGE is using the agent automatically and it cannot be turned off.


boolean = false

Bounce all non-GET PROD requests via server. This option removes all headers except cookie and body so Akamai won't have issues with different origins/hosts. This behavior allows to access PROD environment without using Red Hat VPN.

Running PROD proxy without VPN

Set following attributes in your dev webpack proxy:

const config = {
  env: 'prod-stable'
  useAgent: false,
  bounceProd: true

Now, you can access PROD env without being connected to Red Hat VPN.


A way to run apps from localhost offline.



Just pass true to use the 4 default services:

  • Insights-chrome cloned locally
    • Keycloak on localhost:4001 for user auth
    • Users admin/admin and user/user
  • Entitlements-config cloned locally
    • All entitlements granted
  • Landing page cloned locally
  • Cloud services config cloned locally
const { config: webpackConfig, plugins } = config({
  reposDir: 'repos', // Directory to clone repos into
  standalone: true


You can use provided services, write your own, or customize the default services.

Using provided services

Check config-utils/standalone/services to see what's supported.

const {
} = require('@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config-utilities/standalone');

const { config: webpackConfig, plugins } = config({
  standalone: {
Writing services

Services have the following schema:

    // List of assets and their names to clone
    assets: {
        // Can be a local path or git url with optional postpended branch name
        // Once cloned will be replaced with absolute path to repo
        [key]: ''
    // List of services to run with docker
    services: {
        keycloak: {
            // Passed to docker
            args: string[],
            // If other services need to wait for this one to start
            // look for this message in the logs
            startMessage: string,
            // List of services to wait for before starting.
            // Formatted like `projectName_serviceName` (i.e. rbac_redis)
            dependsOn: string[],
    // Function to modify express.js [app](
    // runs [before]( webpack-dev-server
    // Great for adding routes
    register({ app, server, compiler, config }) {},
    // Props passed onto webpackDevServer.proxy
    context: ['/auth'],
    target: 'http://localhost:4001'

In case you need access to some other config it can also be a function:

({ env, port }) => { ... }

and your services can access assets as well:

services: ({ env, port, assets }) => { ... }

For example, to serve main.yml from the prod-stable branch in Github:

const express = require('express');

  standalone: {
    servicesConfig: {
        path: '',
        register({ app, config }) {
            const staticConfig = express.static(config.servicesConfig.path);
            app.use('/config', staticConfig);
Customizing default services

The chrome, config, entitlements, and landing services are exposed for you to mutate:

const { defaultServices } = require('@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config-utilities/standalone'); = '/path/to/my/insights-chrome';
const { config: webpackConfig, plugins } = config({
  standalone: defaultServices

fec node scripts

Executable nodejs scripts available after installing RedHat Cloud Services frontend components - webpack config


Use binary in your package.json scripts section:

  "scripts": {
    "script-name": "fec <script-name> [options]"

Patch etc hosts

This is a required step for first time setup. It will allow your localhost to map to [env] This is required to run only once on your machine. Your OS may require running the script as sudo!


A script that will run webpack build and serve webpack output through http-serve server. This is not supposed to replace webpack dev server!

This script was added due to circular dependency issues when proxying remote containers to another application. A remote containers can fail to initialize, which makes local development is impossible.

Inventory example

This example will describe a scenario, when we proxy the inventory remote container (for example the inventory table), to compliance UI for local development purposes.

In inventory UI repository changes

diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index f7513bb..d8c9008 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
     "@babel/preset-env": "^7.15.6",
     "@babel/preset-react": "^7.14.5",
     "@babel/runtime": "^7.15.4",
-    "@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config": "^4.3.9",
+    "@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config": "^4.4.0",
     "@testing-library/react": "^12.1.0",
     "@wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17": "^0.6.3",
     "abortcontroller-polyfill": "^1.7.3",
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
     "prod": "NODE_ENV=production webpack serve --config config/dev.webpack.config.js",
     "server:ctr": "node src/server/generateServerKey.js",
     "start": "NODE_ENV=development webpack serve --config config/dev.webpack.config.js",
+    "start:federated": "fec static",
     "start:proxy": "PROXY=true NODE_ENV=development webpack serve --config config/dev.webpack.config.js",
     "travis:build": "NODE_ENV=production webpack --config config/prod.webpack.config.js",
     "travis:verify": "npm-run-all travis:build lint test",
diff --git a/src/components/InventoryTable/NoSystemsTable.js b/src/components/InventoryTable/NoSystemsTable.js
index 75de937..4fc60ab 100644
--- a/src/components/InventoryTable/NoSystemsTable.js
+++ b/src/components/InventoryTable/NoSystemsTable.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const NoSystemsTable = () => (
             <EmptyState variant={ EmptyStateVariant.full }>
                 <Title headingLevel="h5" size="lg">
-                    No matching systems found
+                    Local change
                     This filter criteria matches no systems. <br /> Try changing your filter settings.

Compliance frontend setup

Note: The routesPath was removed because it has higher priority than routes config. The proxy config could have also changed in ../config/spandx.config.js file.

diff --git a/config/dev.webpack.config.js b/config/dev.webpack.config.js
index 73eb14c..31f6554 100644
--- a/config/dev.webpack.config.js
+++ b/config/dev.webpack.config.js
@@ -32,10 +32,15 @@ const webpackProxy = {
     proxyVerbose: true,
     useCloud: (process.env?.USE_CLOUD === 'true'),
-    routesPath: process.env.ROUTES_PATH || resolve(__dirname, '../config/spandx.config.js'),
     routes: {
         // Additional routes to the spandx config
+        '/apps/inventory': {
+            host: "http://localhost:8003"
+        },

Run servers

# in the inventory frontend
npm run start:federated
# in compliance frontend
npm run start:proxy

include PF css modules in your bundle

From version >= 4.5.0 the common config has been setup in a way, that PF styles will no longer be included in webpack build output. This decision has been made to remove multiple versions of PF styling from the platform and performance improvement. Patternfly styles are now hoste by chrome. If for some reason(bugs) you want to include PF CSS in your bundle, please use the following config:

const config = require('@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config');

const { config: webpackConfig, plugins } = config({
  rootFolder: resolve(__dirname, '../'),
  bundlePfModules: true,